4/21/09 - Please Lord, Help Us!!!

We are sitting here thinking of the right words to say, but there are never the right words to say when your life has been turned upside down in a blink of an eye.

"I am praying, Lord, that you will speak through me and deliver this message to shine a light on others for them to show you how special Kayleigh is to all of us and how we are not ready to say goodbye."

We need your prayers right now! Something terrible is going on with Kayleigh and no doctor or specialist can lay a finger on what has caused this to happen. Our hearts are breaking right before our eyes and we are in complete shock at the moment. Please help us.

As you all know, post surgery seemed to go as expected. Normally, it gets worse before it gets any better, but Kayleigh was showing great signs of recovery. Although, after a couple days and things progressing normally, sweet Kayleigh is not waking up anymore. She is no longer on the Nitric or any pain medication. She is on very low settings beyond the expected pressure control to help her breath. Her sats are great and her heart rate/blood pressure is right where it should be. However, she is still not waking up like she should be at this point.

Her sweet tiny body lays still, with very slight (unexplainable) movements at times, while her muscles are contracted beyond any measurable understanding. The thought of some kind of neurological problem quickly raised a red flag and an EEG test was conducted only to show that a big section of Kayleigh's brain (cerebral cortex) is not working at all and may never work again. In other words, the doctors stated she has a flat reading, which is another term for being brain dead.

This is so hard to write and so hard to take in right now. The doctors plan to do more testing to see what could have caused this to happen and why she still makes unexplained movements. Was it the excess pain medication they gave her to calm her down? Was it a stroke that she encountered while fighting off the pain the other night? Was there not enough oxygen or blood flow to the brain? Did the Nitric cause this? Barbiturate poisoning can cause flat readings at time, so could that be the case? (She had some phenobarbital this morning) With all these questions running through our heads, we have no idea, but we pray we will get the answers as quick as possible.

This has all happened so sudden and we don't know what is going to happen from here or what to even do. All we can do is pray there was some error, some mistake, something was overlooked or by God's grace, her brain will miraculously start working again. We have all seen miracles happen with Kayleigh many times before and I have learned my lesson by giving up hope and not trusting that the Lord has the final decision. That is not even a question in my mind anymore.

Unfortunately and sadly, no one else is optimistic when it comes to Kayleigh's recovery from this and when the doctors comforting love turns in to the "matter of fact" attitude, we know they have once again lost hope. The doctors have been amazing through this journey and we know they will do everything in their power to help Kayleigh through this. There is no one else in this world we would trust other than them, but it just hurts sometimes to compare Kayleigh to other situations when Kayleigh has created her own case study of uniqueness.

With all the faith in the world, it still hurts to think that this journey may end so drastically and beyond understanding. Kayleigh is our precious gift from God and He has given us this sweet miracle for a reason. Whether she touches someones life to bring them closer to God or closer to their family, we may never know the true reason until we meet our creator face to face. We have to trust God for the things He does, but staying strong and patient for those answers are practically unbearable at times.

We know the doctors are not as optimistic and statistics prove that Kayleigh's chances are very slim right now, but we all know our Lord all too well and His way will be the right way. We don't know what is going to happen in the next day, week or month, but if we could ask for anything from you all, please pray your hearts out and please keep us strong with your support through these difficult times. Please pray that the Lord will fix Kayleigh's brain waves so she can continue to bless all of us with her amazing strength, love and that adorable little smile. Thank you.

"Lord Almighty, You are so amazing and your love is beyond greater than any words we could ever imagine. We are not blaming you one bit or nor are we angry at you for what is going on here because we trust in you and we love you with all of our hearts.

We beg of you not to take our little girl from us. Heal her troubled body and give her the strength to make it through this devastating circumstance so she can come home to our family who anxiously awaits with open arms.

Our faith is so strong and we know you are so powerful to do anything your will desires. If Kayleigh is ready to go to heaven to be with you, we completely understand, but then please give us the strength to live our lives without seeing her precious smile and filling our hearts with happiness every single day. Give us direction to continue to share her precious story to help so many others come to know you Lord, love each other and find hope in their own journeys. We know that we are here to prepare our lives for eternity with you, so we trust that your decision is the right decision.

We are just not ready to say "Goodbye, for now."

Please Lord, Help us!!!


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Tote, Debby, Sammy and Caleb Jimenez said...

We're so sad with you, but we continue to pray that God will work a miracle once again in sweet little Kayleigh.

Miracle Balsitis said...

I will pray right now. On my knees, I will pray. Bless you.

kristyo15 said...

Adam & Aimee,

While I don't have any words that could possibly bring you comfort with this awful news...I can definitely pray for God's grace and strength in this journey. Praying for God's healing hand for Kayleigh's precious little brain.

Praying in TX.

Kelly said...

My heart is heavy with sadness as I read this blog tonight. I just cannot believe that this is happening. Tears are rolling down my face. I will be praying that a miracle will once again shine through for your family and sweet little Kayleigh. We love you all.


Anonymous said...

Praying - Don't know what else to say

Vannoys said...

We will be praying for you.

Ali said...

Oh no! I am so sorry, starting praying right now!

Meg said...

I'm praying for you guys...

pattisgo said...

I am praying.. ILOVE U KAYLEIGH!!!!!!

Amy B said...

My heart is so broken for you as parents as I read this tonight. I know this is such a sad hard time for you and Aimee. I had written you earlier today that for some reason today I had Kayleigh on my mind and prayed for her while at my DR appt. I wonder now if this was why. I have a child who had a massive stroke at 6 months old and was not suppose to live. The odds were VERY bad. We were told he would not live thorugh the night. And yet he is still with us today. I pray with all my heart that tomorrow brings better news for your sweet baby girl. She is a angel to so many of us.
I am praying non stop.
If you need to talk about the brain issues and the testing they did for my son...email me..amyb1569@cfl.rr.com.

Anonymous said...

Praying right now.

Michelle Riggs said...

Praying always. Praying for a miracle.

Shanda said...

Oh my goodness Adam and Aimee. I am so sad to hear of what is going on with precious Kayleigh. I am praying harder than I have every prayed that her little brain will recover. I believe in miracles because I have seen so many with Kayleigh. You are right, Kayleigh is a tough little girl and has proven the doctors wrong on numerous occasions. Please give her a kiss and hug from me and know that I as well as thousands of others are praying hard for you all right now.

Kate's Mommy said...

praying, my heart is breaking, can't stop crying, I will be on my knees tonight for Kayleigh and your family. I can't imagine what you are going through; she's touched so many lives and I pray that will continue. I pray that you feel God's peace. oh my word, I am at a loss for words. All I can do is pray.

Anonymous said...

SO sorry to hear this. Praying praying praying!! Stay strong. You guys are amazing! :)

Pam said...

My heart is breaking. We are praying for you guys during this trying time.

Les said...

Oh I am just heartsick reading this. I can't believe she would go through all of this and not get a chance to wake and be with her family. I am sorry beyond words. I hope and pray they are wrong and she wakes to smile at you again soon.

amanda said...

Oh Aimee and Adam, I am in tears writing this. Kayleigh will be in my strongest of prayers tonight and the coming nights. Be strong and brave for your beautiful girl. The Lord above knows what he is doing.

DivaDesirae said...

omg how sad! we are praying for you now!!!

Heather Damron said...

I am so sorry. Please know that my husband and I are praying for little Kayleigh and your family. It breaks my heart. She's brought so much joy to our hearts hearing of her triumph over every obstacle. I pray that she will overcome this. Keep faith in the Lord. All our love and prayers, The Damron family in Huntington, WV

Infertile Myrtle said...

My heart is just broken right now. I am so sorry. I will continue to pray for Kayleigh tonight and hope that a miracle takes place. My thoughts are with you.

Darcy @ m3b said...

Praying. I am so sorry for this news.

Hang in there, Kayleigh.

From another preemie family,


Kristy said...

Freeman family- My heart is so heavy after reading this. Tears are streaming down my face. I am praying so very hard for a miracle! Kayleigh is such a source of inspiration for me! God Bless you all and God Bless sweet Kayleigh!!!

Kelli said...

Oh Lord, please touch Kayleigh's brain right now and do a miracle work in her! Show your power, Father God! Nothing is impossible for you!!!

Hugs and prayers, Adam and family.

Kelli Bosarge

Samantha Baker said...

I was asleep and awoke to your twitter update. I know that in teh middle of the night, a post titled like this could not be a good thing. I signed online and read this devastating news. I am praying and have forwarded on the link for the post to our family and church (just as I did in December) and we will all be praying very hard. The lord has tested you and your family many times over the last year and every time he has answered all our prayers for your baby. He will do what is right for this beautiful baby girl. Loving and praying for you all...
The Baker Family

(Pray until something happens)

Alexa said...

Sweet AMy and Adam & Kayleigh.. I'm loving on your beautiful family. Yes Miracles can happen... Praying for you tonight.

Mama2aMiracle said...

Oh God! Please no!! I am sitting here in tears as I pray ALOUD!

Oh Father please heal Kayleigh's sweet brain..I begg of you to please heal her!! Please allow the world to watch you work yet another miracle through this beautiful little girl. Please Father, be with her parents if your choice isn't what we all pray and hope for. But Father please..Please heal Kayleigh..I want to continue to log in to view updates From Adam and Aimee when Kayleigh eats her first bite of baby food...rides her 1st bike..reads her 1st Childrens Bible!! Father please!! In your beautiful name I pray, Amen

Aimee..Adam..Please know that I will pray tonight until my eyes can no longer stay open..and then as soon as they open I will pray again!!


Lori from TN

Anonymous said...

I am so, so sad to read this. I'll be saying extra prayers for Kayleigh and for your family. Lord, we need another miracle!

Anonymous said...

As I sit here speechless reading your words, I have faith. There's a reason Kayleigh made it this far. I can't think of words to say so I grabbed my bible, through my tears I found this:
I love the lord because he hears and answers my prayers. Because he bends down and listens, I will pray as long as I have breath. Death had its hands around my throat; the terrors of the grave overtook me. I SAW ONLY TROUBLE AND SORROW. THEN I CALLED ON THE NAME OF THE LORD:
PLEASE LORD SAVE KAYLEIGH!!! How kind and merciful, this God of ours. The LORD protects those of childlike faith; she was facing death and then he saved her. Now I can rest again, for the LORD has been so good to us. He has saved her from death, our eyes from tears, and our feet from stumbling. And so I walk in the LORDS presence as I live here on earth.

Anonymous said...

I have been following you Kaylie for months but have never commented. Kaylie has touched my life so much and you and your family has been so close to my heart. I am sending prayers up right now and will continue to do just this. Glod Bless you and your family.

robyn keller said...

I am on my knees for you. May you feel His arms around you. He is with you. He is with her.

Amanda said...

I'm so sorry to hear what has just happend and I'm getting on my knees as soon as I'm finished writing and will continue to left little Kayleigh up in prayer!!!!

Anonymous said...

Freeman family,

my heart dropped when I read the update on Facebook and even further when I read your blog post. We are in fierce prayers for sweet Kayleigh. I believe in miracles, I believe in him, I believe that Kayleigh will pull through.

we are thinking of you in Canyon Country, California.

The Bernat Family

Anonymous said...

Praying more than ever. From one preemie parent to the other

In Due Time said...

Sending many prayers for little Kayleigh.

Jaycee said...

"We have to trust God for the things He does, but staying strong and patient for those answers are practically unbearable at times."

Never use the word "but". It negates everything you thought and said. It is a form of weakness, and doubt. Trust in the Lord. Pray strong, and positive. Do not doubt. Keep your faith at all times. Even when you feel like it is all for nothing. He is never wrong in his decisions. Whether He heals her, or takes her home. Be strong, be positive, be faithful, & believe. We all love Kayleigh, and your prayer warriors have already begun. Bless you.

JeffnLillysmom said...

I will pray and pray for little Kayleigh. As I sit here in tears reading this, I hope K is not ready to go home to god. She is such a strong little girl and will hopefully pull out of this. God works his ways!!

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog for a while and never left a coment, but I want to tell you that your little girl really touched me in a way I did not expect, she opened my eyes to a lot of things, and although I never usually do this I'll be praying for her.
I cannot imagine what you must be going through and I really pray you'll get to take your little girl home and watch her grow and be the happiest person in the world.

Jen said...

I am sending up many prayers for Kayleigh & you right now. God is good & will keep you all in His hands. May you feel His comfort & love throughout all of this!

Stacy said...

Oh Adam and Aimee, my heart is breaking for you. I know that Kayleigh is a fighter. I will pray with all my might that she comes through this last obstacle in order for a miracle to occur that your baby girl will one day get to go home with you.

Clint, Brielle, Molly and Maggie said...

I have been following your blog for quite some time now. When I saw the title of this post I knew something was wrong. My heart just sank- I am so sorry for what you may be going through. We will keep you and especially sweet little Kayleigh in our prayers. She has truly touched my life and I hope the best for her. Much Love
Brielle Broadhead
St. George Utah

Cherilynn from British Columbia said...

Dear Lord,

Please keep this beautiful little girl with us. She is so precious and loved by so many people all over the globe. You have given us hope through her and have created her life to bless us all. Please God, keep her here so that her story can be so much more miraculous a tale, so that others might know how great and glorious You are and how You are the one who controls when we come home. I know that You ARE the one who controls when she comes home Lord, but please, don't take her yet!

In Jesus name I ask,


Adam & Aimee - my heart is breaking for you right now and tears are streaming down my face. Don't lose hope yet ... God is capable of all things! My prayers are with you all!

Cherilynn from British Columbia

Kimberly (Anthony's Mom) said...

Adam & Aimee,

I don't have any words that could make this situation better. All I know is when I read your post i literally felt like my air was taken away from me. I've followed your story from before Kayleigh was here on Earth. I feel like I know you guys.

I really pray this is all a big mistake. That Kayleigh is tricking us once again!

I wish I was better and putting my emotions into words right now....

Hugs to you all! I will be thinking of you guys all night and day!


onlyhuman13 said...

Praying, so much, here in Kansas. Such a horrible turn of events... Please, Lord, help sweet Kayleigh and give Adam and Aimee peace and strength right now.

God bless.

Ceece said...

Please no! I am praying so hard for you all and Kayleigh right now.

Much love and prayers your way.

Anonymous said...

Heavenly Father,
We are lifting Kayleigh up before our mighty Lord right now asking HIM for a miracle . Please Lord, touch this little one. You have brought her through other difficult circumstances in the past and I know you have your hand in what is to come. Please comfort Adam, Aimee, Allie & Brandon at this time and give them comfort and peace.
Father we leave Kayleigh in your hands and ask for a miricle once more. Please guide the doctors and nurses and give them wisdom as what to do.


Rsymphony said...

Praying for Kayleigh and you all!

All About Me said...

My heart goes out to you.I have been reading your blog forawhile and my heart is breaking for little Kayleigh. I will be praying so hard for you tonight.

... said...

Praying and fasting tonight into tomorrow in Kayleigh's name.

Beth said...

I am praying so hard for Kayleigh right now. She is a fighter and she can do it. I have posted a MAJOR prayer request on my blog so know that we are all fighting.

Jessica Furland said...

I am so sorry. I pray that she recovers. You have all fought such an inspiring and courageous fight, don't give up hope.

Anonymous said...

I've never met you guys but I feel your pain so sharply. I feel helpless because I can't hug you or be there for you but I promise you I will pray all night for sweet Kayleigh.Please Lord let Kayleigh stay with her family. Lord they want to hold her and teach her about all the wonders you put on this earth before she joins your kingdom. Please Lord hear our cries. If it is not your will then Please lord be with the whole Freeman family and give them the courage and strength to understand. Lord we ask you perform another miracle in Kayleigh and let her wake up and look at her earthly parents and let them know she will be okay. We ask of this Lord, in Jesus name.
I will pray all night.
Love you guys-Linmarie

jag said...

Joining you in prayers for your precious girl.

Stephanie said...

Adam and Aimee, I've been following your story for quite awhile now, and I have been praying for Kayleigh like crazy! I've actually started crying before because I was so happy/scared/excited for her! My boyfriend and I are both praying for Kayleigh and your family!

We love you guys!
Stephanie and Luke

bri said...

How devastated I am to read these words. I am so sorry that you are having to face this confusion and/or uncertainty.

If there is anything at all that you have learned it is indeed that God is a God of healing and MIRACLES! I am believing with you as you are on this journey!

We may never understand what we go through obstacles for but we do know WHO walked beside us the WHOLE time!

God BLESS you all! Love and prayers surround you!

Kira said...

Yes her chances are slim now - but her chances were slim when she was born at 13oz! Don't let your hope flicker even for a second, Kayleigh is too beautiful a soul for it to all end this way. We'll be praying that this precious baby girl is just taking a well-deserved rest from all the amazing, incredible, record-breaking progress she is making. We're sending many calm and peaceful thoughts your way. Take a break Kayleigh, but come back!

Kerrie said...

I was so not expecting to read this tonight!! My thoughts and prayers are with Kayleigh and the entire Freeman family tonight.

Anonymous said...

I am praying right now with tears in my heart. I have been following Kayleigh story from Babycenter from the start. I feel like I know her and your family ,even though we have never met. I will pray all night long.
God Bless little Kayleigh.
Julie in Florida

Julie said...

Oh Dear God, help Kayleigh get through this fight. Just one more time please help her, help them get through this. How much more can they take? Help her get through this.
Kayleigh fight!

Brandi said...

Praying for you right now. Jesus, hold them

Valeri Knight said...

praying for you. spreading the word, requesting prayers, and hoping for the very best God has.

Anonymous said...

Praying and Praying some more.

Melissa said...

I am praying in Hoover, Alabama, right NOW!

Margaret Chaidez said...

your family is in my thoughts and prayers. As a mother of a special needs child, we were told our chlid would never survive. Believe in your daughter, her strength and how strong your family is to help her get better. No matter what the doctors tell you, always believe that your daughter is stronger.

Helen Reynolds said...

Dear Lord, Please heal this wonderful little girl.Lord so many people have followed this child through all her ups and downs and we have all come to love her as if she were our own. We are not ready to say good-bye to this child who has fought to live with every thing her little body has. Please Lord,You have broght her this far please don't take her now. I know that Your plan for her may not be on this earth but Lord this child is so loved and so needed that I'm asking You to PLEASE heal her little brain and let her stay with us. In You Son's name I pray. Amen!!! My prayers are with you. You and Kayleigh are so loved and we will pray with all our hearts to save her. God Bless, Helen

Kristine said...

I'm so, so sorry that you are going through this. I'm praying for Kayleigh. She's precious.

Robin said...

I have no words. Please know that you are loved my many! Your sweet daughter is prayed for EVERYDAY!
I hope that you can feel His arms around you all.

Rebekah said...

I cant believe this. I thought everything was going so well. You can be assured that someone is Colorado is praying for your sweet Kayleigh. I pray that he activates her brain and she is able to wake up. Keep us updated. I will check in often.

Anonymous said...

God is our Refuge and Strength, a very present Help in troube.
Therefore we will not fear, thought the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;...
Psalms 46:1-3

Hast though not known, hast though not heard that the everlasting God-the Lord- the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not..-Isiah 40:28

I just felt led to let you know that the God we serve is the creator of the universe, yet He cares enough to know who we are and what we need. He is going to take care of y'all- no matter what the outcome to this plan that He has had in motion since the beginning of time.

I believe that everything that is allowed to happen, happens to glorify Him.

I'm reminded of Job- where the devil had to ask for permission before he could tempt God's people. And God said have you considered My servant Job? (I'm paraphrasing, of course) But it has always marveled me as to why would God suggest one of His own to be tempted. He already knew (I believe anyway) how Job would react to such trials and temptation. So, I wonder was it that the end result was so great and He knew that only by Job going through His complete plan that he would be able to experience such greatness? Honestly, I still don't know. (And I am not completely sure why I shared that with you) but I do know that God see's the end from the beginning- where as we see only what is in front of us now. But He is faithful.

He never promised that the cross would not get heavy (for we are crusified with Christ) but He did promise that help WOULD ALWAYS COME in time! For He will go with you- even til the end.

Tonight you have my prayers and my hope, my faith, and my compassion. And most importantly you have God's grace, peace, presence, shelter, comfort, and love.

Trust in Him- not in what things seem to be. He loves you and knows what is best for everyone.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Aimee,
My heart is just breaking at this sudden change in events for Kayleigh. I will be praying non stop for her and you and the family. We have to trust that she is in Gods hands and he will do what is meant to be. Little Kayleigh has proven everyone wrong time and time again....lets not think this time will be any different. Please stay strong for each other and for your other kids at home. You all need each other now more than ever.
Know that you have more prayer warriors then ever out here and you are not "standing" alone.

God bless you all and may you find some peace tonight and better news in the morning.

All our love and prayers,
Jennifer Fleming and family
San Dimas, California

Anonymous said...

Praying for another MIRACLE.

Anonymous said...

I really don't know what to say, this is the last thing I expected to read tonight. I am heartbroken for you family. I have not given up hope either. I have been praying for Kayleigh since first finding your blog last August and have seen the power of the Lord heal her many times. I will continute to pray -harder than ever this time. I will pray for you and Amy too. God bless you all.

Ashley in Phoenix

Booksh Bunch said...

Clicked on your blog by being a blog surfer! Lord, touch this baby girl from the top of her head to the soles of her feet. Heal her. Let your will be done in her life! Amen!

onemorebaby said...


JoEll said...

i am praying for her and for you guys in washington

Carol said...

Praying for you and your sweet, little daughter...

harmonysong said...


Lord Jesus, please grant Your favor.

Grace said...

Praying for Hope.

A Quiver Full said...

We can't even begin to imagine what yall are going through.Oh Lord we beg of You to heal this precious baby girl. Praying on the coast of SC....

Lacy said...

I feel heartbroken for you. I will be praying with all my might for precious Kayleigh. Many people have been touched by her story and will feel a great loss without her in this world. I am so sorry, words cannot express my sorrow for you and your family.

Please Lord, let your precious daughter have a life outside of this hospital!

Lisa said...

I have been following your story for a while now and have never commented. I want you to know that I have been praying for Kayleigh and am now praying harder than ever. My thoughts are with you all. God bless,

Anonymous said...

Words cannot express what we are feeling hearing this news. All I can say is we are saying extra prayers for Kayleigh tonight. My heart is breaking for you, but I remain hopeful and prayerful that God will grant another miracle. God bless and lots of love and prayers.
---The Thomas Family, Madison, WI

Anonymous said...

I have followed your story for at least 7 months now and have never commented... I have found the lord in part through your beautiful Kayleigh's journey. Your strength as a family has touched my heart through each bump in the road. I will be on my knees tonight praying for your sweet baby girl.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you all!


Gracious Lord, please be with this family right now. Give them strength,courage, and pour your blessings upon them Lord. We know God you are capable of all things & we know only you the great physcian can heal Kayleigh. We ask God for your mercy!


In my prayers. sending you prayers & though

Jess said...

I am so sorry! My family will be praying hard for your precious baby girl and your family. Lord please help this sweet family, Please.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you

Kristi said...

Praying for you!

Lisa said...

I am praying for you. Stay strong in the Lord, as good as doctors are, sometimes they don't know exactly how wonderful our Lord can be. Those movement are good news, so is the fact that her swelling and blood pressure have gone down. I know most doctors mean well, but trust more in what the Lord is saying to you than what the doctors do. I'm praying for you and your sweet little girl

Anonymous said...

Praying for Kayleigh from BC, Canada

Anonymous said...

I am in tears as I am writing this....I am so sorry that little Kayleigh has come to a major bump in the road.....Hopefully it is just a bump and she will recover soon.....Oh I am so sorry and I am literally speechless....

My prayers are with Kayleigh and of couse you guys as well.....

Please God surround Kayleigh with your loving arms and give her the strength to overcome this obstacle!!

Love and Blessings



Stacie said...

Praying for your family, and most especially Kayleigh.

Crunchy Mama said...

I am so, so sorry this is happening. You are all in my thoughts, many times over. - From another Kayleigh Anne

Rhiann said...

Praying for and lifring sweet Kayleigh up in prayer.

C.O.L.E. Prayer Team

Anonymous said...

I don't know what else to say besides I will be praying so hard for little kayleigh and your whole family. Big hugs for everyone!
The Hart family

Anonymous said...

I am praying for little Kayleigh and hope that god brings her around. I have been following your blog but have never responded. Your story along with by 6 month old son and husbands combined baptism have brought be closer to God than I have been in a long time. I pray for you....
The Wing Family

Anonymous said...

Praying so hard for Kayleigh and your family right now.

Robin said...

I am so sorry for this news!! You are in my constant thoughts and prayers!

Yocumotion said...

We are praying, praying, praying

Unknown said...

I'm speechless right now. Thoughts and prayers are continuously with you.

Pennie said...

As I was reading your post, I recalled the story of Abraham and his son Isaac, when God told Abraham to offer Isaac as a sacrifice. Abraham took Isaac up the mountain, and as he raised his hand to sacrifice his precious child, God sent a lamb to be sacrificed instead. I remember hearing my minister say many years ago, and it always stuck with me, maybe just for the reason of sharing with you, that God didn't want Isaac to be the sacrifice. He only wanted to know that Abraham's heart was in the place of being willing to give his son to God if that's what God requested. When God saw Abraham's heart, and that he would have offered his child to Him, God then sent a way out for Isaac. God wants nothing or no one to stand between us and Him, and He sometimes sends us tests and trials to see where we stand, and where He stands with us.

I pray ever so hard that God will bring perfect healing to this precious baby, and restore your faith in a way that you will sing His praises forever. I pray that God will put His arms around you and Aimee so strongly that you will feel Him literally calming you and bringing you peace.

Dear God, please destroy all fear and doubt that satan and his demons have caused this family. Please surround Kayleigh and her parents with your angels, and heal her little body in the way you see fit. Give her parents, and all of us who love them, the understanding to accept your promises and your will for their lives. We love you Lord and we trust your perfect plan for this family as they seek You in all they do. Lead them Father and comfort them with Your peace and love. In Your precious, holy Name, Jesus. Amen.

Love and many prayers for all of you!


Rhonda said...

Praying for your sweet baby....

Jasmine said...

Adam and Aimee... I am so sad this has happened, I love you all and I am praying very hard that Kayleigh comes out of this. She is such an amazing little girl.

Stacey said...

My heart is aching! There is probably nothing I could say to bring comfort to your broken hearts right now. But I do want you bring you comfort by telling you that I am praying like crazy! And do remember that God's plan is the right plan. God is going to heal your sweet Kayleigh, either here on earth or in Heaven where she can dance with Jesus!!

Shari said...

The tears are flowing and my heart is aching for you sweet Freemans. Oh, Dear Jesus, we know you are the Great Physician, please give the strength, and comfort and grace the Freemans need right now in this hour of great need. Please work in little Kayleigh's body. Oh please Lord, help them now. In Jesus's name, amen! I love you folks! I will be on my knees!

btccm said...

With a broken heart I am kneeling before our Lord begging for life for sweet Kayleigh. I am full of faith that He will do exactly the
right thing at exactly the right time. You are being lifted up for strength, wisdom, and peace.

I took my troubles to the Lord;
I cried out to him, and he answered my prayer. Psalm 120:1

btccm said...

With a broken heart I am kneeling before our Lord begging for life for sweet Kayleigh. I am full of faith that He will do exactly the
right thing at exactly the right time. You are being lifted up for strength, wisdom, and peace.

I took my troubles to the Lord;
I cried out to him, and he answered my prayer. Psalm 120:1

Katrina said...

Praying for you Kayleigh. I haven't stopped crying in over a hour. Please lord we need a miracle here. You are so kind and loving.

Samantha said...

I am so sorry you are going through this. Sweet Kaleigh is in my prayers, along with your family.

Paula Lahar (NPCN) said...

Oh Aimee and Adam, I don't know what to say except I am praying for Kayleigh so very hard.That sweet little girl is so special, she has so many prayers going up for her. Hang in there, we are here for you guys.

~Chel~ said...

Wow...I was not expecting to read this tonight! I'm so sorry that things have turned around...I'm hearbroken for your family and will continue to pray for strong little Kayleigh...

Joanne said...

I am praying for healing for your wee girlie...I am now crying out to our big God that He would hold your wee family in the palm of His mighty hand and that His Holy Spirit would surround you with a peace that passes all understanding.
With love in Christ from a Grammie in Vancouver, Canada

Unknown said...

I am so sorry to hear about you little girl.
My heart is breaking for you and I wish I could just reach out and hug you and make it all better.

I will pray for her and ask the Lord to keep her safe.

Cuddles for Kayleigh

Robyn said...

I'm so sad to read this update, but I am hoping and praying that she, once again, shows everyone what the word miracle means.

Thinking of you, Sweet Kayleigh, be strong little one!

Karen said...

Praying my heart out in Long Island NY - Strength for you and Aimee and for God's will for Kayleigh!! I have no other words for you - only pray that you will feel the prayers from all those who read your blog and hope that you are comforted in your pain right now! Heartfelt prayers

Ronda said...

I will pray for sweet Kayleigh. She's a strong little girl ...keep faith...

Anonymous said...

I am praying for your sweet baby girl and your family. I work in a NICU in TX and can testify that the Lord is truly present and He LOVES His babies. The inspiration of your journey and how you have embraced the miracles along this road is incredible, the Lord is glorified and honored.

God in His perfect love always wills what is best for us, through His infinite wisdom He always knows what is best for us and in His sovereignty He has the power to bring it about.

3Tinlids said...

Again she is in our thoughts

Jess said...

God could not let this little sweet angel go through all of this only to have it all end now. For a baby who was not supposed to make it through the pregnancy it can not end like this! She is supposed to live a long healthy life! God would not do this and I am praying right now that there is some other reason these tests came back the way that they did. My heart is breaking and I can not stop crying thinking about this poor sweet angel. Kayleigh has over come many situations when no one thought there was hope and she will pull through this!! Praying praying praying for you all!
Dear Lord,
Please lay your hand on this beautiful baby girl once again and heal her to be allowed to be with her family for once and all. Lord I pray that Kayleigh get to experience all that life has to offer. We pray that if you do decide to bring this sweet angel home that you give peace and comfort to her family and all those who have followed her story and those whos lives she has touched.

The Red One said...

always praying. she is strong. he has done it before...
i have no doubt...only faith.
if only i were as strong as her...
lil K...the MOrgan family is praying!

Chris Greene said...

I started reading and now I can't stop crying. I'm praying with all that I have for another miracle. And I'll be praying for you, Adam and Aimee, for strength if God chooses to take her home, or rejoicing with you if God supplies the miracle we're all hoping and praying for.


wicker0407 said...

I will get on my knees and pray for this precious baby God please work your miracle for this sweet little girl. Have faith and never give up!


Amber said...

I am so sorry, of course I have'nt the words.
No matter what happens I want to let you know that Kayleigh has been such a blessing in my life.
I would never be able to thank you enough for sharing her with me.
Many Hugs,
Amber (Las Vegas)

Janae' said...

I will pray for peace for you and Kayleigh. Whatever the outcome. I pray for peace in yours and Kayleigh soul.

Hang in there.


JessicaNICU RN said...

I am a NICU RN, and I can only say that we usually do not place a small preemie like Kayleigh through so many different procedures in one day,as it is very traumatic to their system/body. Perhaps there is a lot of swelling that is placing pressure on her brain right now. Have they used any meds to try to reduce her swelling? Please please INSIST on a second opinion!!!!!!! I beg of you not to just go by what these docs are saying. Do not give up on Kayleigh! We will keep praying for her healing. xoxo..Hang in there Freemans. We lift you up in prayer.

Brittany said...

Praying for Kayleigh and your family. I am praying for a miracle. Through Christ all things are possible! May God hold you and your family in the palm of his hand. God bless!

Prisiclla Barnes said...

Could she have suffered a seizure?

Anonymous said...

I agree with the other commenter!


e.h. said...

Praying for Kayleigh. Your story has affected me in a way I never expected and definitely brought me closer to God. No matter what the outcome here, your daughter has been a force for so much good in the world. I pray for her healing!!!

The Hands said...

I have been to your site before and have been amazed at Kayleigh's story. I haven't been in awhile and thought I'd check in tonight to see the latest progress. I didn't expect this. Please know that you have someone praying for your family in Alaska. Your story of strength and love only comes from God the Creator, that is plain to see. I will be praying for complete peace amidst the tears in whatever lies ahead. "Some of the Lord's greatest blessings come in some of the most painful packages, but blessings they are." (A quote I received from a friend while I was agonizing in the hospital with my daughter.)
God bless you,

SarahinNZ said...

Praying harder than i ever prayed before. thats all i can say right now. i have no words....

lotsakids said...

I'm praying for you in South Korea. Words can't express...

Tara said...

I am praying for you as a family and for Kayleigh. This is sad news, but miracles DO happen and I pray that God helps heal Kayleigh's brain and helps you and Aimee through this journey. Praying for you in Germany.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear of this latest heartwrenching news. I will be praying for Kayleigh.

The Carney's said...

I'm praying for sweet little Kayleigh. This is not happening...this can't be happening. Be strong little girl.

Kerren said...

My heart is breaking...but we will continue to pray for a miracle.. we have seen her through bad times before...

Let the sun break through the clouds one more time!

South Africa

Melody said...

I am just in shock right now! But I am praying with every ounce of faith in me that your little girl will be healed and that she will wake up and shock those doctors!!

(((hugs))) Praying for you all constantly!

Anonymous said...

Praying our hardest ever!!! Kenna and rebeccajo19

Carolyn said...

I want you to know that I have been following your blog and praying for Kayleigh for some time now. I was so hearbroken and shocked to read your update tonight. I got on my knees and prayed for Kayleigh. I also sent a prayer request through my account at Cafemom. I am praying God will heal her.

alexandrea said...

my heart aches for you and your family. I am at a loss for words. I will say a prayer for you all.


TheThingsIdTellYou said...

I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am. I've been a lurker on your blog (am in Australia) and am just heartbroken at this latest turn of events.

You're in my thoughts, my prayers and my heart.

Anonymous said...

Oh l am beyond words. I will continue praying that sweet Kayleigh will get through all this.

Xazmin said...

My heart and prayers are with you. I ache for you.

Kathy said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers. I have been following Kayleigh's progress for a long time. I have prayed for her often. Lord, Please allow Kayleigh to live, In Jesus name I pray.

Penny said...

I just happened on tonight late and wanted to make a check to see how Kayleigh was doing. Shock doesn't even start to explain it.... May you feel God's peace and loving arms around you. May he bless all of us again with the miracle of her sweet smile. She has so much to do in her little life. Please help her to once again be a miracle in progress....

hugs to you all........ praying in Ohio I will post a shot of the family to you soon.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Aimee

Words can't begin to discribe how you must be feeling right now. Kayleigh has overcome so many things in her short life. Her strength is an inspiration to all who are facing adversity. I pray each day for your family and know what ever the outcome God will be there to guide you and support you through this journey.

Lia in Canberra Australia

Kerley's Kreations said...

Adam and Aimee,

I can't express how sad I was to read this and will pray tonight til I sleep but for some reason God is not letting me sleep so I will pray til the dawn for the right answers to come and God's will to be done. But I pray that God Spares Kayleigh and allows her to come home with you. Praying for her health

Michelle said...

God WILL answer the prayers for healing going up on Kayleigh's behalf... He promises to answer all our prayers.

i'm praying that the answer will be the one we want.

people often confuse getting a "yes" answer with the prayers being answered at all - but this isn't the case. one way or another, God WILL heal Kayleigh... but He doesn't promise us it'll be the way we want Him to.

i'm choosing to pray that God will heal Kayleigh in the way we all so desperately want Him to, that He will work yet another miracle and let all these people be witness to it. i'm also praying for peace for your family & wisdom for the doctors and decisions everyone will be making about Kayleigh's care.

praying in His power,

Christy said...

So sorry to hear all of this.
Thinking and praying for you. My heart goes out to you and all that you and your precious little girl has been through.

Anonymous said...

I am praying for you Kayleigh. As I sit here and cry I will not give up hope and I will pray.

Crysgoss said...

Kayleigh has touched my heart in so many ways and I know she has and will continue to do so in others. I couldn't help but cry as I heard the news. I will be praying every chance I get. Love you Kayleigh!

Beth said...

Please keep praying! Please keep the faith!! Please don't give up hope!! Barbituates can sometimes give flatline readings on EEG's!!! I'm praying hard for Kayleigh and her family!!!

Anonymous said...

ADAM & AIMEE,I m praying so hard for lil baby KAYLEIGH right now. I am so saddened by the news tonight but please listen to the other comment reguarding a second opinion. Jesus please take ur hand and heal lil Kayliegh Anne's brain let this be just another bump in the road asfore she has come so far GOD BLESS HER LIL HEART. Jesus please put your loving arms around the Freeman family at this time and hold them close. Please let those tests be wrong and bring her sweet smiles back to her loving mommy and daddy. Please guide the doctors in the right direction as to know what is the problen and help them fix it so she can come home with her family soon.JESUS NAME I PRAY AMEN . Kylie's Mommy Mickey she was born on the same day as sweet lil baby Kayleigh. May God Bless Ya'll. Praying from Dewey Arizona.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Freemans -
You are in my thoughts and prayers, My daughter was born early and I too have experienced the roller coaster you have been on for sometime now. During her 4 months in the NICU, I discovered your story and it brought such comfort, strength and inspiration in the darkest of times. I am so sorry for this recent turn of events, but will pray for your little angel and for your family. God bless you.

Lisa said...

I am completely speechless. I was just showing my dad pictures of sweet Kayleigh along with pictures of Stellan today, and we were talking about how amazing God is using these babies for His glory. I just cannot believe her story is over. I am praying this is some terrible "glitch" and all will be well soon. If it is not, I will pray for a peace like no understanding for you, as I can imagine you need it. We all need it, whether we admit it or not. Let me take back what I said just a few sentences ago, "I cannot believe her story is over." No matter WHAT happens, Kayleigh's story will NEVER be over, it will just be told differently than we thought. I cannot imagine how you feel. I honestly thought she was VERY QUICKLY on her way to a perfect mend. I still will pray for that, and for guidance and peace for all involved.

Sara Joy said...

I will never stop praying for your little Angel! Please know that everyones heart is aching for all of you right now and we are all crying with you. I am going to ask eveyone I know to continue to pray for your beautiful little girl!!! *Big hugs* and I pray Angels surround you during this terrible time.

Helen said...

O...this was not what i was expecting to read when i logged on today to check on little kayleigh..I have been crying every since...My family and i will be praying for Kayleigh and your wonderful family at this hard time..Praying hoping she pulls through this..

Helen from
Moore Park Beach
Queensland Australia

BETH said...

Dear Aimee and Adam,

I am sooooooo sorry to hear this. I am heartbroken. I really don't know what to say except that along with thousands of people, I will be praying HARD for sweet kayleigh and for a miracle and also pray that God give you strength through this difficult time.

Skye said...

I am beyond heartbroken for you guys, I will be praying for you tonight. Gosh I am so sorry this is happening right now. So sorry.

Sarah Suzy said...

Praying with you and for you. We love you Kayleigh Anne!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you all.

Mrs Redboots (Annabel Smyth) said...

I am so, so sorry to read this news. If the worst has happened you will be devastated - but not, I think, destroyed.

Know that your heavenly Father is with you, and His heart is breaking, too, even as He prepares to gather Kayleigh into the everlasting arms.

michelle77 said...

Please god no!!!!! This can't be happening. My heart is breaking for little Kayleigh and your family. I pray that god continues this miracle. No words can express the sadness I feel today. Dear Lord, our saviour please wrap this wonderful family and their sweet baby in your loving embrace and keep them save. I pray that it is your will to heal this tiny miracle that you have so graciously shared with everyone especially her loving family. In gods name I pray Amen!!!! Love Michelle and Baby Brayden

Samantha Franklin said...

Ezekial 16:6 ~ "When I passed by you and saw you wallowing in your blood, I said to you: "Live in spite of your blood." Yea, I said to you: "Live in spite of your blood."

Faith is being sure of what we hope for, and it is the substance of what we can't yet see. Lord, we know that your Word says in Proverbs, "It is life and health to ALL our flesh", so we speak your Word of Life over Kayleigh's brain right now, and say "LIVE, in Jesus Name." We curse the spirit of death and receive the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus. Jesus bore the stripes and the crown of thorns to bring healing to Kayleigh's body, in Jesus Name. The death angel had to passover the children of God because the Blood was applied over their doorposts and their children. We, in faith, apply the Blood of Jesus over Kayleigh's life and command all destruction to pass over her now. Father, thank you for sending your Word and healing Kayleigh and delivering her from all destruction. Thank you that your mercies are new every morning. Thank you for your faithfulness and your comfort. Deliver her from all distress and give her peace, in Jesus Name.

MamaLacey said...

I'm so very shocked to be hearing this news. I'm at a loss for words. I'll be praying for Kayleigh & hope this isn't the end of her journey on earth.


Valerie said...

Oh no, this is not what I thought I'd see for an update this morning. I'm praying guys, please God, don't take this baby from us, we all love her so much.

Anonymous said...

Please know that we are praying for Kayleigh and your family. We has become part of our world and made us appericate again all the little things. I pray God leaves takes her in his hands and heals her. She has much good to do in life.

The Moline-Freeman family said...

Love and hugs to all of you. We will keep Kayleigh and you in our prayers, today and always.

wvamom said...

I am so sorry you are going through this. Praying for comfort and peace for you and for healing for Kayleigh.

wvamom said...

I am so sorry you are going through this. Praying for comfort and peace for you and for healing for Kayleigh.

Anonymous said...

Praying the Sun Stand Still Prayer:

"We confess our dreams are way too small
God for who You are
You're beyond expectations
We're crying out for restoration here
You are the God who saves
You're beyond limitations

Sun stand still
Oceans part
Nothing is too hard
Nothing is too hard
Refuge for the weak
Strong and mighty
Nothing is too hard
Nothing is too hard

Within us, the spirit who raised Christ
Victor over death
You're the God of resurrection
More than we could ask or imagine
This promise is ours
The hope of our salvation

Sun stand still
Oceans part
Nothing is too hard
Nothing is too hard
Refuge for the weak
Strong and mighty
Nothing is too hard
Nothing is too hard

We believe, we believe that You are God
Nothing is too hard."

Ang said...

we are praying on our knees right now for your sweet baby girl

Yah Yah said...

Your sweet family is in my prayers this morning. I pray that the reason for this problem will be discovered soon and that Kaleigh will recover. We know that God is the Great Physician, and that He is in control.

Praying for you.....

The Pirsein Family said...

I am deeply saddened to read this post this morning. She was doing pretty good with recovery and now something unexpected has happened. I will continue to pray for you sweet, sweet baby girl. I cannot imagine what you as a family are going through right now. Stay strong.

Anonymous said...

I was sadden to hear about that this morning when I checked for her update. I will continue to pray for her and you guys. She was doing so well and for this to have happened...Stay strong. You have lots of prayers coming your way. God Bless you

Anonymous said...

Praying for Kayleigh, her Mommy, Daddy, brother and sister.

Matthews, NC

The Blogger said...

Please know that me and my family are praying for Kayleigh. You and your little girl have the strength of people from all over the world praying for you.

Jessica said...

Aimee and Adam,
I'm sitting here at work (at 4am) and decided to check up on Miss Kayleigh. I saw the title of the post, and figured that she had another bad PPHN spell - something like that.

Never in a million years did I expect to read what I did.

As soon as I started into your post, the NICU nurse in me knew exactly where you were going. My heart sank, the color drained from my face, and the tears started. My roommate at work asked if I was alright - that's how much shock I was in. I even closed out the window of the post and re-opened it, because I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

I see miracles in the NICU every day. Miss Kayleigh is most definitely one of them. Don't give up. Make sure you get every test imaginable done - twice. Talk with every doctor, from every available hospital.

When the Mom of my primary baby here in the NICU called this morning - she was in tears. She has also been following Kayleigh's journey. She wanted to let you know that you are all in her (as well as my) thoughts and prayers right now.

With love from Chicago,
Jessica B

Jessica Gautreau said...

praying hard

The Foster Home said...

praying right now!!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope that the tests are wrong and that she will start waking up. Take care.

Cindy W. said...

I'll be praying throughout my day today! Keep trusting in our Father. He is the Creator of Miracles!

Michelle said...

My son too had a stroke at 8 months. THe doctors told us he wouldn't live. After surgery we were told if he lived he would never get out of bed. I now have a 15 year old special olympic athlete. He plays soccer, basketball, and rides horses. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. Don't lose hope. You have so much support and we all love Kayleigh very much.
Michelle from HEbron KY

Susan said...

You are in our prayers. I'm so sorry for the heartache so far. We pray that it will be as you hope.
Susan Brownfield & Curtis Nordstrom

Anonymous said...

I don't know what to say but I just wanted to post to let you know that your family is in my prayers. I was shocked to read your post this morning.

Anonymous said...

My heart is breaking for you and sweek Kayleigh. Prayers have been sent for each of you.

Anonymous said...

A family in Iowa is praying for your sweet angel, I will even ask the people at church to pray for you, God Bless your family and God give you peace and comfort.

InDeeds said...

My heart hurts for you guys.....sooo many prayers headed your way!

Anonymous said...

Fight sweet princess. you are a tough cookie you can do it. Take a piece of our strength.

Anonymous said...

Praying. Sending hugs and love to everyone.

Carol H.
Irmo, SC

Anonymous said...

I am still praying....

With love from Southern NH

Unknown said...

You and your family are in my prayers. May you find peace with whatever His plan is. God bless you both for being the WONDERFUL parents you are.

Ms. Sarah said...

many prayers to your family.

Mandi said...

I am so sorry to hear all of this. I know all the sorry's in the world do not make it better for you two, however, know that you have hundreds of people praying for you and little Kayleigh...including me. Stay strong for her!

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe what I have just read. I am so sorry that this is happening and wish there is something, someone could say or do to help you in this terrible time. kayleigh has become part of my family as well as your two and I pray for just one more miracle at this point.
Prayers from south Texas

hjg said...

My heart just aches for you all now...no words can describe the shock you both must feel, myself included as I sit here reading this. I will be praying like I do daily...this one a little harder...know that you ALL are in my thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you!
The Edwards

Anonymous said...

My heart is breaking and our prayers are with you. God Bless. All our love.

Gone said...

Our hearts are breaking for you!! We will continue praying - and I've updated our Prayer List on our Blog...and just posted for urgent prayer for all of you!

~Blessings and Hugs,
Jan & Tom

Unknown said...

Adam and Aimee,

My heart broke as I read your update!

I will be praying over Kayleigh all day today! I will ask all of our children to pray for her too!

Praying for strength for the both of you! Praying for peace as you wait on the Lord to act.

Praying for comfort as the world speaks its truths to you.

Praying for wisdom and discernment as you make decisions today!

Blessings and much love and hugs!

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