5/11/09 - Goodbye Sweetheart...for now.

Time is going so slow as if people are flying by us, but our world is standing still. The pain in our hearts burn and the tears flow freely like a never ending waterfall. Our eyes try to close as our bodies are fatigued, but our minds are racing with the thoughts of the memories we shared with Kayleigh through these past 11 months. Our souls are screaming with pain as this story was supposed to have a different, dream come true ending. We hold each other close, squeezing tightly, praying this sense of emptiness will fade away.

We never thought we'd finally leave the hospital one last time with an empty car seat and an empty crib to bring our precious daughter home in. The house is cold, it is dark and it is lonely. Our arms that once held this precious miracle will never hold her again anytime soon. We will lay our heads to rest tonight, we will soon wake, but we won't be returning to the hospital. We said our last goodbye only to say hello again one day in the distant future.

Kayleigh rests peacefully, in no more discomfort, and in no more pain. She looked so beautiful tonight as she took her last and final breath, and her beating heart took one last and final beat. Her sparkling brown eyes are now closed and her body now remains still. She is now in the presence of our Lord, her broken body made new, surrounded in the comforting arms of those we've loved who greeted her in the glorious Heaven we know.

Time now stands still for all of us who will miss her dearly, who have been touched by her miraculous journey, and who will never forget her soft sweet smell. Kayleigh will forever be our one pound miracle from God and we certainly will all look forward to seeing her again, holding her in our arms and dancing in circles until we can't dance anymore. No words can describe how amazing and beautiful Kayleigh is, but we all know too well that this is only goodbye, for now.

May this day be remembered for the rest of our lives. May Kayleigh's story continue to teach us about faith and the miracles our Lord can create when we all pray together as a whole. May Kayleigh's story continue to give us hope in our own personal journeys and give us the strength to never give up the fight. May Kayleigh's story continue to fill our hearts with love so that we may hold each other tight and support those in need.

When you tuck your children in bed or kiss your loved one goodnight, please say a prayer for our family. Please pray that we will have strength to get through this difficult time and we will grow in our faith so much more for having experienced the work of God through Kayleigh. Pray we will be there for each other and hold one another tight, as Kayleigh was and will forever hold a special place in our hearts.

We plan to have a memorial next weekend (most likely Sunday) for our sweet Kayleigh and EVERYONE who can come, is invited. We will be posting further details shortly so everyone has time to prepare. We will cry together, laugh together and remember what a precious blessing God has given us all through Kayleigh. May we come together and praise God for the love he has bestowed in all of us.

"Kayleigh, we know our life on earth is just a spec of time compared to the life we have in eternity with you and our Lord. We look forward to the day that we can pick you up and swing you around, dancing, singing and worshipping together. I am sure that your journey to Heaven was greeted with many open arms.

We are so very proud of you for everything you have done in such a short period of time. You've showed us what strength truly is, what determination truly is and what love truly is. There will not be a day that passes that we won't look at your photos and remember how awesome you felt in our arms. Your soft skin that brushes our lips and your tiny little hands that grip our fingers for comfort will always be missed.

We will never get to tuck you in your own bed at night and we will never get to pick you up when you fall. We will never get to hold your hand while you cross the street and I will never get to walk you down the aisle, but please know that your Mommy and I are so blessed that God gifted us with your love, even if it was only for a very short period of time. You will always be in our hearts and we can't wait until we meet again. We love you endlessly and we already miss you so very much! Goodbye Sweetheart...for now."


Mommy and Daddy

Our wishes were granted and Kayleigh finally felt the cool breeze on her face.

And we finally got to hold our precious miracle without anything attached.

Rest in peace our sweet Angel!

We love you so very much!

Kayleigh Anne Freeman (June 23, 2008 - May 11, 2009 @ 9:44PM)


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Nonnie said...

Bless you all as you deal with the loss of precious Kayleigh Anne. Her story was an amazing one. Your faith was steadfast in the Lord, and a testament to thousands of others. Through her sacrifice, imagine the lost ones who found Christ through your eveident love and acceptance of his will for her life.
I will continue to pray for your entire family. At least you know she will be waiting for you someday complete and whole.

Nonnie in Roscoe, IL

Liz Walsh said...

Freeman Family,

My heart is aching for you. Kayleigh was truly a blessing to so many people around the world. Thank you so much for sharing her beautiful life with all of us.

I will continue to pray for your family during this incredibly difficult time. May God give you continued strength. Kayleigh and your family will always hold a special place in my heart. I will never forget your sweet, precious, angel.

God Bless you.

With love,

Liz Walsh
Rochester Hills, MI

Gian ;) said...

following Kayleigh's story showed me what determination really mean and how she fought for her life. She is very strong willed. Love to your family and God bless.

Green said...

May God bless you both as he has taken your sweet Kayleigh to be with him above.

elteescat said...

She's my baby girl, too and I will always love her! My Bethany actually said Kayleigh's name the other day so that makes them sisters now. Goodbye, Seet Kayleigh! I love you very much!!!

~Sheena~ said...

My heart is just so broken right now. The tears just continue to flow. I am so sorry for your loss. She truly was an amazing little girl, with such an angelic little spirit. I am praying and will continue to lift you up to the Fathers throne of grace. Words cant express how I feel. I just want to thank you for sharing your amazing story. I pray God will continue to give you strength and comfort beyond what you could ever imagine. Thanks Again, and GOD BLESS YOU!!

Amy @ FitMommas said...

Thank you for sharing Kayleigh's inspirational fight with the world. She is an angel watching over us all. May God continue to bless you.

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

I've been following your family's plight for quite awhile now, and I am just so sad for all of you. I'm glad Kayleigh is no longer suffering, but...

We have a son who was very ill with cancer when he was very young. We are one of the fortunate ones, because he has survived and is thriving.

I will send you lots of hugs and prayers during this hard hard time. And again, I am so so sorry.

Jennifer said...

I was so very shocked when I opened the blog yesterday...I am so sad, my heart breaks for your family. However, I am comforted knowing Kayleigh is now at peace, a beautiful soul looking over each and everyone of us. Rest in peace, sweet angel...you are loved by SO many. We will all truly miss you.

Denise @ Sunflowers, Chocolate and Little Boys said...

Im stopping by from Ft. Thompson. I wanted to tell you that you're in my prayers. God Bless you.

Tea with Tiffany said...

May God be the peace, comfort and love your family needs during this time. I'm so sorry for your loss. Kayleigh touched many hearts, including mine. Crying with you. Thank you for sharing your brave and beautiful girl with the world.

Diane said...

I am so sorry! I have been following your blog for some time now. Kayleigh is in a better place now. She is smiling down and telling all of you that she loves you. All of you will be in my prayers! ((((HUGS)))

Suz said...

My heart breaks for you. I will hold you in my prayers as our Father in Heaven holds Kayleigh in his tender loving arms.

Tears flow down for your family and prayers flow up as well.

Anonymous said...

Our family is praying for you. You are an amazing family. Our heart goes out to all of you. Rest in peace little one.

Michelle - Chicago, IL said...

My son was born full term but with a chromosome disorder that caused him to be born without his pulmonary artery - he is 2 and had three open heart surgeries in his first 4 months of his life (first one at just two weeks old!).

How I know how it feels to want to take the place of your child when they lie there so helplessly. Not one day have we regretted the decision we made to continue on with our pregnancy knowing what the future might bring and like you my faith in God is what brings me strength to know that he has a bigger plan for my son, your precious daughter and all of us.

The lessons we can learn of strength and will to live from someone so small is truly amazing. In the short life your daughter had here on earth know that she has touched more lives than most people do in their entire life time and because of your story and willingness to share it with the world hopefully other lives can be changed for the better.

Whether it's for universal healthcare coverage, birth defect awareness or stem cell research that could most certainly help these children. You are in my heart and prayers.

Tage Daniel Carrier said...

My heart breaks for you. You are such a strong family and an inspiration of your faith. You are all in our thoughts and prayers as you go through this unimaginable time. Kayleigh is such a sweetheart and a beautiful angel.
Lots of Love and prayers of comfort from Montana.
Justin, Kolby, Tage, and Huntlie

Pattybee said...

Adam and Aimee,
Kayleigh's life on earth has made such an impact on so many around the world! Her life brought the realization not to take our faith, or our families for granted. Personally, there is nothing more important in earthly life. Adam and Aimee, you will find comfort in your love for each other, and your belief that one day you will be with Kayleigh again. I have prayed for your family from the beginning, and will continue to do so. Kayleigh will live on in memory of so many around the world. I think you will have opportunities to continue to change peoples lives through your beautiful angel, Kayleigh. God Bless your family!

Terri said...

I am so very sorry for your loss...

Keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers....

Fly with the Angels sweet Kayleigh


Brian and Laura Weber said...

I am so sorry. I've just started following your blog and am in tears now. I have a daughter close to the age of Kayleigh and have given her extra hugs lately.

You all are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I have been following your blog for a few months now and my heart is so sad right now. I'm crying for your loss but I know that sweet Kayleigh is sitting in Heaven not in pain and enjoying the beautiful SONshine. What a sweet day that will be when you get to see your precious angel once again.

Blessings to you and hugs of comfort.

Jodi said...

I can't even see the keyboard through my tears. I just want you both to know that you have been in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to be on my mind always! I am just so sorry. As tears roll down my face, I picture beautiful Kayleigh with angel wings and in the arms of the Lord. There are no words, just love, thoughts and prayers for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

I have followed your blog for some time now and I have learned to hug my kids more because of it.. I am so sorry for your loss and she really was an amazing little girl, she was so strong and you are so fortunate to have had her in your lives..

Take Care..

Cindy said...

My heart is breaking for you and your family. You are blessed to know Jesus through all of this. We will pray for your family and for your baby angel. I can't tell you how glad I am that you got to spend Mothers Day with your daughter. God bless you and your entire family. I will continue to follow your blog, I have become attached to your family. Love to all of you.

Andrea said...

I don't have the words to tell you how very sorry I am. My heart broke into pieces when I checked the blog. Heaven has gained a very special angel. Thank you so much for allowing all of us to follow Kayleigh's journey. Your family will be in my prayers during this difficult time. God Bless.

Andrea H. in Ohio

Candy Duell said...

I am so sorry for your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Anonymous said...

Amiee and Adam,

I am so sad for your loss. I have grown to love your family over these months of praying for you.

Love and Prayers,
Holly in OKC

Robin said...

Deepest heartfelt compassion being sent your way.

I, unfortunately, know exactly what you're going through. I too, knew the bitter joy of finally holding my little girl as her life slipped away.

Mommy2Kaylie said...

My heart is bleeding and broken for your family. I cannot even put into words how sorry I am that your story did not have the happy ending we all prayed for. Your faith in God and words have touched my soul, especially your letter to your beautiful Kayleigh Anne. You are right, you will be with your precious angel again someday. May God grant you peace and the strength to endure the difficult days ahead. You are in my prayers, always.

Anonymous said...

God's blessings on you. Kayleigh is in great company. My girls Sara and Alyssa are playing happily with her I'm sure. What a glorious day it will be when the Lord returns and we all are joined together again.
Sue in Colorado

Anonymous said...

I can't even imagine your pain, but our God is faithful! You are in our prayers. Just think, Kayleigh is worshiping Jesus! What a privilege!

Mat from Florida

Stephanie Jean-Louis said...

Your daughter is beautiful. Thinking of your family.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family...I am so sorry....my heart breaks for your family...

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I have been praying for your family and will continue to do so. God bless you.

Brianna said...

i am so sorry 4 you guys i am Brianna in Mrs.Carpenters class at south view middle school and Kayleigh has touched me and i am glad that i got to know her even though i never met her i luv you guys and wish the best 4 the lil angel she is in a better place now!!! i will watch your show tonight

Punkin said...

To the Freeman family, my heart was broken when I heard. But now happiness because she is in the arms of the Father.
She looked like a little angel!
Thank you for sharing the whole story with everyone.
Just to let you know I had a dream about her last night and I was going to email you and ask if you would let her go, not knowing she had passed and went to be with our Heavenly Father, what a celebration there probably was.
I will continue to keep your family in my prayers.
Thank you for letting us get to know Kayleigh.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday, I can't say notingh, but today only I can say GOD BLESS AND SOPPORT ALL YOU FAMILY.
My babe "Kayleigh" is not soffer and she is ollwes we us.
From my family to you family

neaseyl2 said...

You dont know me. But I have followed your story and I feel connected to your family. My son was born 1/17/09 with Bilateral club feet. I had a hard time dealing with it. But you have shown me how truely grateful I should be that it was just club feet. I went home last night after reading about sweet Kayleigh's passing, and I held his tiny hand and kissed his tiny feet, and I said a prayer for your family. I feet so sad that you arent able to do the same. But thank you for sharing your story so bravely. You have given true perspective in my life. My heart aches for your whole family. I wish I could take away some of your pain. I am so sorry for your loss. She was to young and it was to soon...with all my love..Denise Lefler.Laurel MT

Danielle said...

I am deeply sorry for your loss. May you find comfort in one another. She has touched many lives and my life included. I feel I am a better person because of your sweet angel.

Allison Rankin said...

She will always be beautiful. That first picture of you holding her strikes me right at the core. Thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

I really don't have any words to describe what I am feeling as I read this post, but there are tears rolling down my face and my heart aches for your family. I will pray for your family and please know that Kayleigh has made a difference in so many of our lives.

Stacy said...

I just watched you on the Doctors today and couldn't wait to log on to check Kayleigh's progress. I am so sorry to hear of your loss! Take comfort in knowing that Kayleigh is in a better place now, free of pain, and full of love! You will see Kayleigh again when your time comes!

My prayers are with you and your family!!
God Bless

Amanda said...

My heart breaks for your loss, as I sit here and cry I know she is in a better place where she is whole. My prayers are with your family forever!

Anonymous said...

By Celine Dion

Fly, fly little wing
Fly beyond imagining
The softest cloud, the whitest dove
Upon the wind of heaven's love
Past the planets and the stars
Leave this lonely world of ours
Escape the sorrow and the pain
And fly again

Fly, fly precious one
Your endless Journey has begun
Take your gentle happiness
Far too beautiful for this
Cross over to the other shore
There is peace all one word
But hold this mem'ry bittersweet
Until we meet.

Fly, fly do not fear
Don't waste a breath, don't shed a tear
Your heart is pure, your soul is free
Be on your way, don't wait for me
Above the universe you'll climb
On beyond the hands of time
The moon will rise, the sun will set
But I won't forget

Fly, fly little wing
Fly, where only angels sing
Fly away, the time is right
Go now, find the light.

Dalila from NJ

Laura said...

Adam and Aimee and family,

I am so sorry to hear that little Kayleigh has passed, but know that she is in a better place. She is now in gods hands, no more pain and suffering. My heart broke when i seen the memorial service on facebook. I have been following Kayleighs story for quite awhile now and i have prayed so much that she can come home. Im so sorry for your loss.

melissa said...

I am so, so very sorry for the loss of your angel, but she is truly that, an angel. She is in Heaven where she belongs. Finally at peace, with God. I will pray for you all for a very long time. I thank you for sharing her with us and it has forever changed my life and the way I appreciate my blessings. God Bless.

Heather said...

I am heart broken for you and your family, but praising God that He gave us hope and I know that you take hope in Him that you will see her again one day. I have been lifting you and your family up to our Savior and asking Him to comfort you in a way that only He can. May you feel His love and His arms around you. I am so very sorry, thank you for being an inspiration. Prayers continue in here in TX for your family.

Mendy said...

Continuing to lift you and your family up during this difficult time and times to come. Kayleigh was an angel on earth and now in Heaven. May God continue to give you strength in the days ahead.

Anonymous said...

What can you say?
I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through. Just know that you have hundreds of thousands of people praying for you. Little Kayleigh touched so, so many lives, and I know she's a perfect little angel.
So many people have commented it, but it's true- Christ connects us all. One day, you'll hold your precious daughter, with no wires or tubes attached with no time barriers.
Just know that your family is in our thoughts and prayers.

Winifred said...

Good Night and God Bless Kayleigh!


Kyle Torni said...


You don't know me, but I am a friend of Aaron Ruotsala, the founder of C.O.L.E.'s foundation. Going through the foundation's list of families, I came across your page, and I cannot begin to imagine the sorrow you must be dealing with right now. I will be praying for you; that God would grant you the peace, the strength to continue on... and that He would give you a peace in knowing that your little Kayleigh is in the midst of our savior, dancing with the rest of the angels. I heard a saying once, Its not goodbye... rather, goodnight... we'll see you in the morning. Until then, God's Blessings. Take care.

C.O.L.E.'s Prayer Team

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry about Kayleigh! My thoughts and prayers are with you all and ur family in this time of grief! I just watched The Doctors and it makes me cry just to think that she was already sent up to heaven by the time it aired.

Karrie Scheulen

Maria said...

I am so sorry for your loss. She is so amazing and now is truly shining like the stars. Can you hear her laughing? We will continue to pray for your family.
Maria from Wisconsin

Anonymous said...

A friend showed me your blog today, and my heart is breaking for you. I know that your little Kayleigh is dancing in Heaven, and I hope she meets up with my little lost boy Chance!

My heart and prayers are with you during this difficult time.

Candi said...

your family is in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

We are praying for you! I am glad you have such a strong faith, our great God will pull you through!

Beth from NY

Christy said...

My heart and my prayers go out to you. She is blessed to have parents like you who know they will meet her again in heaven.
God Bless You All,

Anonymous said...

Bye for now, precious angel...

Anonymous said...

So heartbroken. I am praying for you. Heaven just got a beautiful angel!

Nicole C said...

Aimee and Adam,

Your story has changed my life. My son was born 6 weeks premature on June 24th 2008. I have followed your story and carried Kaytleigh in my heart. My soul aches for you and your family. Kayleigh was truly a miracle. You have helped me through hard times as a preemie mom, and have renewed my faith in God. Thank you for having the courage to share you story with the world. I have no doubt you have changed many lives. I will never ever forget what Kayleigh has taught me. Thank you for bringing me back to the Lord. All my love and prayers are with you.

Nicole (mom to baby Brian)

mommabear said...

i would like to dedicate "you wouldn't cry" by mandisa to you & your family. i've been reading your blog and no words can express what you all are feeling right now, but always remember that the lord is holding her right now and she's in no more pain. you all will be in my prayers. *hugs.

mommabear said...

i would like to dedicate "you wouldn't cry" by mandisa to you & your family. i know words will never make the pain go away, but always remember that the Lord is holding her in his arms and that one day you all will meet her once again. your family will be in our thoughts & prayers. *hugs.

One Creative Queen said...

I don't have the words to express my sorrow for you. You are handling this with the usual grace you display - but I just can't imagine how you must feel.

The number of comments should give you an idea of the lives you and Kayleigh touched. It's amazing that some can live for years and not do much with the gift of life...and some can live so briefly and touch the hearts and souls of unlimited people. Through your words, Kayleigh became one of those people. She was obviously very blessed to have you as her parents...just as you were graced with her as your daughter.

I'm sending you hugs and strength, and already said several prayers for you. My family will include you in our nightly prayers. Not only tonight, but for a long time to come.

May God wrap his loving arms around you and provide you with peace, comfort, strengrh, and love.


-nick and whitley- said...

You are all so strong. I am amazed. I have been following Kayleigh's story and I'm so in love with her. I don't know you but I'm deeply moved by the strength that this beautiful baby has. You are an amazing family with beautiful children. I appreciate how much you've helped my testimony grow. I know that God can work so many miracles and now has your wonderful daughter in His loving arms. I wish you the best and I know that you will get through this tough time. I am so sorry.

Unknown said...

I can add nothing to what others have offered, just know that Kayleigh's life touched ours and we are thankful that she is in the presence of the Lord, in His arms instead of yours. Thank you so much for sharing.
The Wards

Anonymous said...

i too have held my child in my arms while he took his last breath. that is a pain no one should have to feel. i am sorry for your loss.

Lynn said...

Praising the lord for sweet Kayleigh's life. That we would see the Hand of God through her. I look forward to the day I will meet her in Heaven with my baby. How glorious that will be.
May the God of all comfort hold you close and kiss your tears. You are a dear precious family and I will keep you all in prayer.
Lynn from California

Anna said...

Aww :( I'm glad that Kayleigh is finally free from pain and suffering in heaven, but I feel so sad for you two and your other children. I can't imagine what this must be like for your family. I hope healing comes as soon as possible for all of you. Of course you'll always think of Kayleigh, I just wish that in time you'll be able to focus on the happy memories.

Anonymous said...

i have been following your family's story for a while. i am so very sorry to hear that she has passed but she is even more perfect now and will forever be by your side. our thoughts and prayers are with you. god bless

Rebecca in Tasmania, Australia said...

Aimee and Adam,

I checked your blog on 12th May at about 7pm (Australian time) and read of Kayleigh's homegoing. My husband held me as I cried, and we prayed for you ...

I am so very sorry, so sad. How I pray you would know Jesus with you in your pain - not to 'make you better', but to be your comforter and the One who holds you close and says "I know ..."

Please know that all the way over here in Tasmania, Australia we are upholding you before our heavenly Father ...

Anonymous said...

God Bless you and your family at this difficult time. May you have peace in knowing Kayleigh is rejoicing in heaven and has touched so many here on Earth. Your family is in our prayers and we wish you only the best.

Anonymous said...

My wife has been following your family and your ups and downs since you began your site. Today is the first time I've really read through it, and your posts and pictures with her and having nothing attached are amazing. She IS in heaven, and you WILL see her.

God's promises will be seen to be true, and you will all be united. Continue to honor her, and know this... your trials and tribulations are shared by MANY other families... Either through SIDS, miscarriages, stillborn babies and so forth. How you are going about this is and will continue to be an AMAZING testimony for those families who have NOT come to terms with their loss.

Continue to stay focused and with your heads towards the true reward: God! He will bless you and your child!

Elizabeth Narron said...

I'm new to this blog, i saw you guys on Nate & Tricia's! I've read through many posts', and by the time i got done...i was in tears. God is so amazing, and i'm glad Kaylee was here for 11 months! You guys are such great parents! I'll most definitely be praying for you.

Anonymous said...

heaven just got it's newest addition, Kayleigh is flying high with all the other baby birds that finally free....from all the treatments, medicine, and other pains. She will forever be missed and will always have a spot in my heart. Your story has touched my heart, I'm sorry for you loss. May Allah reward your for your patients. I have been ttc for nearly eight years now and don't wish for anyone. Wishing the best for you and your family. Nora

Anonymous said...

dear adam and aimme,
i seen your story on the doctors today.and you all touched my heart. im so sorry for your loss.shes in a wonderful place now.you will be in our toughts and prayers.god bless.


Momma P said...

Many, many prayers are being lifted up for you all from Cordova, TN! What a STRONG willed and determined little girl. She is absolutely beautiful and I believe with my entire heart and soul that she's up in heaven dancing. She's dancing with loved ones and friends, and our Lord. Oh the dances and the fun she will have. She will watch over you all until one day you are reunited in heaven. May God bless you all and keep you surrounded in His love!


Anonymous said...

I know your pain all too well. I'm so sorry for your loss. Your pictures are wonderful! Your strenght and faith shown in your post is amazing. I know i will strive to be a better person. i want to be sure i go to Heaven to see my sweet Sam again. God will be with you during this time. He has been here for me, and always has and always will. Hugs for you all.

Carol said...

Oh, my heart is just broken for you. I am so sorry for your loss.

Princess Mama said...

Please know that our prayers our with you at this terrible time. Kayleigh is a much better place now but I know that doesn't help your heart heal any better. May God help you heal & may He hold onto your little girl until you all meet again.

The Csencsits Family of NY

Gina said...

Continuing to lift your family up in prayer during this especially difficult time. What a beautiful blessing Kayleigh was and will continue to be. God Bless.

Anonymous said...

I came across your story today. I was reading and reading and then I read the news about her passing. I a mother of two and 3 year old boy and a 1 year old little girl. I can't even stand the thought of loosing a child. I have so much respect for the two of you and your family. I thank the good lord everyday that I wake up and that my kids are alive and healthy! No amount of words can ease your pain, but time will. When I go to bed tonight I will be thinking of you and your family and praying that each day gets better and the big hole in your hearts become filled with joy someday. Thank You for setting such a great example for all of us to see strength and courage. And thank you Kayleigh for sharing your story! For such a little baby girl, you did so much! God Bless. ~ Chalis Dumont in ME

Mervat said...

I am so sorry for your loss. May your family have the strength to continue to be and to raise the beautiful children you have, who have also struggled with your struggles and who are there for you.

Much love.

Sydney, Australia.

Taite and Seth's Mum said...

I am so so sorry, the pictures of your precious girl are absolutely beautiful.. My thoughts are with you to try and help you get through this most difficult time.. I am in Australia, but if I could have come to her memorial I would have.. I don't know what else to say. I'm sorry. xx

Rhea said...

No words can express how sorry I am for your family. Kayleigh and you all have been in my thoughts and prayers from the very beginning of this journey. Aimee was a part of the Baby Center Message board that I was on. We were both due in October and I have followed little Kayleigh's story since the news came of her delivery. May God give you the peace and strength that you need to get through these upcoming days.

You now have your own personal guardian angel watching out for you and your family. She is truly in a better place and now God is holding your sweet baby girl in his arms. I am sure she is smiling down on you and the kids.

While I have never felt the loss that you Adam and Aimee have felt, I have been in Allyson and Brandon's shoes. I lost my sister when I was in middle school. She was only two days old but it was still a hearbreaking loss. It was my faith and my family that made the days easier.

Forever in my thoughts and prayers!
Sending love from Lexington, NC

Unknown said...

I can't stop crying. She was so beautiful and perfect.. I was hoping that you would be able to bring her home, and I am so sorry that you didn't get that chance.
Your daughter has taught me to hug my little boy closer to me and to be greatful for what we have, even if it's not perfect.
I am sending all the love and hugs your way that I can and I wish I could be there for her memorial.

Katie said...

I am so sorry for your loss. The pictures are beautiful. I pray God will bring you peace and comfort.

Anonymous said...

My tears flow freely as I look at you holding Kayleigh with nothing attached.. She is without any pain and is healthy now!! I pray for your healing and your sorrrow to fade quickly.

Anonymous said...

Im am so sad for you all but happy she was with you here on earth, even if it was only for a short time. She was such a blessing from God not only for you but for many throughout the world. Her story is inspirational and full of love and has touched my heart. Thinking and praying for you during this difficult time.

In Christ,

Talia xoxox

Anonymous said...

My son was born two monthts early so I know how difficult the premature birth journey is...but I cannot even begin to imagine the sadness and pain you must be feeling to have lost little Kayleigh after her courageous fight. My thoughts and prayers are with your family. May she rest in peace.

Jenna said...

I am praying for your entire family. I know I dont *know* you but thank you again for opening your lives and hearts to allow us all to meet precious little Kayleigh.

Hearing the news has left me in tears and this post is filled with all the love you have for your precious little girl. Please know I am praying and thinking of you all during this time.


Anonymous said...

As I sit here with tears streaming down my face I can't even think how you and your family feel.

Your blog has been a blessing to me. It's taught me to spend all the time I can with the ones I love. While they may get on my nerves, they are still my family. They are a gift from God. Never again will I take all of my loved one for granted. Thank you for everything you and your wife have done. You and your angel have touched millions. If that's not an act of God I don't know what is :)You will be in my prayers tonight and always.

Tracy said...

It looks like I am the 2,086th person to comment, so it seems silly that you would actually want to have yet another comment, but I need to let you know I cry for you tonight. I have been only following your blog for a few weeks. My son, Benjamin, was born on June 19, 2008, and I feel like I can relate to you so much more for that reason being born so close in time to Kayleigh (obviously can not even fathom the pain you are feeling, don't get me wrong). Anyway, I will hug my kids a little tighter and love them just a little more. My you find some comfort in knowing that you will have eternity in heaven that you will be with Kayleigh!

critts said...

My heart is breaking for you. I hope and pray that the Lord will bless you with the peace and comfort you need during this time.

Amandah said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I can't even begin to imagine what you are feeling. I've been following your story and your faith is amazing. Please hold on to it. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Following this blog has taught me so much about faith and prayer. Thank you for sharing your beautiful wonderful precious gift from God with the world. Kayleigh is truly a miracle and God has something wonderful planned for her. She touched so many lives. Once again I am so sorry for your loss.

Sinclair said...

You are in our prayers. Thank you for sharing your wonderful miracle with all of us.

Joylynn said...

Adam & Aimee,

I read this yesterday.. but I could not comment just then. My heart was hurting too much to form any words. We shed our tears for this precious girl. I am so heartbroken that she is no longer with us.. yet, I am happy for her. She is with Jesus!!! What an AWESOME thing to imagine!! And praise God, she is made perfect, and no longer in pain of any sort. Can you imagine the joy when you are all reunited?! That is a beautiful thought to hold on to. I am so blessed by your faith! Turning to God in our darkest hour, will cause a Light to shine forth.

You are in my prayers. I love you all.

Your Sister in Christ,

Anita Strickland, Charlotte, NC said...

I am so, so sorry for your loss...she was absolutely gorgeous and will be flying above us all now...what a beautiful angel.

Anonymous said...

I'm new to your blog, but have gone back and read every single entry and am constantly amazed by your strength.

Adam, Aimee, Brandon and Allyson, you are in my family's prayers as you grieve the loss of your precious and beautiful little girl. What a wonderful day it will be when you meet with her again in the arms of our Lord.

kim Barker said...

I am so sorry for your lose, I can imagine your heartbreak. My little girl, Ainsley died at 1 lb 10 ounces on the day she was born. You were given a gift from God, that will always hold a special place in your heart. May you find peace to know, that she is laughing and playing with all of God's little angels.


Brenda Bowman said...

I am so sorry for your precious loss. My heart breaks for you. I am a mother of 3 & cant imagine what you've been through. Your story & life has opened my eyes. Your pictures are touching & so peaceful. I pray that you can heal in time. Embrace everyone that is by your side for comfort. Your daughter is a beautiful angel now. Thanks for sharing your heart with us.

KeeperatHome said...

May God bless you with comfort and peace. Tell Kayleigh's story wherever you go and know that so many of us will be doing the same.

In Christ, Talya

Emily Kruger said...

I am in tears reading your story. I cant fathom what pain you are feeling right now. I will pray for your family. My heart breaks for you.
Love, Emily
Austin Texas

Lindsay Norsworthy said...

Blessings on your family. So sorry for your loss. She is dancing with the angels in Heaven; praise God for her life!

Anonymous said...

I am beyond sorry for little your family. Kayleigh truly is a miracle and will be waiting to see you all someday. I spent all morning reading your blog after seeing you on the Doctors yesterday and Kayleigh has touched my heart in so many ways. I will never forget her story and will continue to pray for your family.

Anonymous said...

I am beyond sorry for little your family. Kayleigh truly is a miracle and will be waiting to see you all someday. I spent all morning reading your blog after seeing you on the Doctors yesterday and Kayleigh has touched my heart in so many ways. I will never forget her story and will continue to pray for your family.

Lana@The Kids Did WHAT?! said...

I am so sorry for your loss.

Jukie said...

God bless you and your little angel, you are all in my prayers. Your heartbreaks today but remember the joy you felt for each breath Kayleigh took, you packed a lifetime of love and memories into 11 months.

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

I am so very, very sorry. Your family is in our prayers. My heart breaks for you.

Brooke said...

My heart aches for you and your family....
I am so sorry you had to say goodbye to your precious girl. What a beauty! We are thinking of you all...
Sending much love.

Marlene said...

Rest in peace sweet angel.

Michelle said...

I am so deeply sorry for your loss. Words definately can not express how sad I am for you and your family. I can not help but know that Kayleigh is in a much better place, free of pain and being held by the best person to have her, GOD!

Thank you for sharing her story! Your words over the past months were absolutely beautiful and depict a beautiful child that will be forever loved and missed by many!

May the Lord God bless your family in many ways in the future and allow you all to find peace with this situation.


Ashleigh said...

I'm so sorry for you guys. Kayleigh was a beautiful baby girl may she rest in peace in God's arms. I know it's difficult to lose someone in your life but just remember that she is in a better place now. I will be keeping you guys and your family in my prayers.

shaelyn said...

my heart is broken i wish i would have seen your blog sooner to no more about you guy but i no enough and im so sad i will keep praying for your family and i wish the best for you and i watched THE DOCTORS and i found out that you guys got 40,000 dollors that is so cool hope the money helps you and its good your house is not going to get forcosered


Anonymous said...

I watched your special on the doctors and I truly believed things were headed in a better direction for your family.

May you find comfort in knowing Kayleigh is watching over you now and forever as your own little angel!

May God Bless your family!!!


the browns said...

we so wish we could be there for your sweet angels memorial but we live in california and just cant so at 1 pm our time which is 4pm your time we will with you let go 3 pink balloons with a card attached.

we have prayed and think about your family often and i so want to say something that will ease your pain but i know there is nothing. my dad lost a son at 10 days old and 3 yrs later he lost another son at 2yrs old i do know that 45 yrs later he thinks of them everyday and still stuggles. i told him one day that maybe when God sends his little angels to earth that they were his most special and he just missed them (like you do now) that he couldnt stand to be without them and called them back to him self.(we would do that if we could) my dad said he never thouhgt about it like that and it did comfort him to think that God loved them so much he just didnt want to be without them.
with much love and many prayers janice russell and grace

Anonymous said...

Words can not express how sorry I am for the loss of your daughter.

Rachel said...

i am so terribly sorry for your loss. i have only been following kayleigh's story for a week, but have read almost all of your postings. no words will make your pain better, only time. know that God and sweet Kayleigh are looking down on you always. Trust in Christ always, and he will show you the way. God Bless.

Rachel said...

i am so terribly sorry for your loss. i have only been following kayleigh's story for a week, but have read almost all of your postings. no words will make your pain better, only time. know that God and sweet Kayleigh are looking down on you always. Trust in Christ always, and he will show you the way. God Bless.

Anonymous said...

Good night sweet angel. You are so loved.

Carol Herlong
Irmo, SC

Anonymous said...

God speed, little girl. And God bless her parents.

I lost a "big" friend tonight, and listening to the music here, along with looking at the pictures of your little girl (I'm the dad of a daughter), just kinda makes me a big puddle of mush.

So know that your family has affect someone thousands of miles away.

I pray for Kayleigh tonight, over the rainbow.

Techy Teacher said...

I have been struggling with day to day life with my own 3 kids lately and your story really made me stop and look at how truly belssed I am to have these 3 blessings.
I pray for strength and comfort for your family and trust that God will be with you.

Samantha Smith said...

I am so sorry for your loss. My deepest sympathies go out to you and all your family. Kayleigh has touched my life so greatly. I am blessed to have shared with you this journey from day 1 on obbc. You will forever be in my thoughts and prayers. I will never forget you Kayleigh <3

Grit said...

I can´t stop reading, can´t stop crying, I am so sorry for your loss. Your got such an cute angel.

greetings from Dresden in germany from Grit and her family

4 on the go said...

We are so so sorry for your loss. She was such a precious gift from god and You guys are such an amazing family.
Our hearts goes out to you all and we will continue to pray for you.

Anonymous said...

My hearts go out with your family at times like this... how sad and but gald that shes not in pain anymore... so lovely and will loved her story touch the everyone hearts that knows her. im in tears just knowing lifthing up in prayer that God will keep you all strong as you are always be and one day see her again sitting buy the Lord feet like a little one listning to his stories...GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!

Angela said...

Just wanted to let you know I shared your blog at my Fearless Friday Meme..((hugs)) I've been praying.

Anonymous said...

I know you so many comments of the same type, but I am praying for you guys. You will be in my thoughts. I also want to thank you for you show of faith, strength and grace. God is using you to work in other's lives.
Love in Christ.

The Leaves of Tarkong said...

fly on to Him, little angel... and look after each one of us...

my prayers to the whole family...

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with your family. I will never forget sweet kayleigh and how she touched my and so many others lifes with her journey.

Anonymous said...

Dear Adam & Aimee, so saddened to hear about dear Kayleigh Anne passing on. I pray you find comfort in the knowledge that God has darling Kayleigh Anne in His loving embrace and always had her there. She will make sure her caring and sweet parents and most loving brother and sister are taken care of - your bond will never be broken. Rest in peace Kayleigh Anne!

E. Merritt said...

We think it’s special God allowed you to celebrate a Mother’s Day with Kayleigh.

Your experience has taught you something about God’s character only a few of us know. You know better than most the parental love our Father holds for us, for His Begotten. You have a better idea of the sacrifice it takes to let that Sacrifice happen. You have a transcendent joy that awaits a sweet reunion with your begotten. You have been made more like our Father because of it.

When we think of Kayleigh, we think of God’s gift to this world. You have honored Him with your story. Thank you so much for sharing.

Kris and Erinn Merritt

Unknown said...

So sorry for your loss. I will definitely put in a prayer for you and your family.

The biggest hugs to you, and when we sing our song for our Faire, Beggars to God, (in June) I will say a special statement if you like. Just let me know.

Anonymous said...

what can I say? my heart is grieving. I so wish I could hug you and say something wonderful but there is nothing I can say. PLEASE KNOW YOU WILL SPEND ETERNITY WITH YOUR BEAUTIFUL BABY. she is waiting for you. she is safe with Jesus, in His arms and at peace. she is smiling, knowing how wonderful it is with Him and anticipating your return home too. ~hugs~

SuperAngel said...

awww! I'm so sorry! :( my prayers are with you and my heart is hurting for you!
Amen to the title! Just a little while til y'all can be together again.
The Daily Planet

Anonymous said...

Hello, writing from Germany, i was shocked, when I read about passing away of your loved doughter, seeing the pictures, when you finally hold your beloved daughter. She is very cute, I´m sorry, now a lot of people are grieving with you, also in Germany where a lot of mothers watched you here in your blogg.
May God bless your daughter,
its hard to hear, that a baby died.
My friend also lost her wonderful daughter, aged 11,5 months this february.............I´m very upset, also for you.
In Love, your Anita from Germany

Meredith said...

Bless you sweet baby girl.

Jessica said...

I am so sorry for your loss! May God grant you peace and comfort.

Anonymous said...

I'm asking God right now to send over my four baby angels that all live with Him in Heaven to see Kayleigh. I hope they will be friends, and can wait for us together to get there. My love and prayers go out to you.

Amber Schmidt said...

My heart just aches... I cannot find any words at the moment. Many prayers and tears...

sandra said...

I am so sorry.

Jenni said...

Adam and Aimee,

Words cannot begin to express the sorrw that is felt on behalf of your family right now. What an amazing family you are and examples of having true faith in the Savior. I love the song 'Amazing' that comes up on your blog. I will remember your family everytime I hear it for life. Love you guys! Thank you for your sweet examples! I can't be to the memorial, but I will be thinking of you all day tomorrow.

Jenni, Utah

Holly said...

Oh, Dear Kayleigh's family,

You are so loved. So loved by all of us and so loved by the Father of all of us, too.

Someday...soon...for this life passes in a breath, you will see your precious girl again.

I'm so sorry, friends. So sorry for your loss. But I'm thankful that you shared her with all of us, too.

I'm praying for HIS presence to be with you, and that HE would comfort you.

You are loved.

Jacqui said...

I'm really sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter.

Deanna said...

praying for your family and for wonderful Kayleigh who fought the great fight...you were all blessed to have eachother and will be together again in heaven...blessings,

Anonymous said...

Even though the time you had wasn't much and a lot different than what you thought, you both have shown such faith in the Lord. Praise Him that you'll be with her one day again.

babygirl said...

i am so sorry for loss and your in my prayers when i first read your post it was when she had her surgery and i started paraying for her recovery and i havent been on the computer since and then today my first thing was to check and see how she was doing and now the tears fall and i cant imagine how you are feeling right now and i hope you dont mind but i did a blog about it and in hope to get people to let a ballon in the air as you requested in honor of her again i hope things get better for you all and you are all in my prayers

Vanessa said...

Oh, I started tearing when I saw your update..I just brought my baby from the NICU after 8 weeks and that's how I intially found your blog...My mom and I hve been following your updates and were so sad to see this last one...I can even imagine what you must be going through...

Thrifty Decor Chick said...

I saw your story on the Doctors -- I cried for you then and and I am crying for you now. God Bless you all and I am so incredibly sorry.

Anonymous said...

We have been following for months. Me and my baby girl want to say how sorry and sad we are. I will be sure to hold her even tighter and cherish every second we are together. You WILL see Kaleigh again.

Anonymous said...

I hadnt read your page for a couple of weeks and then I saw you on the Doctors last week, and came to check out your page again and was very saddened to read this post. So sorry for your loss. I hope you are doing ok. A lot of people look up to you and your family. Your beautiful daughter is in a better place, and she truely was a miracle. May God be with all of you in this time of pain.

sparkled*life said...

I have never read your blog until today I just want you to know my heart is bleeding for you. Ohhh those pictures just so touched my heart....Goodness....I am always so thankful for the miracles that my babies are...but tonight I will kiss them a little longer and hold them a little tighter.

I am praying for you...I don't say that in passing..I will truely be thinking of you and praying for you!

Monette said...

Peace be with you all. I'm sorry for your loss. Until you meet again.......... :)

Godspeed and love,

thegilbreathfam said...

Sweet Kayleigh you are gone from this earth but never forgotten. This is not good bye, but see you later. Tears, Hugs, and prayers....the gilbreaths

candace said...

my heart, my tears and my prayers are with you....what an amazing blessing she has been to so many..god bless you and your family.

gnsnblue said...

Kayleigh you will always be in the hearts of many around the world. Your strength and perseverance has touched us all. Hurt no more our little one and live through the love of all your family on earth. Till you meet them again. God Bless.

Adam, Aimee and family. I have pondered the last few nights on what to write and say to you, but words just don't seem right. I can only say, all of our prayers to you that you see light at the end of the tunnel someday, somehow. God bless you all and know that because of Kayleigh's time on earth life will be brighter and fuller for all.

Brad said...

I am so so sorry for your loss. My wife and I lost our month old son back on March 2nd. He was so precious and our hearts hurt so much now, 2.5 months later. I can't believe it has been gone so fast. I remember the feelings just like yesterday. I hope that God wraps your entire family with love and grace during this time. Only time will help you.

Tonia said...

I have followed your blog for months now. I fell so in love with your little angel. I am broken by her passing as I know you are. My baby boy and Kayleigh share the same birthday and on that day I will always think of her. Your story has touched my soul. May you find peace in the promises Jesus gives us! Love to your entire family!

Char said...

My heart breaks for you. I will continue to pray for your family. I have learned so much from your story and wish I could wrap my arms around you. I am devastated for your loss.
Much love and admiration, Charlene from Ajax, Canada.

Playground for Parents said...

Thank you for sharing your courage, your grief, your strength with us. My heart is so heavy for you. I wish you ultimately a sense of peace with your lost. Until then, hope you find support and comfort any and everytime you need it.

CookinsForMe said...

I'm so very deeply sorry for the loss of your precious Kayleigh. I've lost two daughters myself so I understand some of what you're experiencing. Your faith will get you through this. Know that some day you will see her again and she'll be perfect and beautiful. What a joyous reunion you'll have with her. Blessings to you all.

Shaina said...

Aimee & Adam,
With a heavy heart, I am posting for the very first time but have been following Kayleigh's story from the beginning. I am a new blogger and first started exploring due to your blog. I am astounded by the community of Christian followers and also comforted. I too am a Christian. I so deeply want you to know how both of you and Kayleigh have enspired me with your faith, love and courage! I pray that God will wrap you in his arms showing you tender love and comfort.
God Bless,

Three Four said...

I feel so broken. I am so sorry. I have been following Kayleigh for a long time and pray for you daily. Kayleigh's story, other's too, have had me reflect on my faith a lot lately ~ it is hard.
Please keep your faith as it helps me (others) too. Your strength sends waves out to others.
My heart goes to you in the biggest of ways.

Alyson and Ford said...

Oh, I am so sorry.... such a precious life. The pain you must have in your heart. Your post was beautiful.
God loves you all.

Alyzabeth's Mommy

Pia said...

i'm lost for words... i pray for comfort and peace for your family...

Tigger said...

I saw part of your story on the Doctors. And now I read this on here (I got it from someone's facebook page). I literally am crying my eyes out right now for you and your family. I am so sorry for your loss. She was, and still IS, an absolutely precious & beautiful little girl. May she rest in peace with God.

Susan (5 Minutes For Mom) said...

I am soooooo desperately sorry and I'm without words.

Jessi Dawn said...

Oh, I am so sorry for your loss. I stumbled upon your story on youtube about two weeks ago. Kayleigh is beautiful. I am so sorry she has left you after too small a time on this earth.

May God comfort your aching hearts as only he can. May he bring you peace each day. Each moment.

Our prayers [our tears] are with you. God be with you,

the Keys in Virginia

kpnfaith said...

i saw your blog from a friend who is friends with you. im a 14 year old girl when i saw her face i just felt the tears stremeing down my face its just so sad no child should have to go throughe with that. when i saw your daughter i felt like i new her somehow like i could just feel her in my heart. it kills me to see her fighting for her life and then lose her battle but as much as i wish she was still with us i no shes in a better place. i cry just thinking about im crying as we speak. she was a beutiful little girl she will remain in my heart forever i pray for you and your children and those people around me. it goes to show that you must enjoy the people you love for you never no when they will be taken from you. i wish i could have gotin the chance to have met her i would have loved to touch her sweet little hand. when i see your videos you have posted i just see this sweet inocent little girl that has no idea what is going on around her but when you hold her and really look into those sweet eyes she a normal little girl like any other baby.as i said before im 14 and your story hits me hard god bless you im so sorry for your loss and will pray every day for you and your family (rest in peace kayleigh you will be missed sweet child you have a special place in my heart)

Gal said...

Sending so much love to your sweet precious family. We too took our daughter outside to breathe the fresh air on her own as her final breaths. I have tears in my eyes looking at her sweet photos.

Teri said...

I found out about your family from Brent Riggs' family blog. So, I don't know you. Kayleigh and your family have been in my thoughts as I've been busy and haven't checked your blog for an update. Even though I don't know you tears fall from my eyes for you. I'm so very sorry! I'm very thankful that you know the Lord and can lean on Him for strength. You are in my prayers.

Lauren said...

I am so sorry for your loss. My heart is broken and I can not even imagine the pain that you all must be feeling. The celebration af your beautiful little girls life was so inspiring. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

Angie said...

My heart is breaking for your pain. Please find strength in knowing that Kayleigh is with our Lord now and nothing hurts anymore. She is whole, unbroken, and happy. May your family find the peace you need in this trying time....

Jacki said...

Thank You, Freeman Family ...

For bravely sharing Kaleigh with all of us.

I am better for learning about her and stronger for witnessing the grace of your family.

I pray that through this sorrow you constantly know that you have brought such dignity to your precious child, and that she has brought such a special blessing to a million hearts ...

both here on earth and in heaven where she rests.

A Grateful Pediatric R.N.

Ter said...

I am so very sorry for your lost. I linked to this post from another blog that I've only come to know today. I am a bereaved mother myself. My little girl was also only 1 lb when she was born. However, she was not born alive because the doctors refused to let her come out while she was,even though they knew she was struggling in the womb due to my defective body and so unfortunately, I didn't have any time with her while she was still here. I'm very glad you had the chance to create some memories with your little girl. I know it doesn't make it any easier, and your lost will be profound. Please know you can contact me anytime if you need someone to talk to. ((many hugs)) I'm very sorry.

Lisa said...

I am so sorry for your loss.

Jennifer Ortiz said...

Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

Tami said...

I'm sitting here in tears....just heartbroken that your little girl passed away. I didn't hear about Kayleigh until after she had passed...I saw a post about her on my birth club at cafemom. It just breaks my heart. I have a 5 month old baby girl myself and I cannot imagine going through what you guys have been through. I am so very sorry for your loss...but know that her story has touched my life and so many others.

Bela said...

May God give you the strength that you need to go on. I am so, so, so sorry. (I have no words, I just want to express my deepest sympsthies.) ~ Isabela

Katrin in Sweden said...

I saw the show today on Swedish tv and I felt very very sad for you and your little girl:-( I had to go online to check out what had happened afterwards and found this:-( My thoughts goes to all of you and your little girl in heaven.

Hope you are recovering and my best greetings from Sweden.


Anonymous said...

My thought and prayers are with you.

take care.

Konný from Iceland

t said...

I came across your blog today and have been reading it non stop - happy when she progressed so well -glad that day to day - even with the ups and downs that she was growing... I know its late - but please accept my condolences - she was a special and well loved girl - she looked like a little doll... even though I knew that you had to give her - I still hoped that it wouldnt happen and that your little miracle would go home to her loving family - Im so sorry but please know that she touched my heart and life. God bless you and your family!

Unknown said...

I came across this page today while hopping through the blogosphere...I have been reading everything that little Kayleigh went through in her too-short life and am so very sorry for your immense loss. I hope that now, several months later, your hearts are beginning to heal. I hope that you have felt God's presence as you went through the most difficult thing any parent has ever gone through. May God bless you and keep you well.

Lisa L said...

i am so terribly,terribly sorry. with much love. lisa and family

Lonny said...


I'm so sorry for this loss for you. I read through your posts after hearing about it from Rosemary at Minky Dot Mama.

I'm heartbroken for you. In 2006, our fifth son was born stillborn (full-term). While I don't relate to anything like the ups and downs you've gone through, I wanted to point to a song that my good friend wrote for Obadiah that I sometimes listen to him when I'm missing him. I hope for you (and those so many other parents here who have had the agony of having a child taken before their own time on earth has ended) that it may be of some comfort.

You can hear the song on Deke's website http://www.dietrichbrowne.com on the "Music" page under the album "A Harder Year". Song is called "Obadiah's Victory".

Please know that I ask for God's many blessings on you all.

Zarjoy said...

Hi, Im someone from the Philippines and I just heard about your story now. I am so touched by Kayleigh's strength that she was able to hold on for almost a year.
I am sorry to hear about your loss. She is with the presence of the Lord now, no more pain and discomfort, only happiness and peace.
Thank you for sharing your story with us. Reminding us that in this world of chaos and misery, miracles still do happen.
May we all be in peace.

Anonymous said...

I really felt sad...and i really cried...but she is now free from pain and already in Gods Hands... may you rest in peace baby ...

Anonymous said...

I cried a lot when i saw the video of Kaleigh.. thank God cause He gave me my daughter... 1.3kg. baby, she becomes blind because we are late for for saving her eyes, but now she is a blessings for us... thank you Kaleigh for inspiring us, ur really an angel now. God bless ur family and parents...

Unknown said...

my heart is broken,, i cant stop crying... i will never forget kayleigh....

Tee Stark said...

I am sorry for the passing of little angel Kayleigh. I was saddened to hear that she passed. But, she knew that she was loved by her family. RIP, little angel.

ynney said...

i just watched the video via facebook but still hit me so good, i cried so bad and follow the site and found out that she is gone... make me more sad...cry.... can't believed that your little angel suffered so much ,,,i am so sorry guys... God bless you more...

Anonymous said...

condolence...i'm very sorry but joyful for kayleigh that she's happy in heaven...

Anonymous said...

May God be with your family. All of you are in my prayers.

Unknown said...

Very tearfully.. very sad... I will pray for you..

f3ry4n said...

hello my precious d3ar kayleigh u r a blessing from god n u r nothing short of ur beauty, strength n luv.. ur mom n dad r thoughtful n gr8ful of luv.. wen i saw ur vdeo hre.i can't imgine. u r d strongest baby n d world.. n i want to say thank u my dear huhuhuhuh i luv u f i can't see u n prsonal. i luv u so much my precious dear
i'm dYan jennifer hamoy. from philippines.17 yrs. old i luv u my 2nd mom aimee n dad adam. i wish u r my mom n dad 2.. sumday. f u we can see u n prsonal. thnk u so much
-=- hre s my fcebook. feryanhamz@y.c. ty mwahh add meh up

Anonymous said...

When I first saw ur stories here, it reminds me of my twins struggling also d pain of ur Katleigh's. Ur pain is also my pain felted wen my twins were born last May 9, 2007. My 1 twins didn't make it on the 3rd day of struggling.... I felt so emptied!! but still there's one left and I thank GOD because he gave him to me.. now his 3 years old.

Maybe GOD give us the courage to be strength in any difficulties we may have... I know GOD is always there by our side.. and we both have our "LITTLE ANGEL" (me Elijandre, my 1 twin and you Katleigh) now who will always by our side and will remain in our memories forever...

May GOD grant you peace and heal your heart!!!

Thanks for sharing your life with us!! We will alwayz pray for u and ur family...


teresa -ney- said...

ney..........God is so great...He has a better purpose on kayleigh..
It inspire me to fight on any problems and continue believing with God..

Anonymous said...

Even after almost 3 years ...

Kayleigh's story brings tears in my eyes ...

i wish you guys all the strength in the universe.

with love ,


Nene said...

No words are enough to express how deeply sorry I feel for your loss. You all went through so much, doing your best to provide "Kay" with everything possible to bring her to health, and eventually bring her home. She also went through a lot. While I watched one of the videos, I saw her beautiful and bright eyes, even though she was so tinny, I was the whole time thinking to my self: " oh please, have a happy ending, oh please I want to see a video of her now, 2011, beautiful and healthy". Unfortunately, it didn't happened ... All I hope for her is that she moved on without any more pain, to a better, special and happy place, while the memory of her incredible miracle live on forever inside of all those whom love her dearly. Rest in peace little Kay. Thank you so much for sharing your experience, and may God be with you all. Peace!

Karrie said...

you guys will be in my prayers!! stay strong!!!

isaac said...

hun, U don't me im from whiteville nc bt i seen kayleigh's page im so so sorry im praying for u and your family she is in a much better place we r going to be someday



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