2/6/09 - What It's ALL About!!

Just look at that smile!!!

I am just overwhelmed with the love we have gotten over the past two days. All the wonderful emails and comments have muffled all the bad ones out. It has lifted us up and given us new strength to just turn our backs and to never have to explain ourselves to anyone again. Thank you everyone who donated to help us out financially. I am emailing every single one of you to get your address to send you something special. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!

We apologize for having to explain ourselves, but we felt like God wanted us to lay it all out there for everyone to know what is going on. You ALL are our family because you have cried with us when we were sad, you have cheered with us when we were happy, and you have prayed with us every step of the way. We felt our loved ones needed to know us through and through. God has blessed our family with love and that is worth more than anything in this world. We may be struggling financially, but we are rich in love. Thank you!!!!

I also want to apologize if I didn't respond to every single email that was sent. We read through every email and comment, so not a single one went un-noticed. We have taken a lot of ideas that people mentioned and we are running full steam ahead with them. We have appointments being set and we have changes being made, so thank you so very much for giving us the ideas to make a difference. We found out quickly that insurance (for our family) shouldn't be so expensive and we are shocked that no one at the hospital mentioned some of the programs to us. We are on top of it now!

See, this is what everyone needs. This kind of support should be everywhere and available to anyone. That is something worth telling the world and sharing with everyone you can possibly know. It is not for self gain, it is or knowledge to make the right decisions in life. If I didn't have you all to begin with, Kayleigh probably wouldn't be here. With the knowledge you have given our family, you have saved our daughters life and that is what drives me to save other lives while sharing the greatness of our God.

JUST LOOK!!! Look again at her smile!!! She is happy because we ALL did what was right. We ALL did what God wants us to do. We ALL helped each other through thick and thin and We ALL can do that for so many others who need the help too!!!

No more negativity will find it's way to this site because this site belongs to God and His children. We are going to stay on track for now on. This site's main focus is to bring people closer to God, fill their hearts will love and give them hope in their own lives while Kayleigh leads the way. Nothing more than that! Praise God!!!

Now I am all fired up with joy and excitement! Kayleigh is hanging in there. We are waiting on an x-ray to come back to see what is causing her belly to be loopy and full. I think they started her back on full feeds too soon, but we'll see. She is currently weighing 6 lbs - 12 ounces. She was up to 7 lbs the other day, but I don't think it was true weight as they started her back on Lasix(diuretic) after the procedure to reduce some swelling.

I was nervous the other day when I was sitting with Kayleigh after her procedure and the nurse walked away. I had never put her trach back on when Kayleigh pulled it off, so I immediately started to sweat and pray that she wouldn't pull it off. Well, guess what??? She did! My heart sunk right away, but I put my big boy pants on and got the job done. Now I am a champ at it because she pulls it off every other minute. It is hard to see her struggle to breath when the trach comes off, but that is something I am going to have to get used to. Hopefully soon, she will learn that she turns purple and all the alarms start blaring when it comes off and she won't pull it anymore. Ha! Kayleigh?? Miss Attention Getter?? Yeah right!!

Thank you all again SO VERY MUCH for everything! We are truly blessed to have a great group of friends and we are forever in debt to ALL of you. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

God Bless,


Anonymous said...

That smile brings tears to my eyes. Kayleigh, you made my day.

~Sara~ said...

You guys are amazing. Huge hugs to you and yours!

Danyele Easterhaus said...

love that there's a great smile on that precious face!!! and you just keep on going and standing firm...i'd praying for you...and posting up another linky on monday for others to pray with you too. this passion and love for the lord will not be swayed!! on monday i am writing what god has taught me through you and others...thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

She is looking soooooooooo beautiful!!!!!! I am so excited to see her beautiful little face full of sunshine!
With love from Southern NH!

Brandy said...

AMAZING!!!! She is sooooo beautiful! I have no words at the moment to describe what I am feeling inside from seeing these pictures today! PRAISE THE LORD :)

Adam and Aimee,
Can you email me your address so I can send you guys something special...(brandypainter@aol.com)
I was one of the million emails that you got yesterday with ideas, but regardless I want to send something special!

Anonymous said...

My heart is over joyed at how wonderful this princess is looking. I am in amazement at her. Our god is truely an awesome one and I know he is preparing her to go home with you guys very soon. I look at her and it makes me just want to get my hands on her but I know i am several miles away. Maybe one day my husband and I will take a trip and we can meet this Angel whom we have fallen head over heals for. I will keep checking back to get the results back from her X-Ray.

SAH_mommy2three said...

I'm so happy you are searching out resources to help with the financial stuff. All of that worry will be irrelevant down the road.

There are rentals available to people with bad credit - especially since you have a good reason why. I'm sure you have good references, and that will be more important. Also, if you are facing loosing the house, contact them - contact your government reps ... contact everyone you can... maybe the house can be saved still. Especially if you free up a 1000 a month you were paying for insurance.

Your daughter looks beautiful when she smiles. :)

Anonymous said...

Praise God! It warms my heart to see little Kayleigh smile and look so happy :)

Tammy said...

She looks so wonderful. It's nice to see an adorable little smile on her face. Great job mom and dad!

Mandi said...

Your presious little girl has such an adorable smile! She is going to be a heart breaker! Can I propose a marriage for my 6 month old son Nicholas? They would make such an adorable couple... :)

As always I will be praying for your little girl.

Anonymous said...

i have been following kayleighs story for sometime now, yet this is the first comment i have posted. i pray everynight that kayleigh be healed and that she goes home soon! your family is always in my heart and prayers! you have a very beautiful daughter! and her story has touched in a great way and i am so thankful for that!
with love, simona

lmt1073 said...

That is one of the most beautiful smiles I've ever seen!

Hope said...

Bless your heart! I wanted to send my love, thoughts and prayers your way. I know you're overwhelmed by all the huge changes that has taken place recently. ((Hugs))

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post! The pictures of her are PRICELESS! Absolutely PRICELESS!
I know some people may be surprised how the hospital has not given such important info. to you, but I understand how it can happen. Some hospitals have great social workers and some don't, and sometimes cases get overlooked. I have had this happen twice to me. Once, when my step-father received a heart transplant. The care was great, the paperwork slow. Also, when we admitted my grandma into a nursing home. No one advised us on our financial options, etc. It was so frustrating! So, I completely understand. My Mom often says there needs to be more awareness and more ways for caregivers to get info. and get resources. When you are a caregiver, you are doing just that...worrying about your patient, not the paperwork and $$. God Bless you! And thank you for accepting all of us bloggers as a part of your family. It means alot! Will keep praying here in Michigan....
Lindsay F.

Anonymous said...

aww she has a beautiful smile! and its so great to see her face without all that tape and tubes!!!
praying for her to come home soon!!!!

The Carpenters said...

My heart is smiling SO much right now. I feel like we're right there with you. I know that God's heart is smiling, too.
Kayleigh, quit making it hard for us to breath, too, by pulling that trach out! :)
Seriously, I needed this today. Her gorgeous little face has made my crummy Friday look a little better. Can't wait to go home and spend the weekend with my little ones!
Love ya Freemans!

Alicia said...

Praise God for that beautiful smiling face! That truly IS what it is all about!


Anonymous said...

I wanted to let you know your blog IS doing it's job! I feel like I have grown so mucher closer to God, now that I have been following Miss Kayleigh...She's a doll and I cried with joy seeing the pic's you just posted!!! I've said it before seeing her strugle has made me realize how lucky my babies were. Hang in there you tow are doing an Awesome job! God Bless...

911shazza said...

She looks incredible!! You guys have been through so much and your strength is truly admirable. I am sorry some people can be so negative. Keep on smiling and being strong for that incredible little girl you have and for the two at home. Somehow everything will work out in the end!!

Anonymous said...

And a big AMEN to that!! What a precious little doll she is....her smile has made my day better. I have had a struggle with things lately as I have recently lost my father to suicide and this is something that keeps my hopes alive and to think of other people other than myself. Keep up the good work. Love you all....

Misty Rice said...

I just love looking at her peaceful face. She is a strong little booger. I love it. I am deeply sorry that you felt that you had to respond to the negative comments and that you both took time out of your days, from work and your children, each other and God to give those negative comments a response. I think your responses were handled great.... but it appears that people like that I have personally met or experienced are often wishing in away they also had something in their lives to provide them attention or offers from others. So desperately needed and wanting to feel "desired or loved" by others. I find it very sad because I want to reach out and hug them, but then at times we have to love them as Jesus would, but accept that we don't have to take or accept their abuse. When they are lost and the devils got them on a hook.... THEY DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING! As the God said on the cross "please forgive them for they do not know what they do."

You made an excellent example of it all with your school playmates. I think that is very mature and Godly of you to have found your old friend and asked for forgiveness, knowing he already forgave you before you even asked. Isn't that a great feeling?

You my dear sister and brother in Christ. You have SO MUCH on your hands. My heart aches for you. Oh how I wish I could jump in and rescue you all. This little girl has won over my heart and I am so proud of her and how far she has come. I can't wait to see the day she walks and says her first works. I smile thinking of it.

Please, please.... don't let people bring you down. Ignore them, delete them as fast you read them and move forward. Focus on the positives. If they do not like what you are doing they can go read another blog they do like. Let's say for grins and giggles here that you WERE asking for money and that you were using this blog for the wrong intentions (which you are clearly NOT), but lets say you were for a second here..... again folks DON'T READ THEIR DANG BLOG! Grow up! Don't click on their "donation button". Find something better to do with your time, other than go around and be miserably unhappy in life and leave negative comments on other blogs, especially, especially, especially..... (you get my point here) especially, when its a family dealing with what this family is dealing with. They have enough on their minds, hearts and plates to need or have to deal with you cynical folks!!! Go get a life!

Kayleighs..... baby girl you are doing so amazingly well. We are so PROUD of you. I have a little gift to send to you from Morgan and Hunter, ill email mommy and daddy to find out where I can send it to you. I know you can't yet play with it so maybe you will enjoy sharing it with your siblings in the mean time. It isn't much, it was given to Morgan, and she already has one, so we thought you would be the perfect friend to pay it forward and give it to.

Keep up those pretty smiles.... WE LOVE YOU.

God Bless.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Aimee,
Miss Kayleigh is soooo beautiful! Look at that smile! That is one of the reasons why we all love that little girl! What a wonderful way for God to show us the love He pours out over us! I know you all feel so blessed to have such a sweet angel, but I feel so blessed to know her and be a part of her life! Don't dwell on the negative things people have said. Just know that those of us you have invited to walk this wonderful journey with you know what is truly in your hearts. You are both strong, wonderful people, and Miss Priss is so lucky to have you as her Mom and Dad! Take care, and thank you....for allowing us to be a part of this miracle! I hope to get to see you guys soon, give Miss Priss a kiss for me!

Lesley Annas said...

Her smile is beautiful! May God bless you and your family even more than he already has! Your story is amazing and I pray for you each day!

Jaime said...

I've been reading your blogs for a bit now and have kept your family in my thoughts and prayers, but I just wanted to tell you the smiles that you posted today just made my heart melt! Thank you for sharing your story, it truly makes me appreciate my children more.

I'm sorry you've gotten so many bad emails, but it is very refreshing to see you lift yourselves above those and continue the fight. God bless you and your family, you are in our thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Oh what a great way to start my lunch..seeing such a beautiful smile on sweet Miss Kayleigh. I want to let you know we are still praying for you all and I actually did read the post and comments from the other night and after reading all those negative comments just felt so sick to my stomach. I'm not going to say anything more about it other than those people will have to answer to the lord and I believe in kharma. I know I am thankful to have your story and understand your need to have as many people read it as possible. If it wasn't for the message boards that I read well after Ryan came home, I would have never known that labor could be stopped. Many people don't know about blogs, message boards & websites or don't have access to them so getting your story out there in other ways (radio, tv, etc) is a wonderful tool. Thank you for always posting even in the worst of times. God Bless!

Karen P.

Kristy said...

Kaleigh is precious!! She looks SO SO good!! Smile away sweet girl!! Always know that blessings and prayers are abundant for Kaleigh and your family!! That smile is perfect, absolutely perfect!!

Anonymous said...

I have never commented on here, but I have been following your story for many months now! Seeing Kayleigh smile just makes my heart smile. Its such a relief to see her doing better now! Way to go, Kayleigh...you've done it again and jumped another hurdle. =) Keep it up and you'll get to go home soon!!!

Jennifer in SC

Anonymous said...

Look at how God used the negative commenters to prompt you to let us all know where your needs were. Now you have knowledge about insurance for Kayleigh that you really needed to know! That is HUGE! See, God makes everything work out to His will for the children He loves. Your faith remains through all of the heartache you've dealt with ... and God is closely watching over you. He will carry your burdens. Keep following His lead ... I know you will!

You have been inspirational to me. Sending lots of love and prayers ... ~Patty

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful.... I LOVE that smile. May God Bless you and your family.

mommyandthethreeboys said...

love you kayleigh!!!
love amber (las vegas)

Anonymous said...

I love seeing her smile! I hope she just keeps getting stronger and can go home soon! I am glad you are going to look into programs to help with her bills so you won't have to stress so much about them.
I come on here every night hoping to see a new picture of your sweet little girl! I came to find your blog at the time when you thought you were going to lose her and I cried for you and lifted her up in prayer knowing that God was good and would save this child that beat so many odds! I cried the next night when you wrote your post about waiting for her death and that it only could be min or days until the lord took her home I cried out to God even harder to save this little girl that I have never met.
I lost a daughter and no parent should every go through such heartache I still cry for my baby girl every night and it has been 2 years 3 months and 2 weeks since she left me.
I praised and gloyerfide god the day I saw your post that there was hope and she was awake!! I have praised every day since then! God is good Look at his work it is amazing your little girl was at the doors f heaven and God sent her back to fight on so one day she could be a great speaker(YES I said SPEAKER!) and share her story with the world! How God brought her back from the doors of death and to the arms of her loving parents!
I see this I see a little girl smiling and know that it is right to fight for these little baby's they say have no chance and will only suffer and have no Joy. Well look at this little girls face and yes she has struggled but she has Joy as well!
I am so happy to see her little face!!
I can give no money (though I wish I could!) we have fell on very hard times and need pray to make it day to day but I can give you my faith my pray and my Joy!! I can give Kayleigh I my love and keep praying for her.
Thank you so much for sharing her story it helps me with my day to day battles with my faith a lifts me up when I feel so out of control and down.

Anonymous said...

She is sooooo cute! Still praying for sweet Kayleigh and her family.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful picture. You should post it in places you look at each day. Mirror, visor in your car, the last place you see before you turn out the light...then you'll have smiles all day long.

The Rigelsky Family said...

Mark 5:36...dont be afraid just believe....

Kayleigh will be HEALED...Praise the Lord!!!!

Everytime I see her face I smile and I cry..she is a far bigger fighter than I...I squeeze my Sailor baby (same age) and say a prayer for you..God will carry you. Dont let anyone tell you otherwise..

Your precious doll baby is already a miracle and truly touches me ever time I see her face...

Would it be okay with you if I printed her picture and hung it in my house. she is such a constant reminder for me of how precious life truly is...

Lisa Marie said...

What an amazing smile on a beautiful little girl! We love you all!

-Lisa, Chad, and Emily Grace.

Anonymous said...

That smile is worth more then money could ever buy!! She is beautiful!!!


Stephanie said...

First of all I had to see that smile today!!!!!

When I looked at the second picture and she had her hands on the trach I wondered if she was going to try and pull it loose. She's incredibly lucky to have you right there on top of everything!

I pray that you are able to spend as much time as humanly possible with Kayleigh right now! As always I am praying for Kayleigh! She is such an incredible little girl..thank you for sharing her with us!

Anonymous said...

WOW! AMEN!! What an amazing champion in the fight she has been through. Such a beautiful smile. May our Lord continue blessing little Kayleigh and your family. May your strength in our Savior continue touching lives each day. She is sooo beautiful. I am really glad that you posted in the middle of the day, so that I wouldn't have to wait until the following morning to check in and be updated. Your entire family is just so precious. Thank you for sharing. I click refresh numerous times a day just waiting to see if anything new is going on. That child is just sooo precious. We love you, Kayleigh, keep getting stronger!!!

Anonymous said...

I am SO glad that things are going well. This is my first comment on here, but have been following Kayleigh since BBC. I say a prayer for her every day, and want nothing more than to see her happy and healthy. I truly hope you get the help you need. Nobody deserves it more.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that smile is worth a million bucks!!! Kayleigh looks wonderful!!! Such a beautiful baby girl! Praise be to God! Please check into the united way, they maybe able to help you out as well. Just to let you know that a family in Chicago, IL prays for your family every night!!

Kristen and Andy said...

That has to be one of the most beautiful and heart-warming smiles I have ever seen! Its a shame that some people feel the need to try to bring you down - but as you have seen from the hundreds of comments/emails - you have so much love and support from around the world from everyone that is behind your family and Miss Kayleigh. You have definitely found a spot in my family's heart as well as countless others I'm sure. Keep doing what you're doing and know that we all love that little girl of yours and can't wait to see her get to go home.

mamatamera said...

Adam and Aimee,
I am so sorry that people are attacking you. Kayleigh looks great! I'm so happy for her progress. The Lord works in mysterious ways and everything happens in his time. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Kayleigh is so beautiful and a true blessing from God! Thank you Lord for watching over her and protecting her. Thank you, Adam and Aimee for sharing with us and letting us join with you in prayer on Kayleigh's behalf.
Love that smile!
Praying in New Braunfels, Tx

Anonymous said...

It makes me so happy seeing you so much happier! There really are many, many people who care about Kayleigh and your family!

Happy too, to see pictures of Kayleigh smiling :)

Anonymous said...

To all the Freemans: I just want to say Thank You for sharing your family with me everyday. It brings me great joy to see the love I see here. God Bless!


Kerrie said...

Awesome pictures!! I was just thinking the other day - wow, Kayleigh is the spitting image of her mommy. But she's all daddy today in this pics!!

Kayleigh, you ask for all the attention in the world - you deserve it!!

Clorisa said...

WOW she looks so much better without all the tubes and such in her face and now she will be able to express herself so much better. She is just beautiful!!!! I'm glad things are looking more positive in your financial status and I'm so happy you got the help you need. God bless your princess and God bless you. I can't wait for more pictures of your little princess.

Tanya said...

Oh, what a blessed child to have you for parents and the prayers of the whole world. She'll be home with all you guys for sure. Hang in there, God will provide for you and your family ten fold, you guys deserve all of it and then some.

Jodi said...

I have been following your story for sometime now and have never commented before now. When I went to your blog today and saw little Kayleigh with a smile on her sweet face, I had to comment. My heart goes out to you and your family and I can not imagine everything that you have gone through not to mention what your sweet child has had to endure. I do know that God MUST have a plan for this precious child....:) I read your post yesterday and was saddened to think that people could be so uncaring and cruel with their words, but am glad today is a much better day for you!
I will keep you and your family in my prayers, and pray for a sweet little angel (Kayleigh) for you to take home with you soon.
God bless you all,
Jodi from Ohio

Wendy said...

You made my day Kayleigh! Beautiful!

The Bannister Family said...

Kayleigh is looking great!! I Will keep your family in my prayers. She is such a fighter

Much love from the Bannister family in Winston Salem.

Suzan said...

She looks woderful! May the Lord continue to heal her and watch over you and your family!

Lori said...

This is the first time I've posted to your blog. I have to tell you, your story and your beautiful baby girl are a great inspiration to me! I have never been through anything close to what your family is going through, but I can tell you that I was sickened to read that people can be so cruel! I dropped to my knees in prayer after reading your posts - prayer for Kayleigh and you and Amy. And, prayer for the "posters" who Satan has let TRY to get you down. I learned a long time ago that when God starts answering prayers, Satan will do everything in his power to ruin lives....Satan tried, but GOD previals. Kayleigh is so beautiful and it must be a great joy to see her smile. We will keep praying for you in Oklahoma!

Kristie said...

Thankyou for listening to me for the new pictures!!!

I appericate being able to see that sweet smile of Kayleigh's. I just love her so so much and please give her a great big kiss and hug from all of her friends on here.

Pss...Whisper in her ear that we love her!

Kristie in Alabama

michelle77 said...

Look how beautiful she is.....glad to hear things are looking up. You are always in my prayers x x

Anonymous said...

I have followed your blog for the past few months and think you are right in standing up for yourselves when people write negative comments. Also, I have thought about and prayed for you all often. The other night whiel I was thinking about your family God spoke to my heart and I came up with a name for your book...if it is something you actually do: "Special Delivery: A One Pound Package From God" I wish you all the best with your beautiful little girl and in getting back on track as a family. You definitely have your priorities straight: love first, worldly stuff second...God will provide.

jsiewert said...

Adam and Amy keep your heads up looking towards God. My husband and I are going through some of the same things you are at this very moment and it is really hard to keep the faith and know it will work out in the future when all you want is the answers right now. I just love her little smiling face.

Anonymous said...

I never leave a comment on here, but check the site everyday just to see how Kayleigh is doing!! But after looking at that smile I had to leave something...SHE LOOKS AMAZING...THE BEST THAT I'VE SEEN!! <3 You guys have an amzing little girl:-)

Anonymous said...

Absolutely amazing! She is soooo beautiful, I love that we can see her whole little face now, ESPECIALLY that wonderful smile!!
She is always in mine and Ivy's thoughts and prayers.
Adam and Aimee you are such strong, loving, wonderful parents, Kayleigh is such a lucky girl!!

Courtney said...

She is amaizing!!! What a beautiful smile:)

Jessica said...

Tears of joy are streaming down my face right now! Our God is an AWESOME God!!

I read on Kayleigh everyday and I am so happy for you all.

God Bless!

The Pirsein Family said...

What a priceless picture! I got all choked up when I saw that. Bless her heart, she is absolutely beautiful and looks like she's in good spirits!

Prayers are with you all, always.

purejoy said...

i don't always comment, but i am a faithful reader and prayer-er (?)
i find it reprehensible that anyone would try to tear you down instead of build you up. gah!! joy stealers, they are!!

so i am so glad to hear that your sweet baby is doing so well and excited to see that smile. may you continue to have blue skies and i am praying for her airways and for her to be able to do all she is meant to do in this world without tubes or machines. . . to God be the GLORY!!

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful amazing miracle from God! God Bless the Freemans!! God bless Kayleigh! Keep sharing your story! We love you Kayleigh!! Get well soon!! We want you home with your Mommy, Daddy, Alyson, and Brandon!!
Always a friend
Mommy to 2 boys
1 who was a 31 weeker

Anonymous said...

What a cutie pie. Thank you for sharing Kayleigh's story. I follow it daily and will continue to do so. Your story has helped so many families to believe in miracle. Love from Jean in Hollywood MD

Gayle said...

She's absolutely beautiful. I just love the little fuzz of hair beginning to grow. What a doll!

Anonymous said...

She is BEAUTIFUL!!! Look at that gorgeous little face - she has her color back and a little sparkle in her eyes - I just LOVE her!!
Sending lots of prayers your way!
The Fullers in Houston

E @ Scottsville said...

Hey, you know that "God works all things together for GOOD" line? Well, if you hadn't received negative comments, and you hadn't posted that last post, you may not have received some of the info that you received from bloggers. SEE, God even used those NEGATIVE people for HIS purpose!

So to those people - "How do you like being used by OUR GOD for His will?" ha ha ha

Hang in there Freemans! Our God is up to something GOOD!

Anonymous said...

I have never seen Kayleigh more beautiful!!! Oh, she is a doll and has captured my heart forever :)

Sometimes we need to see the bad to appreciate the good....and there really is nothing but good where Kayleigh is concerned.

I'll continue my prayers :)

God bless all the good people who come here everyday to check on Kayleigh. It does my heart good to see it :)

(((HUGS))) to all :)

Anonymous said...

Change the date to 2/6/09.

Congratulations! on Kayleigh doing beautifully!!! GOD is GOOD!

Have a great weekend,

Laura W. (N. GA.)

Anonymous said...

I want to tell you that Kayleigh and your ENTIRE family, supprot system, doctors, nurses, etc. are truly BLESSINGS from God. Though you have had MANY ups and downs, you all have remained strong when a lot of others would have thrown in the towel!
Much love and prayers, from a preemie mom to you all,
Jenny and Baby Paul

Anonymous said...

Oh my, she is SO BEAUTIFUL! So happy for you, and will keep praying that everything works out for the best. :)

Anonymous said...

Kayleigh looks GREAT!!! Oh my gosh she is cute and getting so big. Just wonderful. She will be home with you all soon.

It is kind of scary that she pulls the trach out though. There isn't a way to keep it in with her tugging on it? I am sure you have already addressed this.

Praying, praying, praying!! :) :)

Denise in CA

Amanda said...

PRAISE GOD!!!!! That smile makes it all worth while!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh I should have also said - Thank you for sharing!!

Avery Tales said...

Kayleigh has one of the most beautiful smiles I've ever seen. Praise God for this tiny miracle. I will continue to send good thoughts and lots of prayers your way.

Anonymous said...

Her smile is just gorgeous. Kayleigh is a strong little girl. I'm so glad she is doing better.

So sorry about the mean people who leave terrible comments. I've received them too and although I let them bother me a first, I've chosen to ignore them. You've done what you think is best for you and your family. Kayleigh is lucky to have such amazing parents.

Nutty Mom said...

Kayleigh looks SOOO good! I love the second picture, it looks like she's thinking "is daddy looking? I'm gonna rip this off as soon as he turns his back".

mrsrubly said...

kayleigh what a gorgeous little smile you have there, sweety. i pray that all is going well w/ the programs that you have looked into. bonny in TX

Anonymous said...

I'm having a bad day but my little Kayleigh always seems to bring me up when I am down. I love her as my own, and love yall like family. I think she needs some pretty fluffy bow ties on her trach.

Love yall bunches,
Nikki Conway

Ali said...

Kayleigh's smile is so beautiful! (But you already knew that!) I am so glad you have gotten so much wonderful advice and help, I wish I could help more! I will stick to praying for your family though =) Keep up the wonderful work!

Anonymous said...

Now this is the kind of post I like to see! ;) She looks soooooooooo good!!!!! Praying for more good days, I mean better days, to come and that they get to the bottom of her x-ray issue with her belly soon. I'm sure it's only something minor and just her way of coming out of another procedure trying to get healthy. Take care baby girl and we want to see MANY MANY more smiles in the days.......years......to come.

Cheyenne, WY

Katrina said...

Very beautiful smile. I pray you get many more of those to come.

Anonymous said...

Love the new pictures! She looks so precious and content! I hope that she is on the road to come home soon! You are all in my thoughts!

hjg said...

What a wonderful picture and note. You both are true people and it shows...Kayleigh is VERY lucky to have you both as parents and you're both lucky tohave her to see what really matters in life!

Kristine said...

I love these pictures! She is so beautiful, I love seeing her whole gorgeous face! What an amazing day for you all! Thanks for letting us be a part of it!

Love to You all from NH!

Rachel Dominguez said...

That is why we are here...visiting your blog every day...because we love you all and our God!

I'm glad all of us readers can be there for you to give you the strength you need to carry on.

I pray that you get help in everyway possible and that your lives will soon be back on track!

You all are amazing!

Love and Kisses to that beautiful SMILING baby girl!


fmattso said...

She just has that look on her face like check me out I'm so gonna freak out my dad!! She is beautiful! She looks so much better than on Monday! My heart was breaking for her! But now she looks like she is ready to cause trouble! I love he smile. I'm so happy things are looking up for you! Just keep giving God your Midnights! He can handle them all! Still praying in Colorado! Faith

Anonymous said...

This literally brought tears to my eyes, and is sending goosebumbs up my whole body. This is so great to see. Brings a GIANT smile to my face. You made my day!

Anonymous said...

She looks so much better!! She is so precious and i pray that she continues to thrive. Those pictures make her look like a different girl! And her smile is truly a miracle.

-Hannah (twin cities, MN)

Renata said...

Hang in there guys! We're praying for you!

The Dean Family

Anonymous said...

Kayleigh I LOVE your smile! You look great. Hoping that my donation can help your family. Please know that you are always in our thoughts and prayers. Stay strong peanut!

Adam and Aimee your strength amazes me..

Laurie in SD

Katie said...

She is beautiful!! What a sweet little face :)

Anonymous said...

She looks so good! Brings tears to my eyes! God bless you and I'll continue praying!!!

jlwgator said...

Hi and thanks for your email. I am going to respond shortly. My baby (6 months old) has had a stomach virus and I'm busy taking care of her. I appreciate your response though.

Dina said...

I never thought a smiling baby would bring tears to my eyes! EVER! But Kayleigh deserves every happy and sad tear of shed for her...she is BEAUTIFUL!

I'm glad that many people filled you in on stuff to help you get by. It broke my heart reading yesterday, and it had to take some courage to lay it all out there for the world to see. I too was going to post about your insurance being so high. I just heard that micro-premie babies are eligble for FREE government insurance! Hopefully that is the help someone else told you about.

Big hugs to the Freemans!

Chelsey Dawn said...

she is gorgeous!!!! its so nice to see her looking more like a baby with out so many tubes etc. one step at a time. praying for kayleigh in calgary,ab.

chelsey and kai

Anonymous said...

Hi! I think you are in for some suprises with a high spirited kiddo like Kayleigh. I worked with a little guy (about 12 months old), who soon discovered that if he took out his trach, alarms would sound, and people would come running! Good luck!

Laurie Alderman, OTR

Holly said...

Someone just told us that since our son was preemie and he is having problems now that he may be eligible for SSI. Iou have it where you are but you may be eligible for state health insurance which is based on your income, and also your mortgage or rent and utilities. well i hope i was of some help. please also keep my son in your prayers he stopped growing 3 months ago and the geneticist doesent know why well thank you i hope i could help God bless.

tiredmama said...

She looks beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Miss Kayleigh, You are so Beautiful!
Adam and Aimee, thanks for the pics.
I am constantly thinking of and praying for Kayleigh and you guys
I feel almost like I am her granny...Lol!

Columbia SC

Shanda said...

WOW! Kayleigh looks so beautiful. Its wonderful to see her face now without the tape and tube in her mouth. She looks so content now. Much better than she did a couple of weeks ago. Almost like she feels so much better. Give her kisses and hugs!

Twin Mommy said...

Sweet Kayleigh! She looks so beautiful. Praying for you all!


Anonymous said...

Now THIS is a great way to end the week! Love the picture of your sweet baby girl! Just know that with all the amazing people praying for your baby there are only a few evil out there!! We way out number them. So glad to see her precious face. Have a wonderful weekend and would love to see more pictures of that smiling face!! I'm telling ya, God has a plan for her!!!

much love from Texas-kristi

Anonymous said...

Wow! Kayleigh looks so bright eyed and happy today. It's making me laugh to see her so uplifted! Go Kayleigh!

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful to see Kayleigh's face now that the endotracheal tube is gone. I think the decision to go with the trach was a good one, and will enable her to come home sooner! She is so cute! I am so glad that so many people are now sending you money after that email of yours. Glad to know you are looking into insurance and other programs for your family. I cannot believe no one told you guys about the SSI payments and the Medicaid insurance! Shame on that hospital for not telling you! Hopefully SSI will give you back payments for Kayleigh! That will help out tons..its about 800 per month! YAY!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful little girl!! She looks AWESOME! Keep up the good work Freemans!


Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous smile.
Following this story has really made me cherish my daughter and my current pregnancy with my son.

I think what you are doing is amazing!

annaandallysmom said...

She is so beautiful....I love her and your whole family. I thank God for leading me to your family!!!

Anonymous said...

Awwwwww...she looks adorable!Well, she has ALWAYS been aborable, but we can really see her without all of the tubes and tape!!! I'm so glad to see that positive things are happening - I can "feel" it in this post. Funny about her pulling the trach out and Daddy sweating to get it back in! oh, the things that she'll do to you both, especially when she is a teenager :)

I am just AMAZED that it has only been about 2 months since the post that said that basically Kayleigh would be going home to The Lord. Just amazing the miracles that have occurred and keep on occurring! I am just so amazed!

All my love,



Chris_The_Female_Farmer said...

I did not get a chance to post yesterday and this is my first time posting here as well as the email I sent you on your face book the other day. First of that smile is amazing. She is beautiful and she looks so peaceful in that picture. I am glad you chose to keep the negative out and not let people get you two down, all that you two have been thru and all that Kayleigh has been thru negative from people is the last thing you need... You two are amazing as I said the other day and you keep on doing what you are doing to keep that beautiful little girl in that picture getting better and smiling. God bless you both and Kayleigh...

Trish said...

Oh, these pictures bring tears to my eyes! She's so beautiful! She looks soooo good! I'm glad you all are in better spirits. It's hard to see you guys so upset... By the way, I think she looks just like Aimee in the second picture. (Sorry, Adam!) You all should be very proud of your little angel, she's such a fighter!
Love and prayers,
Trish (from KY)

Anonymous said...

Kayleigh looks beautiful! It's great to see her pretty face without in tubes in the way. God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Simply Adorable, she looks so happy to have them tubes out of her throat! I havent even got to read the blog I just seen her pix and had to comment!

Anonymous said...

Kayleigh looks wonderful! It's so nice to see her smile :)

Kirsten: said...

Ahh, she looks ADORABLE!!! Glad to see her smile =)

bri said...

You have got to be floating on air right now! Look at that face! That is what it is ALL ABOUT (you know besides the obvious... GOD *smile*). I am blessed to be "involved" with your lives and to see so many come together in prayer on behalf of someone only some truly know. Just goes to show how BIG GOD truly is!


Jennifer said...

What a beautiful smile from a beautiful little girl. I know you are looking forward to so many more years of those smiles. God bless!

Adam and Sherry said...

She is so beautiful!!! There is nothing that restores your faith faster than a babies smile. I am so glad you are having a better day. Just a thought and I am sure someone else has brought this up but they approached us with it when Matthew was in the NICU. They offered for us to put him on medicaid. Just a thought. Take care you are always in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

These pics are so sweet! She is so wide eyed and alert. I love it! Hope you guys are having a great weekend.
As always you are in our hearts and on our minds. Love the Nadeaus

Anonymous said...

That is an awesome smile. So glad to see you are on fire again for God's glory. God bless. Lisa from Texas

Faith said...

Praying for you and your precious family!! God will provide!

Kala Family said...

Oh it's SOOO good to see that smile! She looks wonderful! Keep it up Kayleigh.

Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures of your little girl - thanks for showing me.
God bless you and so glad you are doing well.

Jennifer said...

Yes! This IS what it's all about. Giving HIM all the GLORY! Kayleigh looks so good, to see those sweet precious lips! Give her lots n lots of kisses for me. God is sooo good! BELIEVING in HIM and BELIEVING in kayleigh's COMPLETE EARTHLY HEALING.

Andrea said...

what a precious gift from God! you are all in my prayers everyday and i would love to help you more. keep fighting the good fight and God will reward you with everything you deserve and more!

and adam, i am very impressed that you stayed calm enough to put her trach back on. and yes, all kids with trachs continually pull them out. alarms don't seem to bother them!

mommy to Kaden, Brody and angel Ava said...

Kayleigh looks amazing. I love the pictures.

About the vent popping off of the trach. When Kaden was younger we used another type of tie, almost like a neck tie and wrapped it around his neck (on top of the main trach tie) and then around the part that hooks to his trach and fastened it down. That may be hard to understand. You can look at our blog on the side bar and find early pictures of him and see what I am talking about if you would like to. It also helped that he had an in-line suction (it doesn't look like Kayleigh has one, but I definitely recommend it, it is way more sterile then the other suction cathedars)...that too you can find in pictures with Kaden. Anyway we use to tie the tie around the suction cathedar. It works pretty well.

Again, I am sure this comment is hard to makes sense of it all, so please feel free to look at pictures on my blog...www.kadenboeckman.blogspot.com

If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment and I will definitely get back to you.

Thinking of you all and keeping you in my prayers.


Anonymous said...

Her precious smile brought tears to my eyes. God bless your family... with everything that you've been through in 2008 it's a miracle that you always sound so upbeat and positive! I'm anxiously awaiting the day I see a post with a picture of sweet little Kayleigh buckled into her carseat leaving the hospital!

Val said...

Those are some of the best pictures you have posted of her. She looks healthy and her eyes are so clear. What a true beauty!

And that smile....better watch out for the boys, cuz some day she's gonna give dad a heart attack. :-)

nsrush83 said...

I have been following your story for the past few months. I am amazed. My son was also born at 28 weeks. Your daughter has made me more thankful. I am praying for you all!

Anonymous said...

:) just in case you didn't notice... she has the most ADORABLE little button nose! i love it!

Jennifer said...

The smile is adorable. The second picture made me laugh because she has this surprised look of "Oh.....am I not suppose to touch this?" So funny!!! Like she just got caught. Kayleigh you brought a smile to my face little girl!

Kaitlin said...

I couldn't find your e-mail but I'm a big fan of Kaleigh! My little peanut just turned one and during my computer time she sits on my lap and loves to point at Kaleigh's picture and say, "Pretty Baby!" And she is so beautiful, it's been so wonderful seeing her face without all the tubes!
Well anyway I was looking for your e-mail because we ordered some hair bows for my bald baby girl and they sent us a couple free ones. I didn't know if Kayleigh would like two or three - the come with a stretchy headband and the hair bows clip on the band part. Since my baby is so bald I had made sure to get the kinds that don't leave marks. We would love to send her a little package. You can contact me through my blog or e-mail kaitie at gmail dot com.
Your daughter is a true inspiration. Blessings! Kaitie and Molly (the peanut) :)

pigpen7 said...

Kayleigh is getting more and more beautiful everyday! I'm glad she is doing so well! Her beautiful smile brought tears to my eyes!

Anonymous said...

That smile is PRICELESS!!

The Red One said...

Your lil K is so so cute. I love her holding her bracelet. She is showing such strength...from wearing to holding. Girls got determination. Her face is too cute too as she is holding on to the trach.
Thanks for such a positive message. You motivate me so much to be a better mother to my kids. Aimee, Adam and lil K...Thank you for your drive and faith and shedding so much light on my family here in Cali! These grey skies have nothing on us now! Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Oh. My. Goodness. Look how wonderful she looks! She is truly growing stronger every day. I'm so happy that she is doing so well.

Lots of prayers still headed your way!

Anonymous said...

OMG how sweet are they pictures.

Little Kayleigh looks so happy in them!

I am so glad that all is going well and i will countine to check for all updates.

PS I posted the little gift this morning so hope it reaches you guys real soon.

Hugs to you all


Amy said...

Kayleigh looks so awesome!!! I think she likes having the trach. Love seeing her precious little smile. God is so good ALL the time!

In Christ's Love,

Amy S in KS

The Finnans said...

What beautiful pictures of little Kayleigh! So nice to see her smile. :) Hoping that the xrays turn out ok!

Jen said...

Look at that beautiful smile! Yay Kayleigh!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Such precious photos!Many more smiles for Kayleigh and your family!!

Marie said...

What a little sweet girl! Beautiful smile :)

Anonymous said...

That is the best pictures that I have seen so far of her.

She actually looks happy in both of them :)

Great update!

"No more negativity will find it's way to this site because this site belongs to God and His children."

Umm, I DO NOT bring negativity to this site but I am defenitly NOT a child of god. I am just a mom who supports other moms, no matter what their beliefs are.

I think about your daughter daily and hope the doctors can help heal her quickly.

Thanks for the update. You seem to be a very determined family so I am sure that things will turn around for you soon.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry that I've been gone so long, but I'm so glad to see how amazing she is doing!!!!!! You are all always in my thoughts and prayers, and I'm so incredibly happy that she is doing so well. I know seeing Kayleigh that miracles happen, and that Gods love is a powerful force, and it gives me great hope.

I hope you are all well.

God Bless.

Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful!! What a little fighter to be pulling off her trach, she doesn't like it. :)

Anonymous said...

Kayleigh looks absolutely AMAZING!!! Wow!!!! That picture just made my day!!! I just want to hug and kiss her soooo badly..I love you Kayleigh. Aimee and Adam - you are such wonderful parents! God will lead the way..

Anonymous said...

Such a Miracle, God is Amazing!she is so very beautiful!. My heart and prayers go out to Kayleigh and you family

Margaret Christine said...

I don't think I've ever seen Kayleigh smile like that; it brightened my day!!!!!!
Hang in there sweety!!!
Love and hugs

Anonymous said...

I'm coming to this conversation a bit late, but based on some things you mentioned in your last blog, it sounds like you may have figured out a way to eliminate the uninformed, negative comments some people are making - anonymously, of course, cowards.

But I wanted to share our own experience, in your defense. Our own daughter, who was a month older than Kayleigh and a full pound bigger, spent just EIGHT weeks in the hospital, and the bill for her care was over a million dollars. A MILLION DOLLARS! No lie, no exaggeration.

To those who would accuse the Freeman's of "using their daughter's illness for financial gain," I say get your facts straight, then get a life.

God Bless you guys and God Bless Kayleigh.

We'll be praying for you and, if we weren't still paying off our own daughter's care, we'd be first in line to help you out! :^)

-Luke and Sarah Thoene in California

Katie Anderson said...

Kayleigh just look at you. YOu are such a fighter and we love you more then you will every know. I just got home from the hospital with Sidney and he wante me to tell you that he loves you and is so sorry that you are still in the hospital. Our small roller coaster is nothing compared to yours and we are so thankful to see that little smile of yours. YOu are getting so big if your mommy and daddy aren't careful you will be as big as Sidney in no time..... Tell your mommy and daddy that you love them every day with that little smile and be sure to thank the nurses with that little smile of yours as well. You are truly a miracle and we all are so thankful to your mommy and daddy for sharing you with us.

Love Always,

Katie Anderson

adrianna york said...

I am so thankful that Kayleigh is doing really well. I would do the same thing panic if I did not know what was going with my little girl. She looks good I think God that she is doing really good. I wish you all the best and I hope everything gose good for her.
from Kim and family

Mel said...

She just gets prettier by the day! Still praying in OK! M

Anonymous said...

Love you guys--your daughter makes me smile!

Queen Mommy said...

Aw, Kayleigh looks amazing! I think her smile reminds me of Aimee a little. :-)

Okay, so when I first read that Kayleigh pulled her trach out, I was thinking she'd decannulated herself already (and my heart skipped a beat), but then I realized you probably meant she pulled off her tubing, vent circuit, or whatever you want to call it. Just telling you now: Get used to it! Those little sweeties learn rather quickly what will make people come running!

I hope her tummy issues clear up soon! My Lily dealt with those quite a bit as well. For her, it turned out she had a stricture in her small intestine (narrowing), and once that was repaired, she did okay again. Hopefully it's something simple for Kayleigh and nothing that will require another surgery.

Hugs & Prayers!

JoEll said...

she is so beautiful and i am glad that things are going alright. I pray everyday that she will heal and go home with you guys

Judi English and Uncle John Wojtowicz said...

WOW! You are looking stronger and so much happier now Kayleigh. Uncle John and I are so glad!!! Please, now be a good girl and let mama and daddy get used to this new you before you decide to pull off your tubing again.
We are looking forward to the day you can sit in your car seat and eat french fries. wait until you taste them. We love you and your sister and brother and mommy and daddy too. Now be a big girl and gain more waight. Get stronger and keep your family happy. love ya

Anonymous said...

I really like what I've read! It is a good idea to ignore the bad/negative. You are doing everything you can to do what you have to do. Don't apologize for it any more. As one matures, one cares less and less about what others think. Start thinking like a 90 year old! Don't waste one more minute on "stuff" that is off your path. Kayleigh is counting on you.
Huge hugs from Chicago,
Your Realtor Friend :)

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

Good for you! Taking the initiative and putting back in the Trach... just proved that you ARE her sun and moon!!

Good job.

Anonymous said...

Dear Freemans. I just happened to stumble across your blog yesterday. Wow, what an inspiration! I spent a couple hours yesterday and a couple hours today reading it all! I can't imagine going through everything your family has gone through! I will be lifting your family up in prayer. Adam, Wow, you have such a great love for your wife. That is so neat to hear since it is unfortunately becoming more and more uncommon to see such love between a husband and wife! I pray that everything you have been through may only draw you closer to God and to each other.

MammaT said...

Hi, haven't commented much prior to this, but I had a thought:
Since this is a Blogger blog, there is an option to sign up for a paid ad account. You get enough hits every day, and there are enough people who would just click the ads to generate your income, that it may be worth it to put ads on your blog!

Good luck!