8 Months - 240 Days - 5,760 hours - 345,600 minutes - 20,736,000 seconds TOO LONG IN THE NICU!!!!
But man she is looking GREAT! We had such a wonderful visit as we changed her trach again, but it was just Aimee and I this time. I think we got the hang of it. I am going to video a trach change so you all get the real understanding of what we go through.
Kayleigh hit the 7 pound mark! WOO HOO
She's possibly going to get the chance to try a bottle soon, so we are really looking forward to seeing how she does. We were speaking with the nurse and if Kayleigh takes a bottle and can increase her feedings that way, there really isn't any other factors that are keeping her in the hospital. She will eventually come off the Pain Meds over the next week and all that is left is her Flolan, which she can come home on.
How about that??? Let's all pray that she continues to WOW the Doctors and prove she is a big girl and can do all of this at home. When the talk of coming home becomes serious, they are going to get Kayleigh on her "Laptop" which is a small portable breathing machine instead of having that huge compartment that takes up half her space. That will be an amazing sight to see when that is gone.
We both did notice that Kayleigh's hair is looking a little on the blond side.
Aimee and I have been getting a lot of mixed comments, so what I would like is for everyone to vote who you think Kayleigh looks more like, Aimee or Me. The voting poll is on the right tool bar at the top, so have at it.
I wish everyone a wonderful week and don't forget to do your "Thoughtful Thursdays" and come back to post about it. We can't wait to read them!!!
God Bless,
i say she loks ;ike amy.
Keep strong little one. you are a doll.
She looks so great! I don't know what it is but she really looks different today...I guess you can say she looks like she's feelin much better! Praise God about coming home soon!
Always in my prayers!
Happy Birthday Kaliegh , Hope you can go home soon ! Im praying for that day !You are a strong little girl proving everyone , you always have that extra fight in you !
WIth love from Lisa
In Canada
Kayleigh is looking so much healthier!!!!!!!!! Congratulations to your family on this new milestone!!!
Helen and Rachel
Perth, Australia
I am just so thrilled for you to see the progress your precious daughter is making. I pray she will be home with you soon.
I've been so touched by this little girl's story.
God bless.
I think she has Mommy's eyes and Daddy's forehead! I wish you the best of luck.
Adam and Aimee,
Wow!! Kayleigh looks AMAZING!!! The pictures just brought a smile to my face. She is a cutie! Watch out for those boys when she gets home!! Praise the Lord, she is doing so well! :)
Wow! She is just an amazing girl! I hope and pray that you guys do get to take her home soon. But once you take her home, will you continue to update? I feel like she has become part of my life. Your family has made me remember just how precious life is.
Wow! She is getting so big! I love the pic of the three of you where she is making sure her Daddy is still next to her. We are continuing to pray for her to keep wowing the doctors so she can go home :)
Your baby girl has coem a long way. She looks great and it looks like you guys could not be happier. It is so nice to see everyone smiling. What an amazing family. I am not sure who she looks like,. I think she has a little of both of you in her. She is just beautiful. I will continue to keep her and the family in my prayers. God Bless You all
Happy 8 months Kayleigh!! You are looking amazing, keep it up.
WOW she looks absoultely beautiful. I had to clap when I read this post,,,,this is AMAZING news. I am ohh so very happy for all of you. What a stress relief. MAybe with Kayleigh sitting up in her bumbo seat she will also gain some strength in her stomach muscles and be able to do it on her own soon.
I will sum this up with one word.............WOW WOW WOW
Awww, it's so nice to see the pictures of you guys holding her! She's looking wonderful! Way to go baby K! xoxo
Aimee, did we see you giving that little babydoll bunny ears? I believe we did! Adam, she is checking out her daddy!
Look at those scales! Kayleigh looks GGRRRREAT!! Thanks to God for allowing Kayleigh to stay with us and continue to improve for eight months! Thanks to you Adam for keeping us posted on her progress and the beautiful pics that we so look forward to seeing.
Have a wonderful time celebrating another day with your daughter!
Everyone see the comments section for the 2-21-09 post for great ideas on helping out the Freeman Family! (near the bottom) Thanks.
love the pic of the three of you! such a beautiful family! so how does bottle feeding work with the trach? just curious! I think Kayleigh has her mommy's nose, and the rest of her must be a good mesh of the both of you...whoever she turns out to look like, she's going to have the boys chasing her! she's one beautiful girl! :)
Happy 8 months Kayleigh. What a miracle you are!!
She is beautiful! And I noticed only 1 tube in her nose! Progress. My husband had to have open heart surgery at 28 yrs old and was in the hospital for a month. (they didn't think he would survive...little did they know about the miracles of God and prayer!) Anyway, each tube, each medicine, each thing they got rid of was a victory and I'm so happy for you. I LOVE all the pictures, but especially the family picture. Continuing my prayers for all of you and that Kayleigh gets to go home soon! I'll need a whole box of tissues for that post! :)
amy in goose creek, sc
She looks so wonderful! Happy 8 months Princess. I will keep you all in my prayers.
Wow, she looks absolutely fantastic. What an awesome sight to see!! You guys must be on cloud 9 with her!! AWESOME....
God is good.
I've been following your blog for a few months now, but am just de-lurking to comment!
I think that she looks like her Mommy, but in the pictures, it's clear that the only man she has eyes for is her Daddy! How absolutely precious is that?!
Oh my gosh! SHE IS BEAUTIFUL! I agree, too long in the NICU, but I pray she will be out before too long! I must say she looks like her mama, she beautiful!
She looks absolutely amazing! I can't believe how healthy she's looking. Its so great to see you all being able to hold her more!
As for who she looks more like...I think its next to impossible to tell :) When she is next to Adam I say "Oh she looks more like Aimee" but then when she is next to Aimee I think "No she definitely looks more like Adam."
Kayleigh is a perfect little mix of you two!
Oh...my...gosh!! She is more beautiful every stinkin' day! I LOVE the picture of the three of you. She's totally looking at you, Adam, like, "Oh, that's my dad! I'm so lucky!" :)
And that first picture of her...she looks so big!
PRAISE GOD. He is amazing, isn't HE?
She is so beautiful! What a wonderful answer to prayer she is!! Just looking at these pictures and seeing her face in them, I can just see the happiness in her face being with mommy and daddy! Praise God for his healing in Kayleigh!!
She is so beautiful. I can't wait to see her pretty little face with no tubes and tape.
awww look at her!!!! she amazes more and more everyday!!! and she was someones "luck" at bingo lastnight lol a older lady commented on my bingo dauber so i attatched to it, a small note that said "good luck! from kayleigh" and the website address. and the woman won! of course i was so close to winning 2, but the woman won so i say kayleigh was her luck lol.
i cant wait for the day she can go home that is going to be a happy day!
keep up the great work kayleigh, we all know that you CAN eat from the bottle so now its to pray that theres no hurtles with doing so!
I can't wait 4 u guys to all be home together , alone, without all the nicu nurses and doctors around you! much love <3
She is looking AMAZING!!! You guys are sooo blessed!! I'm still praying!! :)
ohhh, how you inspire me! God Bless you and your family. I love the pictures, they are awesome! She looks so much bigger than even the last photos you posted!!!! I continue to pray for you all!
I think she looks like Adam, but with Aimee's eyes. She definitely has her mommy's eyes. Happy 8 Months Kayleigh-bug you are looking more and more beautiful everyday. Keep up the good work, we love you baby!!!
you all are so stinking cute i could eat you up! and 7 lbs!!!! yeah!!! i'm like doing a big hooray dance here. you are getting there...and k is still fighting so stinking hard. i love that little pea!
now, the looks like thing...it's a crazy thing. i have 4 girls...2 bio and 2 adopted...one of my children who is adopted looks more like me than my baby sofie who is bio. crazy kids! god has such a sense of humor! ok, for you guys...i'm gonna go with the easy way out...she's the perfect blend of happiness form the both of you!
Thank God she's doing so well. she's gorgeous! I think she looks like both of you.
I'm praying she bottle feeds very well! Have a great week! Give her hugs from Ava;)
She looks fantastic. She is changing every single day. She is well on her way to making her way to home. I continue to pray for her and your family every single day. I am so glad you shared this true miracle of God. Keep on striving Kayleigh, keep on striving.
Happy 8 months!! She is absolutely gorgeous and getting moreso every day! I check your blog multiple times a day; thanks for keeping us updated. I can't wait until she comes home!
Sorry Adam but I ditto the looking more like Aimee right now! hahaa. I am SO glad that she is improving and things are looking so much better for her!! She is beautiful!! We are praying all the time for your family!!
Yay for Kayleigh! You are proving to everyone that Dr.s may be good but God is bigger. So many people are praying for you and just look at you now!
Wow Wow & Wow!!! She continues to amaze me day in and day out. She is looking fantastic. I just want to pick her up and smooch all over her. I know you guys are taken care of that. :) I am praying for you day in and day out and there is no doubt in my mind that God is truely at work at getting her home. I look foward to more wonderful updates and photos. We love you all.
I am literally crying looking at her pictures and reading your post. I'm so amazed how well she is doing!!! She is so beautiful. You are in my prayers everynight and I will continue until she is completely healed. Peace be with you.
She looks amaizing!!!! Way to go Kayleigh!
She really does look great in these pics!!! : ))))
Congrats on hitting 7lbs.!
Hoping and praying she gets to come home SOON and that she does wonderful at home!
Great pictures!! Happy 8 month birthday Kayleigh! She is so beautiful.
Whoo Hooo!! 7 lbs! Go Kayleigh!! And happy 8 month birthday to a beautiful miracle! I think she has your eyes! She has mommy's nose. I think we will throw a party when she comes home finally. My whole family reads and asks about Kayleigh like shes one of my kids! Love to you guys from Lexington, SC!
She looks so great!! I was wondering was the paper above Kayleigh's bed said.. I could only make out help us keep Kayleigh's head beautiful..can't wait till she comes home
Happy Birthday Kayleigh, wow aren't you just a big girl 7 pounds. Please do us a favor and just start eating like a little pro so mommy and daddy can take you home. They have been waiting soooo long now, and want to be able to bring you home to your room for at least a little bit before you have to move (I'm working on changing that however I am only 1 person and I am praying for a miracle)
She is absolutely beautiful. She looks great. I think this week she looks like Aimee. Last week I would have said Adam. Zach does that as well but has lately started really looking like his dad. I hope she gets to come home real soon. Check out this blog, a friend of mine has her daughter home on a trach and she is doing wonderful http://letterstocatherine.blogspot.com/
Kayleigh continues to amaze me. I'm so happy that you are able to hold her. Have the doc said anything about her having to have therphy to teach her to suck a bottle. I remember after my granson was born an had open heart surgery at 5 days and never had a bottle until he was 3 weeks old and that was one of the things they mentioned. Luckly he didn't have a problem learning how too. Kayleigh cont to amaze us and come home soon.
Kayleigh looks awesome!!! So glad she has hit the 7 lb mark!!! Keep it up baby girl so you can go home!!! All the best!!!
My goodness - she looks absolutely wonderful! What a blessing.
Kayleigh looks awesome. What great news to hear she's doing so well that there is possibly an end in site, yet! I can't wait for the day when you tell us she's coming home. How amazing would that be?!!
You're family pictures are beautiful and you truly look happy! I think there's a good mixture of both of you in Kayleigh.
Aww baby girl!!! You are getting more beautiful each and every day (bigger too..hehe). You look wonderful!! Praise Lord!!!!!! Adam, what's your email again I have Kayleigh's letter to send.
The Abreu Family
(Brooklyn, NY)
WOW!!! Kayleigh looks wonderful! She's getting so big, holding her head up, bright eyed, she looks completly healthy! Just makes ya wanna squeeze her looking at her in those pics!
I say most of the time I think she looks like you (Adam) but sometimes I see Ammie in her. I guess it depends on her facial expressions.
At first she looked a lot like you Adam but as the days go by she looks more and more like her mommy!!! Best wishes and I hope she comes home soon!!!
Danielle Lisbon,ND
WOW....she looks so amazing and you can definitely tell she is doing great. PRAISE GOD!!!!! I think she looks a lot like Aimee. What a precious little miracle. These pictures made my day to see her doing so great and wonderful. May she continue to amaze the doctors and get home with you guys soon.
In Christ,
What an AMAZING milestone for this miracle from above! Grow Kayleigh grow.....show the world what GOD has sent. Sending kisses and hugs to you today, sweet girl!
Oh My gosh you guys!! I almost started to cry when i saw the scale!!! 7lbs!! WOOHOO Kayleigh!! Good job little one! still praying you get to go home soon!! Have a great day!!
WOW!!! I dont know who she looks like but man, does she look AMAZING!!!! The trach is definately helping her, this is the absolute best she has ever looked =) she is so stinkin cute! she is really starting to fill out..who knows in a couple,months you might have a chunky monkey! =) happy 8 months sweet baby girl!
Happy 8 month sweet girl~~You're looking great and it never ceases to amaze me how well you're doing! Keep wowing those doctors so you can go home!!
She is beautiful and amazing!!! May God continue to bless her so that she could be home where she belongs.
Hi, I have been a follower of you blog for a few months now, and I check it daily to see how your little darling is doing. I have a 13 month old and just thought I would commment on your question on who she looks like.
since my son was born, it seems everybody sees only one of us, but always a different one. I have determined you see who you knew when they were that little.
Anyways I would like to share with you my grandfather's famous comment when people ask who he looks like.
"She looks like Kayleigh" (obviously i changed the names and such lol)
She looks wonderful and it's nice to see you and Aimee looking so happy! I hope that things continue to improve and you can take your sweet little girl home!
Kayleigh looks wonderful. I can just feel the excitement and happiness in your photos. I have been following your blog for a couple of months now and it just makes my heart melt. I am always excited to see the progress she is making. Little Kayleigh is such a miracle and such an inspiration. I hope that she goes home soon! You are all in my prayers daily!
Happy 8mos Kayleigh!! No matter who you look like you are one lucky girl!
Personally, I think you look like your mama....it's in the eyes. I think you might have your daddy's lips.
Have a great day Freemnan Fam!!
She looks fantastic. How amazing to be hearing the words home. I have to say a little more towards Aimee, but definitely a good mix of both. Can't wait to see how she does with the bottle.
My name is Heather and having discovered this beautiful little girl has just made my day. I watched all 4 of my children endure the NICU but never were any of them as sick or stayed as long at your sweet baby girl. I love reading about her. I hope she continues to progress so she can come home. That is such an amazing day.
too funny that you posted a poll b/c as soon as i logged on here, I thought "wow she is looking like aimee!"
Well, well, well. What a nice suprise for a Monday morning to see her looking so fit. She has daddys ears thats for sure, you know, cute is cute. What a beautiful family picture. Thanx for sharing. Darrell
In that 3rd pic- she is the spitting image of Aimee!! sorry adam hehehe
Happy 8th month birthday Kayleigh! You look AMAZING and you look like your mommy! We got your braclets in the mail and hope to get our pictures sent to you this week! Stay strong peanut!
Love and prayers in SD
ive read this blog everyday for months now. i am so happy to see those photos! kayleigh looks so great. what an amazing lord we have. and what a miracle she is!
Happy 8 month Birthday Big Girl!!! I am so proud of you and your great strength. As for who you look like I will just solve it.....you look like a mixture of both your wonderful mommy and Daddy. Wishing you all the best!
Preemie Mommy,
Alisha Leighton
Wow, she looks great! I bet you are just in awe of her as you are able to get to better know the real Kayleigh, free from so many tubes and tethers.
Kayleigh looks like Kayleigh! She is one of a kind!
What a photogenic family, seriously she cannot possibly not be a cutie looking like either of you- or like her siblings! Congrats, Kayleigh is really looking so strong and healthy. You've all come a long way, hope it continues smoothly.
Yeah kayleigh keep fighting princess
I love the one of her looking at her daddy quite intentionaly!
Kayleigh looks amazing. Congratulations on making the 7lbs! I know it must feel amazing to finally be able to hold her and love on her like that. She looks so happy - like that is the one thing she has been waiting for.
I have been following your blog and keeping up with your story for sometime now, but this is my first comment.
Your story gives me so much hope and inspiration. I am thirty weeks pregnant with my second child and facing a premature delivery any day for all sorts of reasons that no parent should have to deal with. At at time when parents can feel so helpless and alone, it is wonderful to know that the truth is we aren't alone, and that we can do this.
Your daughter is beautiful, and she looks wonderful! I hope you get to bring her home soon! I continue to remember your family in my prayers.
Thank you for sharing your story.
You are both amazing parents with a beautiful little girl. It is amazing how many people you can touch by the way you deal with challenges. A positive attitude makes all the difference. Thanks for inspiring me to be better.
This is my first time leaving a comment. I have been following your story since before Kayleigh was even born from baby center. I am a mom of 10 beautiful children. This little girl has touched my heart so much. I feel so much love for her. She is beautiful and I pray for her strength everyday. I think she looks like her mama. God Bless~
Awww, Kayleigh, you are just beautiful!! Happy 8th Month Birthday!!
BTW I think she looks like both of you (you forgot to make that a choice on the poll lol)...moms eyes and nose, but dads mouth! Either way...you made a beautiful baby!!
Drink up Kayleigh...it's almost time to go home!!
My heart is just overjoyed to see these pictures today. Praise God for His many blessings. She is absolutely precious.
Cindy in NC
I can't tell yet who she looks like but check out those little fat rolls on her arms and shoulders!! You just want to nibble on her she's so darn cute!! I love the look she's giving Daddy in the picture of the 3 of you!! So excited for all of the good news! God is so GOOD!!!
Kayleigh looks awesome. WOW she has came a long way and will be home before you know it. Keep up the good work Kayleigh.
sigh.... so beautiful.
HAPPY 8 MONTHS AND MOVING ON UP! WAY TO GO KAYLEIGH!! To a great family so happy for you guys I have been reading for a while now! Keep your heads up, I spent 7 weeks in the NICU with my son, but I have no idea what it would feel like to be in your shoes. Great attitudes about everything. Keep it UP!!!
Huntsville, Arkansas
First time over here. Man, she is precious and seven pounds is great! I love the pic where it looks like she's looking at dad! She's beautiful!
She is looking SOOOOO cute! Oh my gosh, I can't believe how much better she looks, day after day! Her cheeks are so rosy and she looks so lively. I'm so happy that everything is going so well!
She is just beautiful. I can't get over how much she has changed in her looks and seeing you'll getting to touchi and hold her is such a joy. I am so excited that she was able to drink from the bottle. Just one more step to getting her home to her wonderful loving family. God Bless little one. Lisa from Texas
Kayleigh is looking absolutely beautiful and I am so happy she is doing better! Happy 8 months Kayleigh!!
How wonderful Kayleigh looks. She is such a strong little person her will to live is amazing.
I think she looks like Aimee with those lovely brown eyes.
How long before Kayleigh will be able to breath through the trach without any tubes?
Lia in Australia is praying for the remaining time Kayleigh has in the NICU to short and she keeps progressing to go home.
Wow, She's looking beautiful! What a great photo with the 3 of you. So Amazing!!!! Leslie & Family in CT
Happy 7 month bday Kaleigh!
She is just too cute for words!
Aww...she looks wonderful! :) Glad she made it past the 7lb mark for her 8 month celebration! Hope to continue to see her improve over the next couple months!
It is wonderful to see her upright! She looks so great today!!!! Love all the pics and the poll :)
Aw she is such a beautiful little girl and is getting so much bigger! Look at those precious little cheeks filling out and her little arm fat rolls, so adorable!
she is so precious! those pictures almost made me cry. i just love you guys!!!
I've just loved all the photos you have posted the last couple of days...I can't believe she is sitting up in a Bumbo....too cute! I like the one where Dad is holding her and you can see her sitting up like a big girl! She is amazing. I keep her and the family in my thoughts and prayers daily. Happy 8 mth bday...I am planning on celebrating tons and tons more with her. xoxo's to our little cyber baby :)
Is that a little fat roll I see on her arm?!?!? WOOHOO! Go, Kayleigh!!
And sorry, Adam, I think she looks more like Aimee. :)
She looks wonderful! Happy 8 month birthday! I am so glad that she is doing so well.
I hope you don't mind a question, but I haven't seen this one asked yet ... or if it was I missed it. Is the trach something she will have to have always? I am just curious. It is so wonderful to see her awake, alert and smiling. :)
I am so glad that she is doing well and hope that she takes a bottle well and soon. I will think good thoughts for your raffle too and hope that it helps you out a lot.
She looks absolutely AMAZING!! I am so happy for you all. Good girl, for reaching above 7 lbs!!! Then it will be 8, then 9 etc!! I just know that you will get back on your feet, with the help of all that love and care about you. You just HAVE to! Much love and prayers for you all!!
Kristen from Natick, MA
OMG!!! She is huge....growing like a weed!!! A beautiful one at that!!
Hugs to you all!!
Ontario Canada
She looks great! I am so happy she is doing so well!
She is awesome!!! SOOOO BIG sitting up with help from Mommy and Daddy! I love watching her grow bigger and stronger!
Look at that little peanut! She's looking so good and getting so big! I'm so proud! Many prayers to you!!!!
She is absolutely beautiful! Get going on the nippling girl and get home to where you should be with Mommy and Daddy!
Mom to NICU surviors
Ian, Spencer, & Oliver 27 weekers, now almost 3 years old!
8 MONTHS!!! She looks absolutely amazing. I'm so thankful that through everyone's prayers, God has given Miss Kayleigh the strength to be here with us everyday and for the rest of her long and happy life. She will come home soon, I know it. Until then and thereafter, we're all praying for her. God Bless you all!
This is the first time I could clear the tears and leave a comment about your amazing story of hope and strength. I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers. Your daughter is so strong and beautiful. Your family's story of survival and endurance through God is truly inspiring and I will hold my son tighter today and for everyday to come. Thank you for sharing. I'll be praying.
Kayleigh is looking wonderful!! I am so happy that she will go home soon! Oh and I think she looks like Aimee!
I'm not sure if I have posted here on your blog yet but I plan on being a follow of your blog.
I am the mom to a miracle too, my son was born at 28 weeks, and I hope you will visit his blog. I didn't have it thought while he was in the NICU, never even thought about it, wish I had!
She is VERY precious in Gods eyes, isn't he wonderful? Stop by God Gave Me You.
I'm following you on twitter too,
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