4/17/09 - Let's Try this Again

Let's try this again. Now I have got the videos working and we are ready to go...

Yesterday was one of the longest days of our lives and I still have to somehow capture it all again just perfect for you in this post. Well, maybe not...

Aimee and I decided to create a VLOG (Video blog), starting Wednesday night and all the way through the day yesterday (Thursday) to share with everyone a day in the Freeman family shoes. It is not top notch quality but hey...it works. We need to learn more about editing, but that will come with time. I hope you will enjoy getting to see some behind the scenes with our family.

Also, we would like to warn everyone that Kayleigh's after surgery is not intended to show Kayleigh at such a vulnerable state, but to let you realize how serious and intense this journey has been. It is to open people's eyes who need to feel the impact of such a world many of us come to unfortunately know so well. After all, our whole goal is to help make a difference in someone's life by sharing the truth of how amazing our Lord can be through His blessings.

We hope you all enjoy it and please say a prayer for Kayleigh. She is still struggling to get under control with her tolerance to the pain/sedation medication. She is such a bull, that it is taking her "A LOT" of medication to control her. Pray that this will subside and she will recover quickly and feel no more discomfort. Kayleigh has had her fair share of troubles, so it is time for her to live happy and healthy.

All of your thoughts and prayers were amazing today and we couldn't thank you all enough for the support. I wish there was a way we could give back to every single one of you. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.

Enjoy the show and God Bless!!!

Kayleigh Day (Video 1)
Kayleigh Day (Video 2)
Kayleigh Day (Video 3)
Kayleigh Day (Video 4)
Kayleigh Day (Video 5)


Jason and Vanessa said...

It's so neat to get to really "see" yall. Kayleigh was born on my birthday. We are praying for her and for you guys!

Kimberly (Anthony's Mom) said...

The part on the video where Kayleigh is being put in the portable isolette, it reaIly got to me. I remember when the had to transport Anthony to another hospital by ambulence for his PDA surgery. I just bawled my eyes out. And I remember how hard it was watching Anthony after surgery. How weak he looked. And you guys have already been through this a few times. =-(

I just can't wait for the day I read your post about Kayleigh coming home!


The Foster Home said...

Wow!! Thank you so much for letting us into a day in your life. I am glad that the surgeries went well for you precious girl.

Anonymous said...

Adam, please know my family and myself is praying every second of every day for little Kayleigh. God bless you all. Stay strong.

SweetP said...

Thank you for sharing! All of you, especially Kayleigh, are in my thoughts and prayers.

April said...

Thank you for sharing this journey with us. I will admit, whenever you would describe Kayleigh's tummy "blowing up" - I certainly never realized the extense - my goodness! You two are the strongest people I know. I know how I feel about my 5 month old son, and I can only imagine what you go through day in and day out. I admire your faith, your strength and your perserverence. God will continue to show awesome work through Kayleigh's story. I hope she recovers soon!

April said...

I am participating in the local March for Babies (March of Dimes) in Appleton, WI. Want you to know I have added Kayleigh's name to my shirt, so she can be lifted up high during my walk!!

Anonymous said...

Thank You for sharing a little of your lives with us, I know that it must be hard to leave that beautiful baby in the hospital but you guys are doing an AWESOME job with all three of your children. We are still praying for Kayleigh and the rest of your wonderful family. I can not wait to see a Vlog of you guys bringing that beautiful baby girl home.
Love in Christ!
The Dooley Family
Praying in South Mississippi!

Anonymous said...

Adam and Aimee: Thank you so much
for doing a vblog so we can really see what you two go through. I have been praying for you guys since
you first posted on Babycenter and your family holds a special place in my heart. I know Kayleigh will pull through this as well -- she is such a fighter. It is amazing how many tubes and things she is hooked up to. I know you can't wait for the day when she is free of those things. It is so amazing to watch her journey - especially when you video tape her. We all feel like we are right there with you.
Thank you and I can't wait for the next one that shows Kayleigh doing ever better!

God Bless!
Karen Andwan - facebook buddy

Kirsten: said...

Praying for Kayleigh...she is such a strong little girl!

Tina said...

Thank you for sharing the video blog.....

Both of you are very strong parents and Kayleigh is one luckly little girl....

I have followed your blog from the beginning and I have a Kayleigh of my own (ours is Kaleigh) and we are praying hard for the day Kayleigh arrives home with her family!

Bless you all....

Anonymous said...

you are right God doesn't send us more than we can handle....... look at how much He trusts you!!!
you give back to all of us every time you post. you have let us become part of your "family" even more so now with Videos that let us live th moments with you.

You will continue to be in my prayers. But I know that You are ALL in Gods hands and HIS will be done.

God Bless you all....

Val said...

Adam and Aimee, thank you for taking time during such a stressful day full of events to share it with us. Your strength in the videos is amazing. (I was a weeping mess when my son went to surgery)

Kayleigh is so beautiful. I'm praying for a pain free recovery so she can come home to you soon.

gem01 said...

Aimee and Adam- You both are amazingly strong people. I'm sure each time you have to see her off into another surgery it's not any easier than the first.
I'll admit that I couldn't watch some of the video because i'm at work and started to tear up quite a bit when she was being taken into surgery. Such a sweet thing little Kayleigh is.
Miss Kayleigh Anne- You are so beautiful and you are so loved by your parents, family, friends and thousands of strangers that have been following your story and pray for the day you are home with your parents and siblings! Stay strong gorgeous!

Gone said...

Sending all of you BIG HUGS and PRAYERS!

Jan & Tom

The Carney's said...

Thank you for sharing the videos with us. Sweet baby girl! Praying and thinking of her every day. Stay strong!

Anonymous said...

Seriously you guys are amazing. AMAZING!!!!! I am in awe of your strenght & courage. It's definitely obvious where Kayleigh gets her strength from. I am praying for sweet little Kayleigh to come home with her family, praying for strength for you guys mentally and physically and for your children also. Please let us know if there's anything you need. I am going to try to find out about the March of Dimes in my area Miami/Ft Lauderdale.
Hope Kayleigh is better and her pain is under control.

Kelly Sheree said...

It never hit me until I watched this video how really tough both of you and Miss Kayleigh is. I guess I knew in the back of my mind and in my heart, but it just amazes me. Your family is such a strength and inspiration me. You both are handling all of the curves that life has been throwing at you with such grace and faith, and it makes me proud to pray for you. I am soo happy that the procedures went so well. Even through the swelling Kayleigh looks beautiful. She is such a fighter and I thank God every day for her soul. Much love, many prayers sent your way. Thank you for sharing your video, and of course your story with us!!!!! God blees you this weekend.

Kelly Sheree
Kayleigh's Kentucky prayer warrior

Lisa Manchester said...

I absolutely love the videos! You did an incredible job. Thank you for allowing us to see such a delicate part of your lives. Kayleigh is quite a fighter. We're praying her recovery goes smooth and can't wait for her coming home video! ;o)

Toni :O) said...

Wow...just amazing and thank you for doing this....I can only imagine. Continuing to lift you all up in prayer and I'll rejoice with you the day she finally comes home for good. Hang in there and wishing that sweet baby girl a speedy and full recovery! May God continue to bless you all!

Jennifer in SC said...

Aimee and Adam,

Thank you so much for posting the videos and letting us all get more of an insight into your daily life and events. The videos were so touching and difficult to watch because I could sense how you both felt and I also got emotional during those videos.

Kayleigh is such a strong little girl and she's going to pull thru this like a champ and recover, and hopefully she won't have to go thru anymore surgeries! Please let us all know how she continues to progress. I come on your blog everyday to check on her! Your family has touched my life in so many ways and I just want to say thank you again for letting us see into your life.

Stay strong! Jennifer in SC

Shannon W. said...

thank you for posting the videos. I know it has to be tedious to one more thing to do with everything else you have going on but you are so thoughtful to include us. As always, Kaleigh and her awesome family is in our prayers. Looking forward to even more good news in the following days. God Bless.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your day with us. It is amazing how we can love a child we have never met. But i care for her and you guys as if you are my own family.

Praying from Canada...

(A babycenter Sept. 2008 mommy)

Kristine said...

You guys are amazing! Thank You so Much for sharing your day, and letting us all come along for your journey!

Best Wished to you all!

Love from NH

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing such private moments in this journey. It was wonderful to see you guys do this-I really enjoyed seeing a day in Kayleigh's life! She is in my prayers!
Lindsey from South Texas

Anonymous said...

Adam and Aimee,
Thanks for sharing with us. I pray that God will continue to give you strength each day as you travel this road with Kayleigh. She is so amazing...and you guys are wonderful.

God Bless,
Elgin SC (Columbia)

The Five Pennies said...

Thanks for the wonderful documentary. Even post-op she looks great. Continued prayer for her recovery and pain management. She certainly is growing. Hope she can GO home very soon.

Patricia & Wes said...

Hi...Thank You for sharing your day with us...Sooo glad Kayleigh Anne is doing good after her surgeries yesterday...thanks for posting so we would know how things were going. Kayleigh Anne looked so sweet in the videos...it let's us really see her...just like we are there with you guys. We are still praying..it won't be too long now..and Kayleigh Anne will be going home! Praise GOD for HIS never ending Miracles...Kayleigh Anne...is truly a little Angel!

Shari said...

Your testimony shines every time. Thanks for videos. You amaze me every time in how you divide your time for your family members. God has a special plan for your family and I can't wait to see it play out more and more. I pray Kayleigh can go HOME very soon!

Hawkins said...

It is AMAZING what modern technology can do today. We are so lucky to live in the day and age where this is possible. I am amazed with how strong you both have been. Stay positive and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend watching Kayleigh heal and get stronger.

Jennifer said...

Praying for Kayleigh for a speedy recovery. Watching these videos make it so surreal since we aren't there in person. Thank you for sharing these last couple of days with us out here.

Stay strong princess!

Praying for your continued strength.

Anonymous said...

Your family is amazing. That's all I can say right now without crying. Thank you for sharing your story and for being so strong.

Anonymous said...

I love the the VLOG!!! This is such a great way to actually put a face behind the blogger and to see the incredible journey of Kayleigh as it happens. Thank you for sharing!


Jessica said...

As a NICU nurse - I participate in the March of Dimes walk every year. On the home stretch of the walk, my co-workers and I always talk about our primaries that we've taken care of over the years - and dedicate the walk to them. Even though I've never taken care of Kayleigh - let alone met you, I will definitely be adding Kayleigh to the list of babies that I am walking for.

In the bedtime story that I sent for Kayleigh, I talked about a baby that I took care of named Daniel. I know that Daniel continues to be one of the angles watching over Kayleigh as she completes this final leg of her journey home.

With love,
NICU nurse up in Chicago

Anonymous said...

Your VLOGS were unbelievable. Still following Miss Kayleigh Anne in Kansas City, as this story WILL have a happy ending :) God Bless you all-

Terresha in KC

The Carpenters said...

Adam and Aimee-the videos were great! What a blessing you've given us to be able to sneak a peek into your daily life.
And seeing Kayleigh after surgery...I just want to cuddle her up and take away all of her pain. God has her in His hands.

Stephanie said...

Thank you for sharing so much of yourselves and your difficult day with us! Kayleigh is such a precious adorable little girl. I'm praying that she's more comfortable today and on the road to recovery!!!!!

Lindsey Barham said...

Adam & Aimmee,
Wow!!! I have always wondered what a day in your shoes would be like and now I can see that first hand. What got me the most was all the hall ways leading to the OR, I was sick thinkging about if that was me and having to let them take my baby away for all of the procedures. Also, her belly being so swollen was kindy scarey a bit to me. But all this said you can truley see what a miracle of God she truely is and how your faith has brought you every steop of the way. She is a fighter and God has been so good to her and I know he will contuine to be good to Miss Kayleigh and get her home so very soon. Thanks so much for sharing with us. This is such an eye opener for what you two truely go through day in and day out. I don't see how anyone can not believe in the Lord after seeing what he has done for Kayleigh from day one till the present.

Mari said...

it feels like such a priveledge to be brought into your day. my thoughts and prayers are with you daily. praying kayleigh continue to heal. give yourself big hugs.
blessings, marileigh

Jess said...

seeing these videos I think made the situation more than just words on a screen. To see her after the surgery broke my heart and I broke down and cried. What strong people you and Aimee are to go through that and see your precious little girl like that. I know that your faith and God is what gets you all from one day to the next!