You are 3 years old this Christmas and if you were here, I would probably be watching you impatiently sit at the top of the stairs, waiting for the go ahead to come down and open your presents from Santa. I can hear your soft whimper as you pout, "Is it time Daddy?"
I can imagine how my overprotective self would come running up the stairs to pick you up so you didn't fall down the steps in a mad dash. A glimmer of excitement would come across your face, turning off the trickles of tears, knowing it was time to see what was waiting for her by the Christmas tree.
I would set your squirming little body down and with a brief pause of a moment, your eyes would be wider than ever before. A smile builds upon your face and before I could say, "Go ahead," you bolt to the biggest gift hiding behind the Christmas tree. What would it be??? A rocking horse like her Daddy had when he was little or her first red and white tricycle? Knowing how spoiled she would be, she'd probably get both.
While watching you open your gifts and cover the whole downstairs completely with pink and brown wrapping paper, I would sit in amazement at how lucky I am to have the most adorable little girl. I wouldn't have to open a single gift because my gift is opening her own.
Kayleigh, you are the best present I could ever receive. You have given me the gift of love and have taught me the gift of giving. Your heart is bigger than anything in this world and you continue to give faith, hope and love to everyone who knows you. You have taught me and so many others to give from your heart, whether it is Christmas or not. You're such a blessing and I am beyond grateful and proud to be your Daddy.
Days continue to pass on and instead of crying my eyes out that you are no longer here, it just reminds me that I am one more Christmas closer to holding you in my arms again.
We all love and miss you so much sugar bear!
Merry Christmas,
Merry Christmas, Adam.
... Love to the Freemans :)
That was amazing and brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful picture and how happy she must be to spend Christmas with Christ Himself. Much loves and hugs to your family <3
Merry Christmas Freeman family and to Angel Kayleigh... It's sad knowing that she's not here anymore but we're happy that she's now on the paradise.!
I'm always in tears every time I think about Kayleigh's stories..
Beautiful post, Adam. Imagine how spoilt she will be in heaven. Love to you and your family. xxx
Feliz Natal a vocês!
Thank you for sharing your story! It has touched me greatly. God does work in miraculous ways and even though we don't completely understand His plan we have to trust. You and your family are a great inspiration and proof of God's miracles.
Thank you!
Merry Christmas sweet Kaleigh. I hope you were front and center for the party in heaven!!
Still praying you guys. In your next post please list your other blogs! You did at one time. Many people are still following you all!
Wow! I came across your page some time ago and bookmarked it because it touched me. Your words to your daughter are beautiful and heart-breaking at the same time. She is lucky to have such a wonderful Daddy. Thank you for sharing!
thank u so much for sharing Kayleigh's journey with us. God bless Kayleigh and God bless you and your family. Peace and love x. from Lynne in Liverpool, England. Youtube channel 1966buttons .
good bless
we will never forget your story of your precious baby..God bless you and your family.Happy new year!
OMG! I started to cry. I cant leave this page whitout say anything to you!
I just want to tell you that im from Sweden, im a 20 year old girl that will be a mother in just 6 weeks and i cant understand how you 2 can be so strong.
Really, im impressed!!
I give you 2 all of my love and blessing!
// Love Josefin
My E-mail: Josefinsaafin@Hotmail.se
Hi freeman family.. my name is Samantha, I am 20 yrs old..I was just on YouTube and somehow kayleighs vids popped up and I decided to watch and see the story..
I have nvr cried and been so inspired in such a short amount of time. U all r AMAZING people. I am so sry she did not make it through, but if it helps any, all of my love goes to u and ur other children.
I hope u all have a blessed rest of ur life, and this story and her short life gave me such a bigger and more positive outlook on how u have to approach things and sacrifice for the love of family.
Thank u so much Aimee &Adam Freeman. :')
<3 Samantha, Spokane Washington.
She is so beautiful im sorry to hear wat happen may god bless u all... Shes a doll
I just saw the Youtube video and i thought that Kayliegh made it. I thought she stayed alive and strong. I feel tears fall from my face as you say how lucky you would think of yourself to be. I cannot imagine how upsetting it is for you to not have your 1 pound miracle to snuggle with you at night. But at least you're lucky enough to hold her in your heart and have the memories withe her that you do. I will keep you and your family in your prayers and Kayleigh in them aswell. I'm so sorry for the awful pain you've all had to go through.
I can not imagine the pain you live with. It makes me so sad I can not find the words to express it. So sorry for your loss.
You're a truly loving father. You painted a beautiful, BEAUTIFUL picture with your kind words, and I'm sure Kayleigh is smiling down at you from wherever her sweet little soul has gone to. I'm not religious, but bless you and your family for years to come. You're truly the best of the best, and Kayleigh was always in the best of care with you.
merry christmas kayleigh hope you had a good 1 with the lord you story has had me blubbering like anything wish i could help your parents but im no better off myself at the moment but i can send them some hugs and kisses xoxoxoxoxox and xoxoxo 3 of each for you beuatiful baby girl
wow ! she's so cute :)
Stay strong, man. :)
I'm glad that there are still awesome people like you.
A bit late but Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. <3
Especially to you Kayleigh.
Hi Aimme, I just want to let you know, that your video and blogs have touched me so much. Firsty im praying for you girly. You are strong, but God is stronger, right. - I weighed 2 lbs when I was born, little Kayleigh is in my heart forever. Hugs
sister in Christ, Amber -Long Beach Ca
Hello both to Kayleigh's mommy and daddy! I found the youtube video of her growing in the hospital, and I couldn't help but watch the whole thing. Of course I shed tears as I watched this beautiful angel go through all that she did and see how much love and support she had from you both as well as your other children. The video was so touching. She was such a fighter. I didn't know that she had gone to heaven until I came upon your blog. Of course I am so so sorry that you guys don't have her here physically. I was very sad to see that came about. As I am sure you both know she is still with you guys in spirit of course!! I am so proud of you all, and I am so proud of Kayleigh! My gosh, what an inspiration all of you are, especially her. What a beautiful, beautiful angel! Kayleigh taught me by watching the video that you have to be a fighter in life and that life is a miracle. You shouldn't ever take it for granted. No matter what you go through you can get through it! I appreciate her so much and thank you for sharing her video and for the blogging. You guys have touched my heart tonight! Much love to you and your family! (PS: My daughter's name is also Kaylee!) Neat, huh!
You are a strong family. All my love to you from me in Sweden. Big Hugs <3 /Marielle
Hi there! I found your video on youtube and saw your address on the blog. I have cried many tears for the wonderful videos. You have a very nice angel up there in blue <3 I have lost a child but was only in week 15. You were atleast a short time together, and one day seen you again <3 Today I have three wonderful boys born in 2000, 2007 and 2011 :) The minimum is 5 months now in February. All the luck in the future to you <3 many hugs from Melinda, Sweden Blog: http://karlekmedordochfoton.blogg.se/
Your story is so touching. Your family has inspired 1,000,000+ people. You have inspired me to chronicle my life for my young daughter, if anything where to ever happen to me - she would only HEAR about me from other people.. by writing about my life - she will one day be able to read about me and see things through my eyes. What you have been through over the past few years is heartbreaking but please know your story does not go unnoticed. Kayleigh will live in millions of hearts and her story will continue to inspire others. Thank you for inspiring me.
I just saw your video and website tonight...I had no idea that Kayleigh is with Jesus now...I am so sorry for your loss!! Your family has been through many trials! You are an inspiration to all!
Dear Freemans Family,
just checked out the youtube video about Kayleigh the sweetheart. there's one thing i'd like you to know, that somewhere Kayleigh is watching you guys and waiting for running into your arms.
greetings and love from the Netherlands.
I have been following your journey with Kayleigh and she's such an inspiration, she's in the next best thing than life itself.. Flying around with all the other angels and look down on everyone :) she is a beautiful little girl, much love and support from a teenager in Australia- Monique Angelopoulos <3 xo
This is beautiful... I had my Kaylie Brianne at 27 weeks and she was a whole 2 pounds... She amazingly pulled through, today she is a very beautiful 4 year old my heart goes out to you.
may your hearts always be filled with the memory's she gave to you, and thank you for sharing a peace of her with the world! i cant help but have tears falling so very hard, my heart aches, but she is with God now an in a place where you will all see her again, for she is watching you and waiting with the Lord for you to hold her close again...
May God always be with you and keep you and your family safe and close to him.
With all my love an prayers to you all...
Sherrie McGinty
I am from India and watched your story today. It's inspiring specially for us people who loose hope at the drop of a hat when a few weeks old baby went through it brave heartedly. God Bless Kayleigh.
i came across your videos on you tube and was amazed how strong your little angel was. it makes me really sad to know she is no longer here but she is with God now where she will be able to run and play and be free of pain. God bless you and your family. You are the strongest family i have seen. God has blessed you by giving you kayleigh even though it was just for a short time. she is an angel now who will always be with you
i came across your videos on you tube and was amazed how strong your little angel was. it makes me really sad to know she is no longer here but she is with God now where she will be able to run and play and be free of pain. God bless you and your family. You are the strongest family i have seen. God has blessed you by giving you kayleigh even though it was just for a short time. she is an angel now who will always be with you
I'm speechless.
I have just watched the youtube video and moved to the blogspot.. nothing can make a relief like imagining her flying with angels in heaven. God bless you FREEMANS :)
Wish yah the best with all my heart.
i can tell u tha i def fell in luv wit Kayleigh and her story! My heart breaks for u guys and i cried my eyes out and im still cry for u! I will b thinking of her tonite and for along time! She was so beatiful i cant imagine how hard it must b! Makes u appricate things alot more! I just cant believe her story and all she pulled threw! i have a * mnth old and i just imagine if it were her and how hard it would b and what i would d! U guys r so strong and i wil kep this very close to my heart an i wish u all the best in theworld and will never forget this!!
It's time for the Heart Walk and I was trying to decide if I wanted to do it. Now that I have come across your story I feel that I have to. I will be walking for your beautiful daughter...your story is a very emotional and inspiring. Love and prayers to your family.
As I sit here an read this, it brings tears to my eyes. I know how it feels to lose someone special. I lost my mom when I was only 11. I didn't know what to do. All I want to say to the Freeman family is keep your heads up cause there is a little girl looking down on you all an as she looks down on you all she wants to see smiles from everyone. So hold your heads up an smile big. I'll keep you in prayers.
All my love to you from me in Germany, Frankfurt on Main, I´m so sorry for your loss.
Sleep well tiny little Kayleigh!
Hug & Love to Freeman Family, Pia
This was the most beautiful thing I've ever read!
Dear Adam and Aimee,
I am once again so touched by your gorgeous baby girl Kayleigh's heart warming story. I cried for I don't know how long but it was not because of the sadness, but because of the happiness that came through the video's of your sweet girl being embraced by her loving parents, knowing that however tiny she was, she definitely knew who Mommy and Daddy was and that they never left her side. Today baby Kayleigh probably is seated in the arms of Jesus and looking down from heaven with her beautiful eyes and a smile that brings sunshine on your lives and the lives of those who think about her and meet her through your blog. We all are passing through this life. Death is the beginning of eternal life with our Maker- Heavenly Father God. In everything that happens I know there is God's grace and His mercies. Someday we will all be united with the Lord and you will meet Kayleigh. We all will. I am looking forward to that. I maybe a stranger, but I just want you to know that you and your family are in my prayers, in my thoughts. You raised Baby Kayleigh with all your heart. I admire you both for your courage and endurance. Sending you all big hugs across from SriLanka. Luv, Cyndi
i am crying so much right now. kayleigh is an inspiration and she should rest in peace <3 :( merry christmas! we will never 4get u
I am so sorry for your familys loss this little girls picture will be in my heart forever you were so blessed to have had this tiny angel in your lives although such a short time I believe we will all see her again and she is looking down from Heaven and telling all the other angels how much love she had while on this earth with her mommie daddy and brother and sister prayers go out for your strength and God bless you with love Sue
I have just read this story from beginning to almost the end. Wow. it's just... It makes me cry. I felt the pain but I also felt the triumphs in those moments where it seemed like she would improve. I don't always understand why the Lord does things like this, but this story helps me to remember how precious life is. I am praying for you guys because even though it's years later, prayer is important. Always. God bless you guys. Thank you for going through all of this and sharing it with the world. The Lord has really used your family.
Adam and Amy
Kayleigh was a blessing from god, and you got to sped 11 months with her. Just know that she is no longer suffering and that she gets to spend all of her days with our father Jesus Christ. You did everything that you could to make sure she was okay.... Don't be mad or resent god for that, he must have needed her more for some reason that was out of your hands, but I do know this that god does everything for a reason, we may not know the reason at the time it happens but eventually we will know why....
I am so sorry for your loss, I was hoping that she had pulled through after watching that video, it was very touching, makes you put your own life in perspective. Sometimes we take things for granted. Definitely opened my eyes to somethings in my own life, I will pray for you guys and that you find some peace in all of this....
My email is jmartinez2717@gmail.com
I would love to keep in touch with you both, I am definitely here for support. God bless
Hi Adam, I came across one of the youtube videos for Kayleigh and after seeing her beautiful pictures I had to know more. Over the past few nights I have been up past 5am reading every single blog you posted from the beggining.
To say Kayleigh touched my heart is an understatement. No words could describe the feeling I had while reading her story. I shed so many tears for her, in both the sad times and the happy times. She was truly a beautiful baby and is now a gorgeous angel.
I admire you strength through every ordeal you faced. I could of never in a million years understood what it was like for you and I think Kayleighs story is the worst thing I've ever read but also the best thing I ever read.
I truly wish you all the best in life and that Kayleighs memory lives on.
I bursted into tears from just the first paragraph.. I can't bring myself to finish reading this.. I could not come close to knowing how you guys got through this, you are a very strong family.. I hope you guys are doing ok.. Thanks for sharing your little angels story with us all..
Ur beautiful angel Kayleigh Anne has shone us all the strength of fighting not to waste one minute of precious time her story has brought back the loss of my nephew William lamarr Miller Jr. He weighed 1pound 3ozs born Aug.5,96 and he struggled to hold onto life for 19days he past away aug.24 96 the saturday my brother shoulda been out celerating his 21 st birthday as others have said I lost two babies to miscarriages and one to a tubal ligation pregnancy that nearly shattered me and was painful to get to a place where I wasn't angery anymore but as I told my brother I can't imjine ur loss and sarrow the incredible strength it takes to fight everyday in the hospital the joys and struggles of ur new baby and in the end to have lost that struggle as a family for ur little gift from God I stumbled on to the videos of ur story by accident too and was heartbroken to hear she was lost to u in the end. My aunt once told me Jesus is holding and rocking our precious babies in heaven he is our ultimate father even tho we were given them to raise as our own but changed his mind it hurts at the time and we can't fathom anyone being as good to our babies as us. I took it the wrong way but I see her point now. I'm rambling and I'm sorry my heart goes out to u and ur family and u will have that chance to embrace ur Kayleigh again one day. And another tidbit my brothers next baby was born two days before Thanksgiving in 98 and they named her Kaylea ray. And she is healthy. And I have two daughters also who r healthy now but nearly lost both at birth for seprate complicatings but they say things happen for a reason I believe mine was to never take my children now for granted. And I try hard not to they r our perfect gifts to spoil love and raise them with a strong but loving hand I'm sorry I said so much I just needed to think back and remember the details I'm sorry they spilled over into ur page. Best of luck to ur family and thank you again for sharing ur incredible story with us
Hi Freeman Family. I am Michael and I am a father of 7 month old baby girl. I was just amazed how strong both of you. I have my problems in life on how to let my child grow up due to financial problems. And now after seeing the video you posted in youtube, it seems that my struggle is no a cent worth for both of you. Thanks for this share of struggles and hope you implanted to my heart. Love bonded you not just for a moment but for a very very long suffering that have gone unto your life. I'm so sad that Kayleigh is not with you now but still keep on praying because she is always listening to you like a song that keeps her smile. Godbless to all of you and keep strong.
I watched your video, and read your article about Your Daughter Kayleigh. I thought you did something that was very touching to watch. I'm so very sorry for your loss, but your gain is yet to come! Always, always look up, before you decide to look down. If your little girl were still here, she would have, and is very proud of the kind of Dad you were to her.
Sincerely Yours, Joseph C. Richardson
Wow.... so heartfelt and beautiful. I hope I'm not the only one who cried while reading this. <3 to Kayleigh, a beautiful angel, and your whole family.
Because of kayleigh she made me stronger. If you were here kayegh, and even though I don't know me I would give u a huge hug!!! I vow that one day I will do the longest walk to carry on your name. You made me such a better person. Now that I have met you I think of you as my new little sister. I'm very blessed for you!!
- skyler
After I read that last paragragh I started crying and I still am. And it makes you think about how special we are to be here, live and well to here about Kayleigh's amazing story, and I don't know about you but I'm thanking God that I'm here and alive!!!!!!!! And I can't start to tell you how sorry I am about Kayleigh.
God bless you and your family. My heart goes out to you.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful baby with all of us. She will remain in everyone's heart.
Our family will pray for you every night.
,,no matter how it hard God hugs you,,be strong don't give up take care what God gave to you,,so very inspiring of your video,,i hope so many viewers watched this,,thank's..
aL pabLo,,<';'>,,
Can I just say, I am so sorry. I'm actually crying right now. I watched your YouTube video and I know how it feels. My nan recently passed away from cancer and I cry all the time. I gasped at every time it said she had surgery and sighed in relief every time it said she made it through. I am only a kid and my mom said to me if you prey then god will pass the message on. He is looking after her and I allways believe that although you cannot see her she can see you. And remember she's not gone forever. One day in the future you will be re-united with Kayleigh. And she is allways with you in your heart. I send my thoughts to you and your family and for your kids I know how it feels to loose someone you love because I went through it in may. Remember you only live once so I know it's hard but try to forget what's happened and get on with your life and have fun with family and friends. I will be back to check up on your blog and I will continue to support you through this sad time. I know it was a while ago but you can't forget the bad things in life even though I can't remember what I did a few hours ago. Enjoy life and remember , she's allways with you... In your heart xxx
O my gosh this is so sad some one commented on the YouTube video she passed away but I still believed and now, I'm crying harder then I crude when my great grandmother died. Please live on spoiled in heaven
~a loving soul
Dear freeman family and angel kayleigh,
I want nothing more than to have a child
Of my own, a sweet miracle to hold and cherish forever.
Your amazing story has inspired me so much To appreciate what I already have. Yes, I still long for a
Child, but I am beginning to realize just how blessed
I am to even be alive. Your video has touched me beyond belief and is a true inspiration. Kayleigh is truly a miracle and you may wish she never was born, but think of her little hands, holding yours, how precious. You are truly blessed and I admire your courage more than you could ever imagine. God bless you and your lovely family, I wish you all the beat forever and ever. Xox, age13
Dear freeman family and angel kayleigh:),
You have inspired me so much that I am naming my little girl after kayleigh. I hope an know that she will be as adorable and loved as your daughter. Her story and your kind words touched my heart.
Love and all of my support,
Anonymous, age 13
I saw your YouTube video and couldnt help going on your blog. I have never been so touched of how much you loved this baby girl. I hope u get to see your baby girl in heaven.
happy late xmas precious lil angel das in heaven
Really guys, i dont know what to say. The only think i 'd say is tha if i had a chance to give my life and save her i ll do it, that comes truly from my heart. Im really sure now is playing and laughing in the neibourhood of angels.
trully yours Tasos
I saw her story on YouTube and I wanted you to know your whole family has a place in my heart. I was just like your angel I only weighted two pounds and they didn't expect me to live. Now I'm a nurse working in the mother baby unit and I give you a lot of respect to both of you because I know how hard it is to go through this. May god continue to bless your family and your little angel. One day you will reunite with her and it will be magical. Stay strong.
Wow u guys. This story inspires me soo much. I'm soo sorry about your loss. I just found out about kayleigh on YouTube and once I saw the story I came right to the website. You guys are soo strong and can't imagine going through something like that and I'm not even a parent. I'm a eleven year old girl that has never experienced anything like that in my life. This story made me cry and I rarely cry about things like this, but now kayleigh is in a better place. I guess god decided it was her time to stop suffering and be in a better place. That baby is now my inspiration to never stop or quit fighting for something because survived alot of things a grown man or woman can't survive. Everything has a time...a time to be born, the time u learn how to ride your bike for the first time, the time to start school, the time to end school, the time to get married...so on and so forth and the time to die. That was her time to come and go because that was the way it was meant to be. Keep going strong Freeman family!!! I know that Kayleigh is probably looking down on y'all everyday smiling at you knowing that she is a lucky girl to have such parents. :)
She is in a much better place now. I bet Jesus is holding her and telling her how much her Mommy and Daddy live her
I watched the video, and i have been crying my eyes out! But my mom always tells me this when i think of my older sister, who was born with just a brain stem: when a baby passes, that means it was so pure and perfect, she didn't have to go through the trials on earth. Instead, be so happy that they don't ever have to know sadness. God bless, and you are now in my prayers! I am 14 years old and the oldest of 5 children. Please email me at bellgarr326@gmail.com. :)
Hello freemans!
i watched your jouney with your lil angel and it brought tears to my eyes, shes a fighter and did all she could.she was being strong for mommy and daddy...After reading daddys chistmas card broke me to pieces..
god bless to all of you
Praying for continued healing for you, Aimee, your daughter, your son, and all your family and friends. Your lives were truly blessed by such a special angel. I've been sitting here reading your blogs with tears flowing down my cheeks as I hold one of my four precious daughters. I can't imagine the pain that you have experienced, but I am so thankful that you always saw that God had His own plan for little Kayleigh. She and your family have touched my heart so deeply, and you will continue to be an inspiration to me to strive to let God lead me as a Christian parent. I support the American Heart Association and March of Dimes as well as other charities and wish you much success in raisIng money for these worthwhile causes. Every penny raised helps and gives hope. Love in Christ, Larene
I found this blog at Youtube and right now I just can't stop crying. Kayleigh was SUCH a strong girl <3 and I bet God was proud of her. He was actually so so proud of her fighting, he decided he would give her the most awesome present... Angel wings <3
She was very lucky too, for having such amazing parents.
God bless you all, like he's been always blessing Kayleigh <3
I found this blog at Youtube and right now I just can't stop crying. Kayleigh was SUCH a strong girl <3 and I bet God was proud of her. He was actually so so proud of her fighting, he decided he would give her the most awesome present... Angel wings <3
She was very lucky too, for having such amazing parents.
God bless you all, like he's been always blessing Kayleigh <3
Sarah Christie, Brazil.
I found this blog at Youtube and right now I just can't stop crying. Kayleigh was SUCH a strong girl <3 and I bet God was proud of her. He was actually so so proud of her fighting, he decided he would give her the most awesome present... Angel wings <3
She was very lucky too, for having such amazing parents.
God bless you all, like he's been always blessing Kayleigh <3
Sarah Christie, Brazil.
i am so sorry to hear about your beautiful daughter i almost lost my son he was born at 4 lbs and 13 ounces with a colapsed lung and born 6 weeks early the dr didnt give him much hope the life flighted him to childrens mercy and while in the air they lost his other lung and heart beat. they had him in an incubator and tubes down his throat but they had removed thos 30 seconds before i walked in the room . because he was fighting them he was the best thing that had ever happened in my life. i wish the best for you guys.
Hi. I just have happen to find your video of Kayleigh on YouTube.. and want to let you know that how strong her story touched me.
I cried. I cried with tears.
Then, my baby boy on the crib started to wake up and cry. I rushed to him, and he saw that his mommy is crying. He then stopped to cry and stretched out his arms to me, as if, he was trying to comfort me! I cried again.
Because until that moment, I was so tired and exhausted from busy motherhood. My boy is 10 month old. 10 months.
I ashamed to myself that I forgot how fortunate I am .. my boy is super healthy and strong and beautiful. And is keep thriving so well.
I must tell you your sweet little baby is a real angel. She reminds me how blessed I am, and, thanks to her, I am a happy mother again. Therefore my boy will be happier baby, too ;-)
Thank you for help us and inspired me.
Blessing from Israel,
I watched Kayleigh's story on youtube and i just had to comment. My heart broke when i found out she had passed. I actually felt physically ill and then i read your blogs and cried as if she was my own child. My heart just aches for you. Please know how much love, prayers and support you have. She is a precious angel who had more love in her beautiful but brief life than most people have in a lifetime. Baby Kayleigh is in Heaven with our Lord, and i am sure she is smiling down on you and making sure He is taking extra special care of you! You are a beautiful, amazing and courageous family. My thoughts and prayers are with you always. God bless you.
I have watched your story 3 times now and each time I had, it gave me tears majorly! I feel like I wish I was there holding kayleigh and kissing her and everything as if she was my own. I turned to my daughter who is one, sleeping beside me I woke her by kissing and cuddling saying how much I love her! It made me feel greatful that I have her in my life! Your baby truely is a great blessing! She's a beautiful angle! I didn't know her but I feel a destrought feeling of missing her in me that may sound weird but very true! :( ... God bless you and your family baby girl! Xo
Kayleigh's story has truly touched my heart. Thank you so much for sharing her story with everyone. She was put here on the earth for a very special reason. I hope all is well.
Blessings and love,
Hi Freeman family, I am from Philippines at the age of 40 I don't have a baby. The story of Kayleigh so amazing that can touch the feelings of every human being. Kayleigh so braved and strong baby. I can't hold my tears to cry of the amazing video and pictures of your family Adam specially the beautiful Kayleigh. The story inspire to everybody. God bless you Adam and your family.
dear family freeman,
i just watched your video on youtube, where i found your homepage as well.
i only wanted to wish you all the best.. theres nothing anyone can say, to take your pain away, i just want you to know, that you really touched my heart and so does kayleigh..
i hope you will have a nice christmas, we´ll all think of kayleigh that day and send a pray to her! hugs
angela from germany
Thank you all so much for sharing Kayleigh's story with us... My heart goes out to you. Love & hugs
Descobri a história de seu bebe no you tube, linda história!
O bebe de vocês é um lindo anjo que está no céu olhando por vocês!
Feliz Natal!
Balneário Gaivota
Santa Catarina
I had just watched the video of your beautiful angle. I couldn't help but cry. She truly was a gift from god. As a mother of two I just feel empathy for your family. When my son was 6 weeks old he under went a minor surgery and it was right before hurrricane sandy hit. I couldn't sleep the whole time because we had no power and no where to go I can't imagine what your family went through . I always keep telling myself life throws you curve balls to keep you and make you a stronger person. Just always keep in mind that she may not be physcaly with you but she will allways be in your hearts and memory. She is with god our father making him smile just as she made your whole family smile and she's running around playing with those lost 20 children from ct. Also when your down and out just always remember all the happy time your shared with her forget all the wires and tubes. I understand holidays are always the hardest but they pass don't ever listen if anyone says "your still not over it?" She was your daughter and the greving process takes longer for some people rather then others. Its normal to still be sad and upset she's not around. I hope this helps a little bit and if you or your wife ever need to just talk and get something out you can email me at ajssoftball@msn.com I check my email everyday.
Aw, I just watched the youtube video. She was such a beautiful soul and she had gotten so big! The parents now have one amazing angel looking after them til they meet again <3 This video was very touching and i'm so sorry for your loss but you will be with her again one day <3 And until then you've got the best little angel looking over you and your family <3
I say your you tube video and it had me crying. She's so beautiful and she is such an example of why we shouldnt give up. I used to think my life was hard untill I realized im lucky I didnt have to go through that much when I was born. God bless her and you're wonderful family. <3 xoxo
god bless
I realize I am typing this years after Kayleigh was born, but I just watched the video of her and her family as she grew the 120 days she was in the hospital. That story was very touching to me. I do not have any children (yet), but i know it must have been really tough to go through the things Kayleigh's parents went through. Know that even though this was years ago I am praying for your loss.
Kayleigh has grown so much! She is such a beautiful baby. Godbless you.
OMG! Today is the first time I read about Kayleigh. My heart goes out to the Freeman family. Your precious baby girl is truly a blessing from God! And I say 'is' not 'was' because she is in heaven right now making the angels laugh and being the most precious angel of all. She is not past tense, but now in the present and she has so much going for her right now sitting in the presence of her Heavenly Father waiting for her mommy and daddy to join her. I don't know you personally, but just reading and watching your family made me feel close to you and her. You are and have been so blessed. I'm excited for you to know that you will reunite with her very soon! My prayers are with you Freeman family!!! May God Bless you and stay strong!
Aww, poor little Kayleigh and poor mum bcos shes grieving
I am late but watched the video of her struggles in the hospital and am so happy she lives with you in your hearts and souls everyday.She was a gift and God will hold her for you till you get there.
hello, befor i wrote my first comment i watched kayleighs story on youtube and i loved it , but then i kept reading on this site and i didnt realize that she is no longer here with you... And ffor that im am very sorry.. i wish i could give u a great big hug.. i do know the loss of a child, but not like u, ive had miscariges.. she was a strong lil baby, and she was so very lucky to have parents like you both, i just wanted you to know i enjoyed your blog and she was very cute, and such a strong lil baby.. to the family keep strong brighter days lay ahead...
I just had to step away from the internet after watching the video on youtube. Your little angel SO touched my heart that i do not think i will ever be able to forget her. I thought she made it...not till i went to your website did i realize she passed away. The words "i am so sorry" just seem not enough but it is all I have. May God bless and keep your family.
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