7/28/08 - Just a Bump in the Road, No Problem!!

That is exactly what Kayleigh is saying right now! "Yesterday was just a bump in the road, No Problem" as she is just about back on track. It was great to see Kayleigh without the CPAP Beanie on so we could see her face and hair. She didn't grow much hair and it still doesn't really determine whether we are going to have a blondy or a burnette. She did take a moment to look at Daddy for the camera. Sorry it didn't come out real clear, but I didn't want to use the flash and scare her, let alone hurt her eyes. I got to hold her for a moment while the nurse changed her sheets. She is so tiny in my hands that I just still can not believe my eyes.

Today was a very productive day. Kayleigh had a couple desats throughout the whole day, but was great for the most part. They weaned her oxygen down to room temperature with the vent, so that is crazy since yesterday she was struggling with the CPAP. I really think that Kayleigh just doesn't prefer the Bubble CPAP because they can never get it to fit her good for long periods of time and it causes her stomach to be bloated with trapped air. Speaking of her stomach, it has gone down quite a bit and that could be because of her not being on the CPAP or that massive poop she had today.

The x-rays came back with no issues with her lungs and her blood gasses came back normal. They said they would put her back on the CPAP, but since they just moved her to the vent, they don't want to keep intubating and extubating her. Sometimes Kayleigh will extubate herself and they said they will leave it out if she does it. We noticed today that she just loves to pull on the tube and also grab wires and pull them out of their set places. Since everything was moving back to normal, they started her feeds back again.

I am just pleased with all the issues going on yesterday, they were all taken care of and she has cleared the hurdle and continues to move in the right direction. We are so proud of how well she is doing. I felt some of the bricks fall right off my back today because I realized the balancing act has pretty much been figured out. Since we have had some good days and some bad days, I feel like the doctors and nurses have all figured Kayleigh out to the point that they know what to do if she starts to have some issues. It is not so much a trial and error anymore. At the beginning, it may have taken a couple days to figure out what could be causing the desats and apnea, and then another couple days to figure out how to treat it. Now, it took one day to notice a problem and one day to fix it. That means the world to me and allows me to not get so parynoid when something starts to go bad. Just as long as we don't have anymore surgery surprises, I will be okay.

Now this is totally in left field, but did you ever want to know what veterans from the war ever talk about when you go in to your local Wal Mart or McDonalds early in the morning. You think they would be sharing their old war stories, but then over time you might think they would run out of stories to tell. I have had the pleasure to meet many different people throughout Kayleigh's journey, but one that stands out above the rest touches my heart very deeply. I just learned from an Aunt of mine that there is a group of veterans from the Vietnam War who meet every morning for coffee at a Bob Evans in a very very very small town in Ohio. Everyday, they talk and pray for our sweet Kayleigh and you would think that our little girl would be the last thing on the minds of such heroic men of war. To those wonderful veterans; Our family is truly blessed to be the topic of conversation every morning. One thing my little girl does have in common with you guys is that she is a true fighter. God Bless you and Thank You for serving our country with honor and Thank You for praying for Kayleigh.

The Freemans :)


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. I just love that last picture of Kayleigh with her little eyes open. And look at her precious, tiny, little hands. Aw!

It really warms my heart to think of the veterans praying for your little girl. There are so many good people in this world.

Well, yay for progress! I'm glad she had a better day today. :-)

Grandma and Papa G said...

It warms my heart to see my baby holding his baby. If you ask my opinion she is definetly going to be a blondie. I am so thrilled that she had a better day and she is back on track. Kisses to Kayleigh. Love you guys.
LOVE. Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

Oh Kayleigh! You are truly amazing! Keep up the good work little girl! Mommy and Daddy too! And as for the hair...I'm not sure if it's blonde or brown, but it's making mine gray!

Love you guys!

Aunt Kathy

Lisa said...

She is so cute! I love the picture of her looking at you- what do you mean- it isn't great?? I am so happy to read she is doing well.. I continue to pray for her and your amazing family. Every morning Kaleighs blog is the first thing I look at when I get work (dont tell my boss);) I look forward to more great updates each day!!

Robin E. Kitson said...

I think she will grow up to be a athlete maybe a hurdler! She has been jump over obstacles since day one, so to me it just seems natural that she is an athlete. Praise heaven she is doing better today. I know you guys catch a bit of nerves when stuff pops up. Every long journey is a series of steps. Praying daily for Miss Kayleigh. She has a really great family waiting so...in time she will make it.


annaandallysmom said...

She looks beautiful. I think the hair is burnette, but both of my daughters had very dark hair and now it is very blonde. Either way she will be gorgeous and a true miracle of God.

God Bless,

The Duncan Clan said...

I have followed Kayleigh's story through Aimee's first post on Baby Center and was touched right then and there. I have yet to post but have finally decided come out of lurkdom to let you guys know how much your story has touched so many people. I think of Kayleigh every day. One of the first things I do every morning (besides feed three kids breakfast) is check out Kayleigh's blog to see how she is doing, and it is one of the last things I do before I go to bed. You are an amazing family and what is also truly touching is the love of father for his daughter. It often brings tears to my eyes to read the posts. She is truly a miracle, and I pray that she continues to get better, grow bigger, and become stronger.


Anonymous said...

The picture are adorable!I'm happy to hear Kayleigh is having a better day. The power of prayer is amazing.


Shalyn said...

Glad to hear Kayleigh is back on track! It's always hard when they are doing so well and hit a road block but they always bounce back. The pictures are Adorable, she's getting bigger! I Love Your Veteran Story, It's amazing how fast news travels and think of how many people are praying for your child:)

Blondy & Skoot do Jazz said...

I am looking forward to seeing her little toddler pictures posted to her site. From one blondy to another...you go get 'em girl!